T F -4 F I-) II_ v- C m S C T Life is Uncertain!" 21Ei:~ i':t~ DEATH IS SURE. r, TABE., it1 ?1I' I:N 1 l. ' t'l Ul4. .10,;.1 J~flLLY, 3ILYALNIALE kilL Ozooz ll ('lltisiel, 1s, ANN Al? itl, t4 L .'-T ] (Ill. ___________tl__,_.541, __1'2________J_-4_r1,_t____I1 __T__andic_72itt______________Tgril______t N lit tliliiltt ii'S a'tIPEfttdttllantS.+ 1711 lost Ii> ' HARVARD AND YALE, In tthe lust seenimon tis. Com11' e laI see theml. The S.\('EII' IiI NAt N PEN asthe 1tEST'.tte seit it. tWe selithtie (1)ttJ"ENtdi 'NTA tN PENor tr. oe id warraet it. 6t Mall t. 4 State St. T. li, OIAFO07IP HIGH C1AAs$ CORRECT:-:STYLES' Spring Suitings ' A tl Silk Vestings, Overcoatings. New Colorings STrouserings. Novelties in 1lauvy hestilugs-l'.leri- tiling Newt-Styltish and Seatsonlaut 19 SOUTH MAIN ST.. ANN ARBOR,-- - MICHI. 'BIRLiEIGIH &PJLLY, BL.AN1K BOOKS, -A NO- :PA DS 2.T = cO()QSrT Fosr the niext tlli re Idays. Harvard, ale . fli.lind Universal COLLEGE + OUTFITER, porting andl Athlletic Goods, 1Base 111a1l1a11(1Tenniis Gloods a specialty. 10i AND) 11 IIAt{VA1tDlltuW. GREATEST VARIETY 7 inch Pearl White Plates - 7incli Adamsantinle China Plate 7 iell Semni-porcelain, Bootes 1 P'earl WiSte li'dld Teas - Adaniantinie Il'dl'd Tleas - Boiote'sSemni-pioreflainl Ii d'di' 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. THE CAMPUS. A (lass ill ttimilinIg has bell fo~rmlediat IHarv-ard. (otull i cll lot pult a hase halt teain iltile field tilss ~on. lhe qiuestionl (f keepinlg til ihrary 111)1n Sunday,1istbeinlg dilscussediat Wtellesley. 11av1 eidtiedhiy a tote oi 114 ill2, SMrs.ILeland Stalifordl has givenl $1 50,000 to add a41 art mu~lseuml to Stainford eeliversity. W. T . Hiarvey, last, '92, has been confined 14)his room for tile past few (lay-switih la grippe. Anovoer has offered a ptrize of $15 for tile best sectool song, to lie wirtteni by oneC of tile stttdents. PTe Unitersity of Leipsic has been olpenled to stomlen. Tbis is tile first Gtermlan uneiversity to take tis stp. The selcollndlme'inlg of tile Chris- tials unllin lemplerance Society seas held in tile :N. E. chervil yesterday, at three Ip.111. 'rie fourth address before tile Wesleyan ;luiid, still be delivereid by Ret. lDr. WS. I3. Kelly, of Btrook- lye, on)1- Match 22. 'Te Congregatioiial Y. P. S. C. E, give a social at thte residenlce of Su~pt. Perry, fin K. Washingtoti St., lext Saturday evenintg. The Steintor, tile Lake Porest Univtersity mlagazine, claims thteis- tinction of beinig the only college G. H. WILD, Is hti 51 .7the4 LameIst iioc If I iiI 11t'.- "111i1iii's ill iii Inil'i Aliitil la test sii esanIl etis ill 4115ii I 15114i iiiian its (I i-Otlegw. line44'rests (cillib- hid o No. 2 E. Washington St, near Main. G. Ii ID 3'JSITESS _DIaECTO' d LOWEST PRICES- WM. ARNOLDEWELa IN'H iIC 4ITY. WATCHMAKER. AND JWL - - ' it-,. lpetset iMAIN STRIEET, Walet EO - .4ii etc. lper set Spcil atnto111 Iaid toi repairing 'fates - - 58 ets. 1pe1siet -:38 1 ets. per set M. W .BLAKE,. r ---fi ets. Iper set rICTiuREs, FRAM9ES, si. as - - - 7 ets. iier set~ ART1 GOODS. 10 'estKl ___________ &___ GO___ FERDON LUMBER YARD' paper ini the wtorld thlat has had all INWGAGSA E UMB interviewt with Stanley , tile African iCor Fouirth anidDepot Stsi explorer. J. HALLER J. 'i. C'urtiss has resigned trove the chlairmnsiplofhIthe Tletitis Coin -Repiing al 4ispecialty.____ - niittee of thte A. . . It. ..Hlden .O. MAR'TiN, LiI{ liIN tisl reiIl~olti llhis1114C. Cloth Caskets, IMeaa. 'The essavs whiicih are to lbeIrea.1(1 A ND14(01 ShIN 4 (iII .N in thte Rhtetoriv classes wciii soon lie J. A. POLHEMUS. fortlicoiig. Subjects are nowit le- -ZE.JTT"7 J V"'J A leg selected for the first (iles, ulilcit l o 'US hKaNisAreetf are to be idescriptiv-e. RINSEY & SEABOLT, 'file Unliv'ersity oif thte State of lRnkers and dealers in d eedf T ~Groceries, ProvisionsFloUr and Nest X'ork has received ttheniedal __ 0anid i . itadieglen St- awtareei it at the Paris Exposition Y JOHN WOTZKE, for tile best systenm for highler eduea- Maxker at file 00 L.ADIES' anid GENTrS'SSt tion ot any state or country. Rlepairing neatly ioe. 4: s.-main 5 Hlarvardl,X'ale and Princetoni fee - - very dissatisfied wiht the actiont of s o SOt thle I. A. A. iln retaining thte tug-of- swar as one of the etensts. 'Tere is Wihte3elri l e Allfu sonic talk oif their weithdrawral froti Season,. we shall be prepramred 1efli the asociaion.lishl all that iisinew 1and(1desiN11 the .\.sociation CN IF'ORRIS I'OR Base Ilaaciitfef Hon. arrol D. ri