THE U. OF M. DAILY New Yoma's Hats, Spri ng Block Knox Hats, Latest Shape Silverman Hats, THE T WO 0 SAM-S. Of Old(I -of NM. shIonlxllave a University of Michigan Guitars Prices lowest, Qunality highest . Enaraxitex i every inchi of the rotad iolin aiL (Guitar Striings, 1(1 cii.; IBanjo and MxIaiidolixi'.itriligi. its. E erviting inll)1(1)01tioni. TR3E A~T BROWNS DRTJG STORE CORlN ilt MINAIN ANT) hI1lO N STILEiT. S. JLxioE''STOC ()F ILS-l'utt001)5 AND I)iNE C(iAJZi., Jiitt,)Ai , T-1- 13ylruz. Zt SUPPLYX)F LW X'KILN'II COALTS. V O R H E IS & D IE T A S , B S O RONT E-I Y ' T S ,T A L R ,F oi h ie t titywd ysse i llT ('i Sc 10 p r i t O S WooK ALLEDFORandDELfVERED.* FIRST CLASS WORK. sT r ] F3YJD afice - 23 Soh Fourth Ave. ZSLL SEWu SEE LiE, FERGUSON & SLATING, WAH SBOOK STORE, DOW~yN TW. V-~t I'eg ,ildi it '-will save nannLv livin iig L versity lext-iIoos andL Lall i) . L L x :t iiHiadq arters. XWe iiiiix oh 1w .e- i ii xi iii'iMa in. X'ixii sh ixr I XV 11>1 'xVI)i I Lx~LI'. iLNJXI ~iO~ii' I I ciL in 7 r1 u i o 11( tnary( iwo. lxxI iiiii. x l, S e sii I Isout n LW tOOK , itL iiix B OKS. )NTAI Bii(( iillo i ixBook cii linh at 3.1 t O) ciox ost i ,1 thei N4iofL}' )1 1h IN ,1ILL ((IL m 7- - 1717S 2 71 CL-OTH INGI OF ALL KIN DSSAT ST. J.ACOBS & co.'s, a7 AIND 29 MAIN T83. L. GRUNER. lirixitter in 'Liirxg diuxe Neanyi andiiPromptly. No. 1 CIGARETTES. A Cigarete r$)Soexrs ho _ are W illing to itaty'ai'ih lii ad r thanii iiriii heii Sricegh ii ciinix.i h arged i o tieiiiiix ia -r e" t'iii racxx Ci garettesiii wxx i ll find til Phi~i ixx i s BRANDxix x Ix t o t d xiC 'iii c ltlinlo.!, Stra Si '11 OCia xiii, 'II teo x ix0" i i ixxxrx'xii itix e crx'i iii xiiiar xi j~iAIj,,&Ci'. 0.l xBrani Vch xx. (1ftThe AntrcfUS''be ,' nutO _ ti now andicold, arg nad ~OAror coaiwodoiland ,u,IIArbrNtJ. CaitlrMks, $2S,(E. UroanSre Ueth eea akn1a Biile Stiicy Anrixucitext. Ixdonor Atihlotic Meetng. ix ciii sidti c iii: iii 'ii ili~t iliii - toi ci 7c l!eing ivill be c l i hit s- I'v ihi studyx xl. L rici rhum. l i~i lxv ori'I 'ilar eci ll X.lairmch 26im- been s cl fir IIct' i alii te T clases, aslfolloii : 12,7,iatth ic u . ciiiigaiiiiiiiiiia- T s LDt. Faviwill metiisLiclass i int ike 'xi it cixici rli i 0.S Mionth} ec c iniig. E,:tt 743 ini ndi is hopedithalt iii isi' iiayihelit I p j l h ir y Rooixi(;. Iniltrsiperseiibetwxeene vent,. I~r Lcisr xxii ue- Lix lss i Enxtries for anty oifite xvcots still Patent Litke, Mxonduavyevettitig, 6:5-7 :5 Lxbereceixvedl iy anty imcmberotof the Leather inx Roxonm 1 I. traick comitteeic onxpaymtix Of xihoes.Wgegilme i nr e f5 et.S class int tite, luesiday ee'ridvts:-25 yard lash by heats, L).It. le i lxiimieet Lis cxlass in tius, rutiti tg broadi onilhigh ajtmus, SaittitriSolonion . Toosciar evcuing, thorzontal aniiparallel bar icrior- 6:307 33, ini Roomti 12.xi i.a llalliuiirii ~ jJ Mic. Nichols wxili meet lis las i rly . I I..Si iii i\ ilit, XW 'dneusdiax cxeingii atii 7 30h' ' __X It. :i , ?Ij li Pl ii S.C. A.i r in i. t . i i i Li.r SEiiiil13 ilirlot *17 . 1 Icixiwiilcmeet Ill 'ii. iicclassiiil ol l ilixil~~1: i'\I.i uu i xiciio. fnh 'icxIcil I \, ic I :iiX '}," 1lc oilr ndA t .oo s 4n I.Lce icxx i xsdt eeing,' :;lilEasttli ix iii Ili t . inhull l I . 1II40) I.ixHickhs rtillmeet Iis laicssid ilii i XIxlxlics 011fiiise~ is i cii'ly ii ittil dy a to x it tuc ii tc -i$rcrccii*l- v ixx ici o ,':FO S L oti ofth ,tiTlhei>o siisrci~tiva n hw]4i ail it TI'L 11,IUIET I .tJ'9t 1).lesrwl etIi at s t(- e ci ls ilc uuex~toh rd a xxdii. I atxNSC i. Min i S eLAn OS.yaf Vroo. iodaypres ito e I o rn 10's.30 tO , ;; a 1130 AL iieualis xotspcil Sjxcuu icilxoinulexxSOt i roo esm ocal.ncutg f h L etic i, n te a rl onthly payC' X~na'sIegecitb hhl utmeisrc Vl ebrand arfx riedsHORTHAD TAH~i~5 Mrs therdesStrdyns du. I.aH.eIcorHdia ncitRed t W PYYO.SORadSchL ew afterooi arl 14riaviterdBultigviSothttathSteet