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October 10, 1890 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1890-10-10

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VOL. T. INo. 10.
Culmination of the Tronble that H,
Been GatherinE For Sev-
eral Days.
TAPPAN GUILD, their comflfonl sorrow at the till.(\Aright.1Kay' & Co.
The New Hall to be Completed by tiuie] 'death of our br'other, Clare
October 1, 1891. ,Palmer Tallmani, 011 the 28th day
TheatJue colitrt hias been let antioflstTuln111 to rendter to his
workis apily rogessng;on emlory as a lawy er arid classmailte
Me~llili ~ '115 ltl'eirlsinere trihute of respect,
the Tappanl (Guild. it was ulnanlimlously resolved,
Accordinz 10 tihe cont racltitisThait we)remlem~ber iilin t sile
)x- - ,--% . - -, ., ..
arC A
-s iporters, of G 0 ,
ar o trers of the
Two 01r three juniolr Laws have
been assumling ailrs too airistocratic,
so it seemls to the lealrneid senliors,
by Wearilig tiles."
Thursday last as 1111 of these
guileless ''tiles" was conductinlg 4
julnior dlownislairs froml the Eawy
lecture room, it was struck by
rulde senlitir handls andi forced
dow11 over the head of the, 110w
unhilappy, juiorl. Tos his furthler
discomlfiture the julnior'ewas huls-
tled and pounldetd aroundlI over the
dusty floor, losinlg a1 part of his
clothiig ill the mlelee.
Yesterday, 'whell the 3111i015
'were realdy toi comel towln, it was
rumuored tlhat the seniors would
repeait the dlose of etiqulette to
atnothier junlior. But they didu't.
Listen whv. A large num~lber of
jun~iors wenlt down and folrmed
near the stairs:' Thell the obnox-
ioulsilat camle down followetd by
about 0110 hundred of the largest
junliors with llootdOld detelluina-
tioin stampl~et l el ver'yfeature.
Thlis afternloonl tile matteir as-
sumiedi a more serious phlase. The
plucky junlior cam~e* frollt lecture
lt 3 o'clock, still wearinlg the oh-
nioxious tile, lie was followed
out in~to the street by a crowd of
threatenin1g seniors. ll1lumed in
on all sides at tile corner of State
and Williams streets hie drew a
r'evolver anid kept hlis antagonists
oil' withl a Iheavy cane. Tile
latter, seeing tihat the junior was
10i dead earnest, decided that dis-
cretion was tile better part of
'valor, and permitted the man to
Pa.ss on isis way.
to be comlpeted by April 1, 1891,
anil will 111110two stories 11111 a
Tl itldditionlito the iparlors, for'
sociai l 1l'hioses, it will 1111ve 1
library, inlcludinig ala urge Inumiber
of ecciesrastical works, .two gylii-
nalsiums11, 0o10 eaiclifill'ladies 1an1d
g;eltleilell, 11111 battliooils. '
The old bulildinlg110w occupiedl
by Ml'rs. Sackett, but donalted ti)
the Gulildl will probabily be evenlt
wlly u~sed as5 a tiormnitory. Tile
conlditionl of mlemlberslhip will be
essenltiallly the same aIs those oSf
its lpredecessor, tile Hobart Guild.
Programl of Alpha Nul Literary
Society for' October' 11,1 190.
Presidenlt's Inlau~gural Address,
Mr. S. G. Jelks; M1usic, Pianlo
Solo, Miss Minn~ie Davis; Essay,
Mr. Chas, lill; iRecitationl, "A
Literary Success,' Mr. W. A.
Kirkland; Paper, Ml'. 1. Friedmuan;
Mus~ic, Vocal Solo, Mliss Alice
Cramler; Debate:
Riesolv~ti, that the alttitudte ot
the itollllllCathotlic anldLultlheranl
Sects towards tile Bennlett Law is
j ulstifiable.
Affirmlative, 11111. C. E. Filkinls;
Negativye, Ml'. C. C. Spencel';
Music, Pianto Solo, Miss Minnie
At a mneeting of the Yost-Grad-
uates of the Law class of '90, call-
ed to give suitable expression to
ats hllooring the professions-lie 1had(
lihisen: ie was a tirue 1111111 ll 1
life's i'tratiolls anid dultiers, 1 thlor-
ou~gh stulden~t, a wiultl friendl and
genIiail compllanion. Tihat we ten-
dler to ihis bereaved l parenlts 0111 re-
spectfull sylllp)ltlly illtlieiirslad
astlictioul; that wecle these 1e-s
olultionls to be pulishded ill eacrh of
the college papllers, 1a11d a coly of
the samiie to be tran~smlitted to the
parenits oif the deceaised.
Commluittee. Chlairm~anl.
- SARA 11. loonALL.
LG. B. TuoMrsoNT.
Tis is ttie first gaml~e for 1)11
eleveni and nalltulrally It gooid deal
of inlterest is attached to it. Al.
bion is expected to puit up a1 stron~g
game. Her teami has tile advan-
tage of pracetice 1)0t1 last sprinig
anid tihis fall. 11, tile gamues last
sprlinlg with Hills dale and other
of the smalller colleges not a poinit
sl scoriedl lgainist Albionl. The
mien lire not qluite as hleavy as ours
btit play a qulic'k, sharp gamlle, be
sides having 1111unullsullly gootd
1ma1n ill Andiersonl, tile right ilf-
back. It is tile strongest team~
Albion las ever sen~t0111. Tile
gamne will be called at 2:30 at tile
fair grounld.
Tile teatti for to-mlorrow's gamse
will consist of: Messrs Abbott,
Trainer, Sutleriand, 1R.Sihermall,
Gros11, Jewett, Dygert, Cilad-
bourne, de Pont, J. Vanlnwagen,
Hlolden, S. Sherman and Malley.
All otblers shouid be ready to be
called upon if needed.
perr r o
lie ayOtOWAttD AVE.,
The I niversity - boasts several
fine literary societies, oiie of the
oldest of wvhichl is the Webster,
establishetd iii 1859. The first
mecetinge this seasou was held
Wednlesday nlighlt. One of the
finlest auldienices ever assllel inil
the rooml greeted the palrticipants
ill the exercises. President N.
A. Phillips delivered iii a pilcasinig
mlann~er a very carefully wortded
inaugulral address05, wvhichi vas
given an etithuisiastic rounild of
applause. The programl also ill-
cluidiedh the following:
Sole -. ------------------L . F.P. la er.
Debate: "ItResol veni, tihat tio
lmulchl attenitioni is given to lie-
cedents inl 0111 courts of law."
Atfirnmative, A. C. Gorimley, J.
W. Curtis.
Negative, G. E. Wissler, L. Z.
After aiu alnimatedh discussion
the debate was decided in favor
of tile negative.
Each mlemuber on tile program
acquitted hilmself creditably, and
the meeting was withal a complete
success. Over forty new mem-
bers were admitted.,

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