TJ {C (J, P O B I 3 Y xxxx . r c , I '...2 C AT<..'^ H-E U. OF M. DAW6Y INE]Y + EH EEE '12,_7:)0 2 . 1JOOCC Of Old I'r. of Al. slhould have a Uni'vergity of Michigan Guitar. Prices lostest, Quality highest. (iiaaitet I eer tuuci ofthe ioad. Violini acid G itar strings, I1) ets.;hanjo and:Mandoliii stin g, ets. "verytliiig in pr oportioii. L. 11. . lerceit, AT LMENITDGEL ?iTO L- OLGAlT O. TRAS3E ATF BR~OWN'S DERUJG STOFRE ("Oil>, E MAIN AND) ItIION STRIEEIS. THE TWO SAkMS. 111 Ardor S T"ff glllrY VOORHEIS &DITS BEST WORK IN THE CITY! STATE ST. TAILORS, OW~ ALLEDTOR and DELIVERED.' FIRST CLASS WORK. OlliCI ATSTSTDN.flpfil -l.3South Fourth Ave. ZjtLL tANLD EE JL3" LA IN-Ti -T('i' TitO "I ET GOOD1SA NI)FIN' IO'iA is, 'Tou1Ati(i01;AND) ('t;A i:Etli'iNT THiN CI'' F'or thie tthirty lays steswill wive P) peir cett "II all salestoitht O-YNMASITJM FTY]N D_ FERGUSON & SLATING, }:serWAHR'S BOOK STORE, DOWN TOWN. "Shitt ill s ave mone y N uin tiversity Text-Bookis and all siiplti '- :t IN.lisidIiitr's. Wve allows ltii'iil discounit ioi LAW IIBOKS, M1EICIAL 1101KS. 11 ENiI IBOOKS. ill it.ery it itsti. ciiiiilllthe ,'liv5er~iis l-5,000ii il okIs it owe'st pices i II)NG lBIOON' TOVEL IN 1-1H 'ITY. ...._ T ill T y ~ T - yiTroubie at theUtiivcersitfllios lit 'is cieelt hv° ei Jelt i d fil j stV j j7 ('i.c s's t lj MI1SCE LLANELOUS. tiltctilc iiin.he r ik from r thic !1it ilt« to .; 1! lilitit" OF ALL KINDS AT J' T" JACOBS & CO.'S, ~AND b 9 MAIN Sr. L. GRUN ER. Dealein 'kat Not S SituiltMain l) stree. rcigedone Neiaty tied Promphtly. __ CIGARETTES. C (igarette Siiitteriuwhit ar iigto ayItt it tle ttl ie g aet esi l lfin THISiBR'ANDii t'titi' tot itlothrs a,,at a itstomavingostheBankh Nw t It. uf h tto t by sintei' PttI 5 $ri t fn ita is. Ia.dllset t hattin AI T' jl f 1,astood, ilan ' J&r .ar arins ,B'anE tt a i chra01 t S o k fr, ,(i it1 the 1.',. ofiI ., iniic h is set fotrtht their griec e iiss. 'thyasrt that the itresitdethas naagedc the affairs ofi the uiitersity wih tatirotnliandiandtiditinot liesi - talc to apptly siuch naties as King, C'zar, His 'Majesty., etc.,Iitoithimi The idirect cause of this trouble, hotwsescr, arose frottm the fact that the prtesidentt retduced one if the capitainis if the icollege mtilitary comit- ptities 1to the rankts cor ilot hli gi stistainediexcellenit gratdes illiIhis studties. 'iT'is actiton the studtenits lil. Nichotls' tutl' tittiig class 112 S. C'. A. Rootmt. Nut it .- Each tieitbler itf the ('horal U'niiinitist lianin his or tier tiuisic after the rehearsal, cc litarch i etli, that it miasylie lproperly dtistributtteti at the ettncert. I}utits. ic i, Jr., Assttilt. LING S 1M 'iN)OUE! Dh tt.Act '!hrep o.W a&hr, 1M i eyV n rtUos T i ?WISsei S LfN >, 7 W, uTOT 15 Mtll PAY fI U hrllutuSet. uNe Iluti fglt'uohSo ~eI fur the lttcsttlcit's rssitcationi Iriiiyit tiltc"t' twirs, :o t utititg the grit'v'ances set tlftor 0 u ~ s tth are: il twardst.hltt i trothi d atyi f i c. for '. l. 1: s isachar watt it ale rncad casetit s c e clit i' teei, t s'tff-uthit BolditndIts ltt slt In 'i at r;' eatr . artithise tiquaIted is i y.ihttituit a ie ie'it Iie A'r itis o ;atri o plm nt rmrks to AThi''htNclscme ls rnti, t Net'.]ii)Iis rshutdltrcaiheuireteiftheAleiebes oih cletionest- Deroict'i r stll theris r toaiD INoreu t ed 'Itisis aresnuotvatsuattl ds1asu delit frotItli sanSot- atmocitteacoiheetco nsidenreof otayr eten, cthe' I ueir coecl 'jtutiliy asste icuty aiesth swithion ofppelto tyat ldietutetthertyt alksofaltsvosehu tguret.'trWiatetcoeoti rciaes e1t. Wade.pesne