P12 THE U. OF M. DAILY. oj THE CAMPUS. O C T~AJ _____At the mleeting of the (leohllal LS 6bn2he Daily 81days excel.( led drin Soci-t 'id22ay afternoon, 11. Mann jWAE WILL FORk T1lE NE XT FOUR WEEK Sr 112(22 ~rae.by (Offer 112ve tons of paper of all kindls to 1(e sold1 112the1pound( at 212u i was leeted 22hE2'e A ersiAT1. lin dil11rates. Ty=oui r own 2222 (iIerial .linn at 2, (cen ts per ' t'22 DfLIEN sOIT oN. 2(2211; 2'2(2i22(e(2 tlte('02252 1 2)2p2221.10B1(1 Paper, 't'hesis5, and21Typ1ewriter Pap1er at 2j222(22 2)22Wasldopted: -112 -ese('22 Great iBargaitns. 1'.22elolpes to tma2tc12a211 (alters ; 1(22 ((at rce, 022' cr2.22(22 5 invariabOly' i tive committ'eeshall (12,2222 ()f thr2ee2 it greatly reduted(Irates. 22(2(2(2(2. 1ng22'('22(22 :I2n ts2 . on Sid at (_2(1 (2 2(2(2(2(2 and( 52. l 2(t fli 2'new sad etn(2l'('' 2elli1 em. 2522 25 122'(l h' s'+5)Cit tt.2(22(1 6 ~ 0 0 .._ kni li 6 'clck. tiu, trilti n n~j}be f lic lf 'stltitt wh Sh ll w a A ZE0 (22(2 2'222r1, i2(2 5222'n2's, 222 222.22('', 2o2'with(2a(2'* Adreslsait I ..) 222 r. ntended for t2it '22 ((((2(222t 2('(1622('. 2(2(22d(il2r. (2l(2 ((2 2(2' 2l22(((2' n a- j 22222i0C( 'Ccrt i'nI(it 2) 221522 2(2 22fair' sl/e(1 t222Ie22 2.. 02222r(12(y 221122tley t22 2N' a2((222' (rt a(2 2122222222' A2larg~e Th2IT~ ~~S]T AND THE Ann Arbor, Minh. i22 221225i (21ie2 reelT~ev,~ EDITORS. 212(22wa2225iven tihe ((Vs at te5 i VA .1' slti.9,M~agn ~lcr 1'(11)ros h etilaes C.'. SrInF'(.(, '222, 2s22i(1. Manapi2n12222(nr. (tr e 5n1 ST2o., '922, Assist .21M2anain Eitor. at 1Detr(o2122M\1ar2h(2801. t ; J2.('. TRAVIS, '9(2, ((sinos na 2gr.s+a- -- It, W. DOUGHTY,22.''. Ann( 1(22(2(12(2 2(2BU2NSS(OCLS262.-i THE BE T 9- 2'.W. . Rjc ('222 '22), Asis. Business:n 1126. BU!NESLCS. VHE B ST E. 4. 2n noneZ, '2(2. 11 1I. Al(((2(n'. 2.Senente(en acher. Board «(2 (('2(12(120012 2 1f.0D. ((((( . 1. 1 '.2, 2.. IflN1A('(. '22. [Notices2 inserted( in (thi12( olu(22 at2 th2 rate(( Room' (2(2(2 .25 er wek Cr(2222 ~ i al~ 1.1). HO(LLA ..?51 .'2 W .) o. P KE ,'2 tilde22, and extra2 1(222 ((2lll(' 1 bn' 11(2(2app 21yi 2(2at 22(2122(. (_. L. t('(((((m1-k" .'_. ... 2220(2. 2(2'93 . 1e (2,I.2 2o(ice.] ' C D : ~ 2 L' ,'. P_22. R.,22.N FARV_'\.p(('(d 1(22p '222r21((2n2 ___________________________________________ I lts.Ilease ('ettirn(2tinMiss 1Li(n2' 22-1 ,_' um210212stree't. 22(fr 222(221 51(2212ll 41, 1for' G. . . i blue21s, 21222 222l2222 222122 2221 221( I 12 '(12(211- ''212') 221'te "2'tr 22S'ni 222.a t22(2212(112. Ie me 222o2-1' ant til2.2 2...' 222(2' tills .512(2a 2' 'exhibit 221'(xii(5l2 's 1211ito- 2.22221252' 2(2(11c '2c12.aiIIlnettnions212. graphic2' 22221 '('ay(o2 ((o('1 ((a(2'be2'seep' Flil 22n22n21122 2.22e till'sctt'leinlent 221of2ie rill"ths('('i1 henw treo tis ls zestion in ha1nd222121 2(212 2(2keep 1'o2f M2. 12222122(, r1'r'2 size. 17'.}216 .2n 221222 theienter'ests'ofI tieln_ hsle a)j.1(21 24222'). 12) i7)( (nil so Ilare, >' 'aIts Pb' inail. It hI. 121.5 Sn1., 2 ersits 1nine. TIIl (1221e(12m2it ( 1 Wo12221(ward-ave22'., 1Detrit. I strengtthned 'in122e'22.2) poss5ile 222ay 2(21(22(i1an5(1ub 1nd JIllI212 1e11s. No o~l ir(lllse21221121l~ (222221 1rst Na(12on(2211Ba2(, 2a(d(1i1pr'epar1ed e2221ctb1whih(ill 1in 221' 22a25affet 2tile 1tote''ch'llight '(ldlealvy 2calisthenics12. irst courIse begns Tuesd~ay', Marln o 1, nline.t:30) ''2_t. ers $1.0)) in adva'nce, for)22 H owevter, thi e mus1t122alwa1ys lbe tellle1sso1s.( 'al (2l olo lddress,5 rec'ruitedfrm12122assnins ad «+t.F. It 112(((AII, 41)E. Liherty Si. from tile '12255 .22(1 1(RE11.-A 1very (desirale suite2'of 1211 possible efort mtadeIto2(keep u221rooms," 5grou(nd1floor, 2'er1y cet'lral, class splirit. If wen 122ve.strongl2class 211)e.22,.2apply 21.422;"22. 1Division21-St. (liles 2(21 22.st22(25 llis to' nyon.22(T1e Two)222Sa(m(. Li,2s lBlitz. mall1 there c('.222 l lteston 2-222 i22 (12212'ar'(tin, Ba2y Stat2e. JBrunol(, gardnn ~ gthe succ(2ess'2of t2122V 1221 rsl2( "ishlirn a~doerGi( 22 2121 11tars'. (11'(ll [linle, 122222id1e(1it 112a s C122 fac2221122A\IX ),1112il( 121B1122ta1e12)' 2212(1 221121' 11212 oftfered'i 122r2working; 1 titetea22 2222 in21.1 o III)', 1no2' -tench.. 2ett tilt menla1212 iii21thi .2 sYo hve(Inll2~ 12 '22121 22ifaci'1' ngtlarlan(t(' 3c'.arus, 1222t mier sc etitsa "sttt'it.221"levr2.s tlus n ('25t. X'2,22' 2 52 S'oI 1121 22W; 2 22112' ntrfrewti t 2 '112112Alvin'Wisrole2(1'Pr221. -_ ,".__2.-) So2lii4112 Av'e. .5(112Arbor2 Wordls of Gratitude. ((222122(2d 2(22221:21t.1221522l's5. State11'., 1212O 122 1. 11. 11,11 1)22'r22221.I Tis 22orn22g112 of12(21. 1 11i22th 1 ts(lie 2(2.12. 0. 11222221' 12ho1. name22 21ftte I eit'1(22I '''hnkd1 IrIisih C'rporl-'' will be2illhe lt- 12212tionitthill)'pejra11House2. 112x1 th 12ener of 21tieleaiw'diepairtnin ~edt i ght1 X ))l)512 (52. T'I'll ay1125'will un(- 122nory12' o1I 221 yels 15(tt 21(1 2l((2ally str(on(2,22116 221)1the(6le'ad2ing '115 tile funt'ral servs it'suc5222ii 2222 2cha(1rter;, . r.r2(2'r122261 2nd11Miss 12(21)2ieL1la1d. 2222e 2to5(s1periors ill numbers2n2. I In ealso react a lttttr 12)2222thiri2lilnes. M~rs. Mnssel, 'rof. XXFtlls' sisttr, 'IThe falmous Ladie' Schinbert (,2212- show22ing tile 1profoundfl gratltitdeftlt tette, of 11os.12n, will a2ppea2r at till Opera2 1l2(se, (2ex5 1 ridgly (ight, Marchl (y tile nea~r relatives (2f tile(deceasedi 13thl. 'hey (22256 up a 1)art of till 2222 tite nin~ny testimlonlials til tu-ll"Brother Jonlathlan"' combllinatjion. Rev. J. Neilo 11L2w1s, tielec16turer dentls have given (of tile reverence wh12 tells tile story of "Jona2than," is a2 they htave for the memiory of thitr charm2ing speaker and(1tile(ca1ci2212 briliat istrcto. ilght views with thle music m~ak e it a hriin ~~I.t).grandl entertainment., r, n.vrM ,7rse.0 s 0 'w _ C2206C W00 t2, y Om El ( TEACERS RE NTROUCE Nc 7. DERBON ST clnea0. 71 Fort St.,West,. - DetroitMich -No. 12 AV. iltTIONST. Grand Opera House, Wednesday Eve., March 11. The Irish Corporal TONY FARRELL, SUtPPO(RTEI) (iv MISS JENNIE LELAND. Seats 22n2S2l22a1 1'2)210212 New' 22224 Mondayr mornin2g.:i. MICHI GAN GENTI(A~h "The iigara Falls Route." (CENTRAL STANDARD TIDA6. a- m -. 2 :n itIC.6,. < M r .- I..__t . a.222 r6tc v c: r 2' .x c o eo2 OW. RUGG12LES, H.W. lAYE0. Abo1' Gl.P. &T. Agent, Chicago.Ag't A2 A Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Michigan Railway. Time Tablo going lntoeffect, i 21024 0 25" Goin og th.602 TINS.2 Ging(022b 125 I~4ra 'a.Sbinard Tot.{re26Ca 1" p ('2 122EX 'ri Mail I 1'p. 22 33 It 0 ... OLIDO .Il 01 "21( .. (24 22( 2 o reJ c' 2 25 102 2.... 4 t 7.......(Dun ee2( ....I 2 2 26 42.1 ' 4 1 1 2 W, .Milan21( .0!]1511 5 69 S'h 22102or Iakil)1 8 6 2' (51.....Ilowell .120 '4t1. D102022(2i'no 2 92121(1 111(2,22ca..... 4 2) 5 (3i24 5121022 A.M.92 512 4 +......i (a... ( t 5 2222)!10 13 1 25 . '.Plaan. (.6 4 6 1Vg 11 42) 62n O e ta., .... 102 1 Saginlaw DiviS10="O Going North 206210212. Goin(68211 8 ( 6 1'le Pass Poto. Pass. /2" 5 07....7 420..AA rbio..1125 I . 222......9 4' ... DurandI...... .905 849 7 421........ 122)2(...Fluhig..... 8243 , 5,"' 2451..... 22 05 ..East(Saginaw.. S810 ." H. W. ASHLEY, A. I. PAISLHX uprntnbn. Ge.Pas A0 GEO). H. HAZLEWOOD. Loal Agent.