ILJCTOT 0 ~ Life is Uncertain! ~ EAHIS SURE. TIME ALE. " at Ji.A 1 J1~ET~ T, llt'i".-lttt'tist. . t"'ltttt J~atI.-.:;o,1111.072 EARBON ST N I it I 1(111"^.T - It 7- -- T '1 + I^ " '. ilt ;; !f' l l I I I 1 1 . '1'I It"it xiII .N w ls ivN L 1i Ill N ic 'III and1111 tl t''t i ITh A C;t I --,M ' 1,V (' 1A II: st y I : '' c c t G. H. WILD, I I Butte tt'. No. 2 E. Washington St. near Man. G.H.WL re{I { I IO Zj' CORRECT:-:STYLES GREATEST VARIETY c LOWEST PRICES 7itthPal tltWle it ltles - - - :,tt l. ter seel 7itch .Seniti e hiMatIIes ll - - - 4ts'i. persel Pear-il Wtite IltlltI1Tetis - - - :3s rts. tper set Atatatiine II 71'171lTeasc - - - it ts. Pet' set byole".s 'etni-ltet'rfain II >119 'leas - - - 7.5 cts. per set 44 SOUTH MaINy ST. pEAN & co. 7 USIT7 G PILECTO~i WM. ARNOLD. E WATCHMAKER. ANDJEL' M. W. BLAKE, IvicTUrRES, FRAMES, uAn ART GOODS. 1 it es ltr FERDON LUMBER YARD, SAGINAW GANG SAWED LUMW"'l Spring Suitings) Overcoatings. Silk Vestings,I New ~ Colorings (Trouserings. Not citt'sill ]lancN,\'ti itgs-H t )"- t li ntg New- Stiithatid Seasoitable al 19 SOUTH MAIN ST.. ANN ARBOR,-- - MICHL. BJLAN1K BOOK~$ :P-A- DS For tet ttlirr sty.. COLLEGE + OLTFITIER., Sporting and Athletic G7ootds, Base Ball and Tenis Goods a specialty. 10ANTD 11 IIARVARIIDROW, B5.LEIOII &tJOLLY, AGENTS. THE CAMPUS. ()u ttittnutmber tf studietnts tre iams tt.tDuffytittgoeli tthsin- fine te o Ithis rttoitmxi w ittitxtlitits M'tiss IKateritte Stmner'91,is enterlaf tittg ier tttoter rt T ot- edit. 'l'here are ice cott ansitilsittr te ltotttr ott tltss pottlof thebcseior Ilaw. class. E'. A. Blatkesiee, tifI(;titei, fttrm- cr1y1'g'91las', xisitetd fritetits iere, yesterday. Thle firslttiitibcr of ih'Ini ilatxder swill be ptlatetd ottsatie 'Tursday, Mtarch Jit. Dr Bc.lcser is its luaranltie, liltac- coiuitotf thltt ln tessttf Itis cliildth cil scarlet fev'cr. A large photograph ttf tie latr Prtofcssoxr ACells has beeit pltcd itt the lass lecture roomn. itIr. J . . abcoxck, xof ~alatoa- too, is the giuest of D~r. A. S. Roxwles' at th Un2 ivlersity lhosital. Prof. Griffint constienced his lec- tures upont '"Federal Jurisprutleice'" to the seitiors, tlhis nmorninig. James L. Biesans, formerly a '9, lit., is nosw a stuenit in the medical department of the Ujnis'ersity of Edintburghi, Scotland. Tlte class of '93 will htold a social S 1 1 C c f 1 1 1 I I I i text 'Saturdaiy'ex'etiitg, at N. it- gais, intete au'tspite s of IItxth t1)ltt- A'2" -. m a d _ )el) ttlores of lte S. C. A. J.HALLER 0 . T 1 -' 'heleie attdl Banjocltistin tt citit i ttx"I beent gixent atfxtur tdays ' leav c fxai-iii Ittritttlattpit'itltt. sence'x'for lteir xwestertx trill. I'ibis 0. M. ARTI N. is iii adlditioni ttote s1trlit1 x c tttDEAClth it'N'V fetalliC0 o.CohCaskets, M "Mlr.'Carriatge reaid i setry ite rst- Ntt itOtitItiN cF tS-_-- ing essay yesiertiay Itefore thit:1cil J.A. POLHEMUS, rttced Contstituiioixal History tclass AS I' AKADFi Th eeonei fteKn - Nort Alan s7' e ship." RINSEY & SEABOLT, Richardson, 711 organtiA- Co.,lthtve Bakers iiitt tealerstJilland feed' Groceries, Provisionsflour f sell itn a bllii of $ ioo to the A. A. 6 tndt8Ft. Wasigt St.llS for lieatitig applarttis swhicii s JOHN WOTZKE, ixlacedin tsthe rink duirinig the swinter Mker xlfate of I SS 7. LADeS'airnetdonte.NTS' a F. A. Hlenry, late 1i, returncd iO_ last night frott Coluitbits,(liio, sshere lie plassedl a siurressful exaltsall inatixon before the Supretme ICourt WiXthltheIte r o heBse ..3Ii of Olii. 'Seasoxetishatll be prpredto rIn ITe '93-'94 foot-baliltrouiile has tIFORalMtSatFOR Bas e Nl,, p bieent settletd. A meetintgswas held Tfenn~is, Cricket, Lra Clresse, d 1et itd ifottr all Outing uses. OurC1Zliar athe ID. K. E. Ihouse, this after- Swseater for qitality andtittlribi 1 ll noxon, anxd it wsas agreexd that gatnes no equaitl. Ottr lute of B1sf BalL slinix b itayel n otle lt stli llies. Bts, Batlls, Masks, Iloffiois shold e layd n odertosetleteeters. (tthers' Mitts , Lawn sa4" the contest. Sutpplies, etc., etc.,as iuit foriers a5te os swilt defy compt~etiin' ge ft% ''Te Spiecial 'Telegraph inilei," a jutstly prtxuid of our liege collgeth liocal line opierated bxy stutdents, islowsi'ng, duie its we tare I55'tiIe' Sxli' assuming quieteareIproprttons- qua it f Ituidgoll 'frQn asn inuielreItoxrin.esteemo we aimtito 5lreiigttix tf 'Iso miles of swire are already strung. seasoti It sasin0i i the 15111r0 poit -of our goodtssswhere it is posibae~lofa 'There are eightt ten ott the circuit irespondlenice tdesiretd with naanttig. Seit shiiht connects swithi the Western all rollege clubs. Send1 for u ,i Catalogue of Sumnier Sports a Union and Postal Service telegraph forms, A. & Bt. free to antyades offices andl wills the Germanialtotel. A. G, SPALDING& BROS. Headquarters are at the roonsot dson CIIAGO' tIIP11L ett Sti £te Mel~c~lwee and Fitch, 39 Sooth 10 aionSrc. fCet F~ourtlh street. °41 and t243 Broasaa'