THE U. OF M. DAILY THE TWO $AM$ Messrs. YOUMA/'S, K/V OX' D; ',and 81LL/ERMA'S fee the / 0/-(tiler THE - li-COAT t See it at Of Ofld IT. of M. should have a Univer sity of Michigan Q uitar. Prices lowe(st, Quality highest. Guaranteed every inch of (lie road. Violin amid Guitar Strings, 1(1 cts.; Banjo and Mandolin Strings, 5 ets. E -er fling iii >5S. MaiS. TTTU"~TST -Q .BROWN'S DRUG STORE COttNEli MIANAi S l 7 T tt'lt STREETS. LAxixRGSTiCI OFTOILEr Dunn.S A,,-Pi Ix I iS, ToliACClS AND (loxAlnrErnS IN Tmnt:OrrY. FERGUSON &SLATING, Gijbs5 Ftirijisheirs aijd $aters Carrv a full line if JIVt I4, PM N I M I tiO Ir!%'RY, LOVEL LT 4IJE Ell I, E,,itc . Tlieitstyles aniiitin olii-e ntis ssi k to seect fions rr=-p ~ 7O 0SZ~SE3 Ir.. J.iErz Rli Aiop~ XIRI1Lalllty, VOORHEI-S &DITS BEST WOR IN THE- CITY! STATE ST. TAILORSJ 'WORK CALLED FO. aRid ELIVERED., FIRST CLASS WORK. Office, 23 Southi Fourth Ave. DALL AIND DEE DS, -Every Stiiient will sav-e mou(, y yiyig Uniiversity Text-Books :111( all sutpplies at lleadquarterc. lWe aliowv special disicounit onIi AW BOOKS, MEDICAL BOOKS, D)ENT.LhOKS , i short, every Book usedin i the 1idiversity. 5ees0hBlank Books at lowestprcs LEADtNG 300K STORE IN THEL CITY. I'I: I.:'.: ,c - M ii clMeicolionii c Ilousec iit i ii !t . , : te ici r loii. 1W;Sstlhiicn, HI'lIliIloisi ti1 a, lli I Iiiid oin, Slew- ,!ii cssi 3Ilenilsy l:isti. Ic-f i ll r,: ill she 11til t 1 nulltlosett'i r sl ice sisaccci each 1 r Yilin siid Gtrzlld l. sn 10 cents each Miller- - ALL TEE d WEST D2YLLT FACULTY ANNOUNCEMENTS. I\T ~ ~To Liiw STIutcxa 'ir.-Law lott- uses will hoesleliveredl next week G asetollows: Mosiday' Prof. Tlhomip- son; Tuesday, Prof. Wells; Wed- nesday, Prof. Knowlton; Thuirs- OF ALL KINDS1IAT Wll. To pot-gradsi1atee and snosJudge Browns will lecture " T. JACOBS & co.'s,I at 3:45 on Moniday, Wedniesday an1d Friday. 27 AND 1) 2 MAIN s-1r. JONINEiOIC5--Stutlents in Gcr- Ocallo irii Fvelbode- is iiivitedl to i) Io theo chat in r 1i uktoiigit, to Nwit- 'Ilsthe tiexiibitioni ic i liIsii PaintiI c bilky c>ti azt 'action have Time and Money LA! 3QOKs OF US WHILE WE ARE HERE. Callag~han& ., manis Coturse C. This class will (slease lie prepared on Section 84, Joynies Reader, iii case that the Isrescribed text does snot co is for 'Tuesday's recitation. G. . ivci .rT. MISCELLANEOUS. Foot-ball practice takes iplaco '011 the cainpiss every aftersnoons at 4-20. Let every platyer coseout and try for the teass. AV. C. Mallev, Capotainl. A competitive 'examnsatioss to fill vacanicies ini the Glee Club wvill be held ina coons 24 Friday evensing. J. E. JAI 'IN rest. FOOT BAt.-An important meeting of the Rugby Association will be held it Roosm A, main ball, Saturday, October 11, at 10:30 a. m. vited to nieet ill Roona A, Sattur- daty eveinlg, at 7 :30. innposiasit buissess. U. () F . ESoINEE RING SO(CiETY.' --Rioosm A, Saturday, Oct. 11, pi. inl., opening address by Prof. J. 13. Davis Lunglleers asid How They are AMade." ATHLETIC NOTES. The annulial iter-collegiate tess- his toursaeannt began sit Newv a- Yell yesterday. Close con~tests arcc looked for. Colusmsbia is the fa- vorite, since Camnpbell is sure to win the sisigles. Hecr chance for the doubles is also good. The Cornell foot-ball muesi sre showing til well in practice galuesI and there is every probability thast a team will be turned~t out fully is strosig as that of last year. Lehigh appliled for admlissiosi to the Inutercollegiate foot-ball league bilt xvas uniasnasmously rejected. Captaiul Malley retquests that the msen who play ball nlext 1110 foot-ball grounds, in tile afternsoon will use sosme other diamnld. There is danger thlat some of is players may be struck by tile bat- ted ball Columbia opened Monday witb a cane rushi between thue two low- er classes wbich the sophs won by a score of 154. I 1" PHOT6GRAPHS, M0ilI fney andArt Goods. JlWlYORK & SOS, Manufacrsercs of -Bind and Onelisln Band and Orchetra m usic scl cs daljue. GRtANDi RAPIDS, U. of M. DAILY, SIX aTIMES A WEEK, 3 Cents a Copy, $2.50 a Year. OOT, +OfJX H{ats. SHOS 1~MoioeSt, 50S.SaeS. All University ;girls, irrespec- Cbhicago. Ann Arbor. tine of class or department, are in-