THE LU. COFP M. DAILY New Youman's Hats, Spring Block Knox Hats, Latest Shape Silverman Hats, THE TWO SAME p.If Ardor NIo bgllllry, VOORHEIS & ETS BEST WORK IN THE CITY' STATE ST. TAILORS, * CALLEPFOR anudlDELIVERED. FIRST CLASS WORK. Q '5ff ATusFS 7'()i tTi DENTS. i.".__ -a23South Fourth Ave. ZO LL " Li K-E E i.J o, Of (Id U. of M. should have 'l Uni'versity of Michigan Guitar. Irices low est, Quality highest. Guarateed every' lnch of' the road. Violin and Guitar Strings, 10 etsn.;IBanjo and l Maudoli ii Stritigo, i3 ts. 1"es t'thing ill prop)ortiol). I.. II(len~nit, L ENPINGEL TA7 0 OLG17.CO. BROWN'S DRUG STORE j CORNt ElI MAIN AND lItli N S ''I'S.; I l~ESittio' tto K ()V 'loit rGOOS ND.FIN J'ts IGAsit, TiOBACCO(S0ANtD C(ARi lii' iN O'i. lITY. 1;or tIto istthirty plays we will gi veIt) 1 ericr nt t7iall sales ito lthe G -S2" 1*-AS ITT M F 2TT~IT D. FERGUSON & SLATING, I I VIWAHRSBO TRDW ON tilSStii et lit is e 11i011ti - it liv ilug Idiii 'til> ( lxi-Posti n dtii all sii hil'i e litt I liarii'is. we slsr'ial itiscoutto L A~t I W 1111)K(5. M1ElICLDIC AL. 1111> ( 5, NIAI.BM, eive. i rs'1", itot I ivel--its lii I iii liBo i t liisii >priii . .,,_ 1:I)\( BOBriE'l~ W A\ 'I rn C'I1" allow Orr the CLOTH IN OF ALL KINDSIAT J" T. JACOBS & CO.'S, 27 AND 29 MfAIN T I. L. GRUNER. Dealer St NottSulti Steet. I --11Q d Straight Qut. Nii. I CIGARETTES. ('irretott Smosct wh'o' tli ? r litngttioi l a lt itte tono re~ tin ithe piet o t to: i ltsar fromtttt' jtic tii' lc ti i iii Actb o'r Savings Bank Ot 50l tiur u, Ititi ti ie n titsret itctc I N ..IARGS, c -e. ATCHltS.Itli'E5 o. Csir 1Ov a115Atioss; I s1"'tv11 tiw nd old, ltirgo anid fafisr coal, gsootd, till and 105lin, at J. EK Ilarkins', 28 EK it 'onstroet. COMMUNICATION,.httgotScey o it' i ~,Itto't' ittr, I l Pi l oltoi altt, St~oiet. 'frl 'llo 10hetolIi t ati w rdtt Iii ti leut ' It ltit '.ottr I l the I'llit i ttfoi ilr'l iii 5 ofN1 r iEit'il hlut iirr.I ; o ii rtil1t s t utu i jwil r'si 'tere Iead canoti eis5ititheti sii itat ii tht ote It o f ierIe, ' trot san itPrtiestr toot ro' auti oft t ii a trie t c ooteis- Ia tars ro es ri to to ri aso ethie islilt vliiti 1scit, thay t 15tnots ti ot dcel ttnioi iit treoittlciii tth l ii ii a o rtik stiti f i ,ts noo; f ti l n ls ytr patios. I ilts s ilt vicdtaso edonsatois ofndo thesidlotlsecuelI- toss' aiss't'aeo fri ienciof inde faolcofiser thi er~oivrtsoas wcr h thonc'itilusionithat .51r. 1,otisell's terestoig atntiwas fotllioedby a liely remtarks wseri'tnt onty qutitoable tliscussiiio. Ili itieir iitfluenie, hut potiv015ely tde- Poeso onitpprwa 1 ttotrali.'itig. M51y'ofihis anetolttes ''eesoCu t'stlsr ii i mus(ntire I tisriltiottso fii l Ip- isreatiiitganth ie auiente wasilotirtis. ' It ssas a rileithit tho)se ev ilitntly eritrattsined, l tdtns sito11 iwhoatd beeni tcarediofii dsas e 50it hase e enit i (tttI critiisotto ail titerse liseto to otesible muorat l te.tetmleofo'iii \rsu'tialo uss h'old iitec ing li inv loed. But, ittlnotitto'l1500e' li inlst ' tti tat ;thi1d0 ateh% Dr'tri'l a'i'e o b>ws- cs t clSure. si 01 s y sl> ortws htriMho. (tot tl t tis a ittlr tv, rui ttaso ye l tot to%'d wesllidthe I ts' s e or i'his b'MC -a dcle urht~ trs ~ clct dtess, andtheIt adv iceif catrisied ot. iti. wiouoil certitnl rtoo'e 'omagtoftotThe Funteral. lots' Ideals, andtoi ottte utwoitlv s hiii'- untitvorsiti-tratied ottato Itt. Ii Ittito h verots' it'lworo t s 1 00 that money- aking ti an iuortlIts alets'Di ji t rssOt hatt fit'le tttt'trti objetob'it h en iit co stols'an et-of'Ot iPrtfesso Weli' willtak lc noalu i tsbjetithenoitrb s theltotoro ol at' t oo'sc'seck.'sTt short. MSr. Cuto o Ii o101 eto', o-tranwl eaea'tlceocok eve orkhillitillyslite toothliiidee itvedl,.11 the los'ss whtinittnd goinug are snome ii otfhis htrrssowis ntihesr requltedicltooeet ini the laswlectoore mtotre nor s thnneyc Onit rtomat eiguhtot 'sclosk.Thte traito thes " .\ltiits' Dosllaor." 'is stoly fotrthe IUnivritySnae atardotn laes'farmhihosehsscootillotstis senot, tout I atootln utiit a shptSetoo- meiii shientootre sutabotle tma~teriails ton go should seotureItrited sertili- arc' nott at hanoi.Alloisme totinaddicats's fromi the toocmbers of the som-s ltat 1 hopu~e sseshtaol osart log Before ulootee tof their tlass, anth present otto texcellettLec tutoe associatiton themot lt the tic ket office fur their allositsOStot Itsatotoinlotsetd withotickets. Ihit fairestill lte eighoty sucohobane'fu tuf.otli I I it' tEi' I cents. lt a c-i t it tttut13111 l;o. B t t ri s lt i Ties, Dress Shirfp, Patent Leather -Shoes.; G~OODSPEED* I PH6 i1 GRLPH8, Millitoety ann Art Goods. ;;t Eist 1i ii it. , I It. "1t A.RETHE BESiT .-FO~R SALE-: ____ I __EVERYWH ERE.I NV'. 1.1.55A 1 oN s,itropt, S i l iris e t t1tists, (aite Its it al FINE JOB PRINTING. It lie atint tot iiac. Saiifoti(,m ii idiotee REGISTER OFFICE, OPPOSITE COOK HOUSE,