'lNE L" r ' M. F)AiLY Z -Jo7- T 17I 0 Life is Uucert& (! .I:. Ir-r1<111 '%111, DEALEO F ARE.e!LEll TIM ETABLE - 717 ENT I h IRE ,LCt1 t ' t i :!.: 4c54(, .:! Ia., 11.1.III. JT, _ T LW L --, Tr li i e, ll 11f111oltls 1 'i ; 5, 2. 1.1!,5. it 51 Ce i 'itti "!. l Tt 5;11 01 1(t \III l l tlm i ,=f11111122 1 : j I l) .1l, .!5.l1 Ill, ll ,inn 5,ll11111i (N . H i } I CO NR AD1_( 1,1in11the11 T)1tM11 I': >A:91Y141 T~- 34 fThers ' ~ %iiei C-Op1('teatPoive e \Asiation fCtl(01'HIAO.'e L:1E ta blish e d iontr 1 8 84A . P osiu iti o ns' fil ed. 2 3 0 . S el T e hers t pdI 1 areoamitoud. o adancme t c rtr tanthse inAdsthot ilvt f Nri(''t1 i 11 1I.(.CO11A , I Yo1al c11ci3 ~ >u tisV~ 11 ____________________IS_________________________Detroi__._ _________ . fS HARVARD AND YALE.( WL ]n (i:tl ltttheI I Iir c S ot] f F llI. 1))t1 "s iltl:.t a k t 11 l'c I :I I tO N AI 5, 1N P 'fi Si.oat11 1,1ti .O roti~ =iiP sscl b 111o S A~li) I St. 1] i~t t No.2 E Washilngton .ne an G. H. WILD' GREATEST VARIETY c LOWEST PRICES ARNO LD.WEE 7 1 in 111. 1 'nla tineCit lPlates - - - 4O Icts. per s22115jan .wri 111111111 0(111 T TT 1 lT7 ichliSemi-porellini Ioote's 51111525 - - 18 cts. 1per1 s21 Pl k 1A 1. i1121121ar l ite 11(1111 leas ,eis - 51 (ts. per set M. W .BLAKE Adamnantilnii ld1' le1111 - - - 50 c ts. 11er2set 1VICWUMES, >HRAMES, Bootes Siemi-porcelain Idl~d l'112112 - - 7-) (45. per set A,..i, ..i o11iw~t 4 ro5. CORRECT ::STYLES 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. )DEAN & CO. Spring Suitings) Overcoatings. Silk Vestings,I NwColorings STrouserings. Novelties5 11 i 'iic.y 5 2251145 s- ' 'S ii 114N ew--Stylish 11111 S12dSloiibl2 at 19 SOUTH MAIN ST.. ANN ARBOR, - . -mI-. STATE ST 212. s.il 111O, MCHi., BLAANK BOOK~, T'ATO27-E~R Hiarvred, Yale, U 12. o .ad Uiesal 'is COLLEGLI+ OUTFITTER, Sporting and Athletic Goods,V [lase [[all an~d Tennis j Goods a speialty.a 10*AND 11 IIARVA11D;I150W, IIURLIGH & JOLL1Y1, AOENT4. THE CAMPUS. '[le Castalian is ini tylpe aidlill11 le pulllishedl week alter lext. M 1r. C.lemlenit's class in FrleshmniI Lat1 in ii1124111 2121211114 52112111e2to- Lecture Association season tickets 12111 1no5admit 12to ae. '['lev' must bse excllangeli. T[owlie, and11 F. Smitih~, both fits, 93, ire unable 5t) attend~ classes on accounlit of illness2. Miss May Washiburn has beeni c1on- 111112215 her room for the plast few days 221111la gripple. A series5 of three debates is to be held betweenl thelebster and Jeffersonian Societies. J. S. [toward, formerly withl '92 lit., holds a 1positiotn withi the M101- ual Punblishing Co., Chlicago. Mainager Abbott will pr~ocure a coachl for thle teaml by the tinme thle campus11 is iii conditionb for use. T[here is a [possibility that tile freshmen will oibtain H'angsterfer's htall for use in base ball practice. Ray [[art, lit. '93, is very sick with congestion. of thle lungs. H~is parents were sent for anld arrived htere Montlay. At the next meeting of the Chsess Club, Saturday, at 4 P. 5., at 17 N. State, a Ch~ess Tournamnlt will be Hteltd, open to all players. Thle essays212011ill 11221. M71 Losigllin 's class in :advanlced (,on- stitultionli11istosry of En1gland1, 0212 211111 511be interestiiig; and11iiistrii- lice. At a mleeting 1of the8211111or 1112 ('lass this 2.N1.,11a1coiittiee wsI al)po0inted2 t1osend Ia floral 0of122111 1to 111e frieiids and lrelaticvis'of thle late P'rof. Wells. An ini-door meeting 1of the A. A. is bleinlg talked of for 'T'hursday,' Mtarch 26fthi. ihe Iprincipal evenlts to be a 23 yards tdash, 440 ya2(1s, 88o yards, and(1one moile 2r11; and running broadl andhltigh]'ullt). Miss Flann~ie Johnston, ' ,lit., wa0s called home tlhis morn21ing1 to I.acoti, Illinois, oil account of the death of her father. Last wveek shte wvas called home by thte illness of hler sister, and left her father in perfect hlealthl. At the bulsiness nleetinlg of the S. C. A. last evening the resignlationlof P~rof. IHenry Wade Rogers, as a truttsee (If tile association,220as ac- ceptedl. . C. Moore wsS elected bulsinless imanager of the Iulletiii, in pslace of L.. M 7ighell whl) ois left college. 'The lext mleetinig of the Geologi- cal Society will lie teld ill Roonm iS Friday eveninig, March 6. Two pa- pers will be presented, one by J. I.. S Williams, 011 "1Contributions to (quantitative Anatomy,' and anlother by S. 11. Perry, ois; Catuses of thle Glacial Epoch.'' FERDON LUMBER YARD. Manuftrer o2f12a11111dealer in SAGINAW GANG SAWED LUMBER J. HALLER 0. M. MARTIN, Cloth Caskets, MetallC ADCNNO 'FS. A.POLHEMUS, ALSO 'IllS HACE AND) BA(;G2AGNC'I.I. Noirth SMsisStreet. RINSEY & SEABOLT, Baokersiiaid dealers10i1 Groceries, ProvisionsFlour andrFed 61 aid -8IE. 'WaishinigtonS. -- JOHN WOTZKE, J.ADIIES anid (dENT: S p lSnmsmIs 5515'rs I ll 1 'Withlthle reltulrnlo1the BIase 1.1011 S~eason51, te sha~ll be plreplrared to fUY' nlishI all thtlis ne 1w lnd d esirab1 ll 't'enn~is, (Crieket, La ('rosse, Ytae1tIli. an~d for all Outin~g uses. O1112Shad . Sweater for quality and duarbilitY 1i2 no1 eql . 0112 line of Base [Ball SuF lpliesBats, [[tlls, Masks,J[0dy )?Iis teetors.,(Catchers' AMitts, Lawi l )Ii Supplies, etc., ete., as ill former sRe12 011s wtill defy )completition, NV efo- ilustly 1pr0oud1of 0our large college the Iowig, dule as we are awaire, to li superior itiiality of 0112 goods. fed011 esteemi we a111 to strellgti'O i sealson toseSiasoii, iln the ittlipNe c02'i of 0211'goodls whlere it is possilef'of respsondencee desired with mani~ager0,1. all college clubs. Selld for ou eel5'I Catalogue of Summer Sports aiid forms, A. & 13. free to anly address. A. G, SPAULDING & BROS.' 108 MadlisonSt5reet. S12 Chestnut, NEW YORtK. X41 and 411 I~resilWii