THE U. OF M. DAILY.---'c.
- c 'Tl e ~the stalnlardl of tourijalism remain C C A.T .A T Q1 C 't~J~
lihis, thenis the object (esireild NVI m. EXT FOURIIWEI'KS
hiedDiy(Sunda11, 'xcepted) uring n hec t 0 iy stemi oflh11001Offr five ton11E5ofpapr W (LofIOallkidsto be sold b11e ondit regular
L. M DPLV ' AGA inlg editoirs. \We' desire toimpr 11]ove \till rates. 'Ire one Crown Imperial Linen at 25 era iS per
toe Staindardl of the I) i I 5, to obain0 1pou1nd. Bond Papeir, 't'hesis, and lTypleweriter Papi~er at
sore anti bIner-orI lgeiewssto Greait lBargains .'o telopes t tec1h all ppr
;utls(riptom)ice P ' 50 ( 0 1pr 1'a, invaribly I I.0at greatl y reducedA rates.
advalncle. Singe 1'1i- eo(')ice((11 (111 11ri' )erfe~ ('tly rlcc senlt'-y
ta t1he1 o11(511 ()t h 1 r II Ollo' I- l I01' slilhhrte is a lhtter paper and h1 (r
)ck a he 1(1 tS(lets rwt n n (li 1i.1lt 'M. ite hoepu 1tatiI
Nt it they are to Ippearih e Sil' I'ii " 1)(Sltl()' Il m)((('e I)mi t rill, swheno The ffiagara IFalls Ruaf
THE 'U. of M. DAILY,
Ann Arbor, Mich.
here tcaore'and ln' (e ndlbetter
Ina iill ilierells. siv'trust. lie in-
dtcdtr 'eelk pssitioos11(1 the
I' i1tls'lt, ((, b.5"1 It1111for (111 he rfreshman ninle at H arsvard.
C .. I I (lll 1 1,,Asist. It1iIle s ts l tatliillIt. shlould see R. 'I. lFarrandl,
1'. . E.1. TE, ..( BUSINESS LOCALS.
j not r=, Mtcoo,
P. R. CLEARY, President.
THE RR@U8Ill I'l' 1111' 5 i('lHOUSE.511'+ ee/11.1
it i I l~es ~le ll'5i'e 1 l Ii It 111(Not ic s i sd t Ill' 1111 511111'he rat
- 1of ii "iolsp l r lie~ . w iali(111I fr1' s i j II
thtae i lto e' 11 lIooe he l:tt i Iice ll zl0 lll' ~'ell
fotie Iplsiegens()ti ol th e 1 ll' aes 011eIand otid farll o e for t hall 115'
rI ees i r ar d gos 11 i abns ; 1 l st 111it 11111k1 ands1ill i lolthl E ° INT IICE
NI ~tc w t tc laisss to l lt l esmltlI lls tllSl, Mra.el.It.j/ 1 ..ii
the cii nk alAthea ntagileel t'Illel 10 1 t I ifIlSeniiii it a atic, 's
seiliitt le -ere'f leg el lgillI i ilct5 1 F l ~ii B Ott, -1111'.lctivbrt'lsf~l
Itialelasl renthen, so r tiekeof tier) l. E ir l Uvr dsrbe 111o
sll'es, coe lllipte I ( h he 1111 thglistein thel r, tIs ltr il . N 7 lDSBON S .gCh Na o
Placed Lin the saint: firiniii'li 11(wic5li'l')ofceltsbym i. I. IL itlgs 1 . 5oi11(11~
sh usani fluInst andteceivehhthe 2;1 0 o warl-i'e, De(tro'it.(I 'C. "
'htitndi ilei an tesn d I Iii(s ell 's. 0
sat i ciii le e Sup orastehiii el-' da(il' ise s o.Iluit flu'as ('eln 111d,r .la Nl.lver I tI a.-
of he eastes leee.u u na hese lFirlstlNi5soa 111k1'and tils prepare iigAEINRDUE
atiihell -.i ofOil hesito ither e bast, ot e'i'ai'trsliht-.nd(111v' ar listhen ics C O L
FeitcourseIbl'la tsiI Tula d'a111 Marcrh 1 Wd, eday ve FFMa ChE11 ,
ieeelisessensg.i(oliee honoroatadeirelines
(liehu poroegc olles o cbr ngOitite tto .onis~twllu~la ttl K 1 n~~uu ~ rj
Opera Ion sB1'tiu lay4 n. ih ty arel
iacry letutirn, o atid eso i ytemry :TO11. Tey akvr e sira arte iite o 'TONY... B FARRELL
asuellss, trew heen es wth111he 'rothe ronatfooran" y Nc70ttsARBRinatioicg
metaynesd etiand tier olete,.unIl 11ec J. baelson sofseii etrert1lIITiII
thee o eaonfo thssWeM 'n-1o tllthTstoryTof JonathanL'uisa MSSJENItLLA.D
therscilleth e aidoter ene annot ' elir Bayspe ae and thereAlefm _____
s-lit ht asers p ltearae t vodg.lt v ew with ti ste mlsie mk i ratogSloaods.tie oesIad a
cotitth nt ornd elut1 I'ertain e st. srns.8a t orie
en~ _ 0 .,- eC
-s 1 '0.-.0-
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is. IIOILOS IV IAY51 .tbt
Tld nArO r .RGLS H V AAnd or'
Michigan Railway 25
Time Table goiag Inoaeffect, i3tottlota
Goiag Noath. STATIONS. rat80
SttI1ls ldS~di~o( ri 01% u
Man(. lap. C.Stal ad ihaP ""IilEs
P. a. 0A t ort h Arre, P ,
3 15 1100 . 'l:'OLEtoi..j 1t- 3
..... ) 4 31 7 t.... ilan ..rI'11.1--
5 (11 7i4i ANAS RtIOt "II<M 1"..:
5 50 80 15,....Hamoioiirg--
0 a 2 e S 5 ..2 4 wel 011(1(1 fi 0
7 5 9401 . kotoi ---...- 6is
II9 2,1 0' S . Io i.... } i~4
tOi 2 tiii05 1.... - il'...'.. . 1 t t2
I'll... t335 ... ad ioll ....."''S554 5
Saginjaw DIVUi 0=1,
P M' .....IoX. T]La Ar. A" 25 ") 7 4
7 5I'... 94. tDurand.... $ 4 5 s
H. W. ASHLEY. A. Gen.atatE
Saperiatendent tO