" I"-Ni. 111. VUNIl SITY OF MICIIA N ii E D-N E'SDA Y, 1I:1 ItC H 11, Po 1. PINcF., Tip i;r;i,, C'ENT, . ti , : TRIQUTEs TO PROF. WELLS. Senate Memorial. tefollowing is, then.minionl of tt-'iiVersity 8111 ite u11)01 thei late ile Pages of ou0 ournal reor. th fa' . itt rnon te pat srrll l - ttk lti aiv of t Ir mt ial i-ni- it ii5e10rs1 niii of the oldest and h11t wId oho kinni itf our iinumer, I"1 the midstn of onl hnreneioen t ove 0l iecnnnt dcathi of Professor Ott 11srr;In weiae burdnied~ witha " th1 fouthda of :Mlarchi i s91r, a n th ity of Detroit, William calmr 1\'oils, Kent Professor of t' zn the Laws Departmsenat of the l slt a f ichgan, died while afs heacie perforioance of lilt pro- stnlduties hefore the Wayine (Ctut Court. Ile 1had just fiiiisliedl tittit tl10targument~ 111o0 a qoestion of r ililp)ortailce, and apptearedi to }h 1i lire1t health, fren from ntyii Yslcti or menutal idnprnson. I 6 whatsoetvor. i te Pleoiple of theo tMttne 11:1 Ai-ll baChv inect withl a groil 1os).. r~eo Wel twit ini the trulesti 119 tone was freoly Oie tio tie ni- etioii of qiuostionst oif natioinal rta ance and Ite teas alwcays dY an wel equiped.In the >tytsroscntoese that hate ring the past thirty years ileg l edcational antI political slects' to coniprehlensive was his iol ledge that lie was seldonm ex- forded from lte foruna of discussioiii wan of technical learning. l110 itrr eWi5 counsellor, and lilt viess eagerly sought for. lie fre- IVtrl expressed them front the ttil antI litre lie hiad hot fete el ult. The force of his logic, the gt0anc of his dictioii, and the dig- lp tI earnestness with which lie tttted anissue, alsvays coot- hisddot I- iadversaries. gffrbrsate tmuch tinme to thne study in social and political 01 t1e AitS Il~e teas a vice-president hti eAericant Free Trade League, o anorary member of the Coh- t1t0 gn b ufEgland. I-is opinions -0f fits questions were exptressed nYpublic occasions, but it I oiililbide110to attemp)1t to onniner ate his1addrness05s lto tiniiohvr lvii)Iill)ave iattraceo Itimh ooit atten- till,) ari:n IkIe iReliationsofl, ti caeI l Let to1) i Aln01001 1111P01itics, dliveired Ito tm the .so)ia li ii llmili ]aliv Powrin a Ie Ill)n la i e Ie in In lei an i ',il I ?) Ln( Prvate C'o poraion '" I I i -l'k 1110tli t hiltametvilt 1)1)0etimhocusn sWo11 of 111111 111105tlon.ktt lt~ 0 Ipeolitofise ProiessoriWllstook05 of oatvuopateuc fplito ial war-t fathattdio tetivlvtiheof iti slic of riciples thitoknexpeting ar srecevartyganrebuarIfot tplle ticiantilin e p ~foftlarce. nse.tilI te peoplseofllthe stte ioi ofthe lsse public uions, wiiithot Il.) in emorialtsofotfictsergIlumi.b Amisse neticncfthiloftniofate (Cioenic ldeichign, oils hldi M lemcity of Pittsbrghlimi.h Aie tinof onthe dat 1nofte t Dnietrit ofMichigan ae ai- tlie itroarkitsbyauiiiParoiunct-e li'hrsof eMluach, the1coioite tae tonopietheehof tothe lse retabole Wiledim the.areli-s of Dothe Uniriyanilfteracho-h geitne reisaoneofyprofundersadness. bieseoftheAlumigityodtomcalltfro tirsoeathths eploiied.heillnwP highet esate omviielie diet-i eitti nthatetehneners tofe c Auofthe University o ahof Mihi- tnersiypursoofbhicuatinnel dethra nepayfapruofurespecteto lit nemry.t Ioniltidethathe '.i vFerstyHavsuffeed hgeatossthe profest s ftee he lweaslostdiani ableingtaheand e, fobrsn ofth itdbiteth doy ramets.Weresret thait1)11r sentimeinlts of revecrencel- le forever assoncitodithItlhi s nanw. W~e mion llas 1our1e0p1)0)1 tetoit a~ince, lii)which teaed11111iltoll 1)1)knc ltl uigthemp1)0o ,ftinssociaons ith )001ill,10 - llt~nlo I I ,areollfor ovitn, It'll)) 1)0 cited ih 1or reltedi tol i m.))) T ru1))a1)11)1111,1 ha memorI behtndihint los)1'I1{ll)))) 1-, liRANK 1. C1021 A1i. AxGFY Chorai Union Priifessor Stantltv will-Iea n f ornial talk in Rhooml 24 1Thiirsdiy afternmoon, at 95olock,011 timeIpro- grainl of the cooling Chln t'ii pion01 Iconcert. lHe witt oulinle thee01usi- (ill strulcture of thu mb111ers, shuts-- igtheemtitc treamoenlt,111)1iv- iiigtlie chmaracteristic features if each pliece. A portion of the 1111)0urwill tie giveii to illstrationls on the piano of the sobjects under cosiderationI. The 1leture is intenided to give the idea of the comnpositionls fromi the comnposer's standplloiint so that out can see twhy and hose the brand nius- ical effects, such as tee Iind iii the Christoforus, for instaunce are Ipro- duced. Those twho attended Pro- fessor Stanley's lecture just prior to the Bostons Symphony Concert, last year, will renmenaher with what added enjoymuent and uniderstandinig they listeuned to that rendering, of the pro- grani; aind no one, weithi or without a miusical education, shoold miss this opportunity of helping thieniselves to a correct iterpretationt and right applreciationi of the F1riday ettning concert. Season tickets are on sale now at Calkins' drug store, oia State street, lrice two dollars. Single admission tickets will he on sale at the sanme place, Friday. T[hey can be bought only on presentation of a season ticket, and the price is seventy-five cents. Prof. W~ines niay be seen at the drug store that day between a and 4 p. m. Tickets may also be had at the hall on the evening of the concert.- AE'I (." thin 0x1pe1ience 'of Coileg Men 'lol ti kinsi and-apptrec-ite he caeuili sociiuiity of Coleei t u~ i- itents, hutito' a liuge cisii f01skilled Di-n'eurs -iiii Ivitrelers spetcially tiiedi forl 'is usanI othii'ije-telled Nvlk hpiiipo liii' is iii iido, icitly fn PainsI onion a_.in 1 od i Stone. Weai~e i a psition to) 1ro- Soit i Ila le o0) :i lls kii :ulit 1. r 1111 iifcueini h i - 11111 li Uniivers~ity Oustfitters~, 201 SoUi lSTAuiTEiT EN GLIS H TEM 1 C P$* GO00$ , ENGLISH SERGE US ARRPIVOED. E 9N1I 1BJW)IL GOODS, SEALS' SPECIAL. CHASE & PETTIT'S CU M$lI BAT$ AU DBALL$p LARGiI\E 0'i'IN STtOK' Fitmandf Lar;st LINE, (I GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING G000S IN TiHE (ITY. Agenut for Anin Arbor Steamn Laundry, qiuick delivery and best weork. q53A$. $PCLLER & q0. L'NIVERSITY OUOTFITTERSS. AKIN ARBOR, - - MICHL.