. of , nl. W'ail. r - . ol t"\ VEIZ ITY OF ,IIC:IIJGA\, TllI"I SDA)'. MAR('II <), 1 o.q. 1Cur ICA, THREE s:Cs-as-i' FESRWILLIAM P. WELLS . ati avnrn5asl I1( Afeting Scene in the Court ' ImP soeIn illsouas befrothisiatiii Room. insist fin uishiosawyer at the.'1Detrit hesai l ilstli itf'iiifrssir Well 0bar nal oneusd iiiiinersan is Last gloomii iiovier the CItslver- 1ll, l'i ti, Citisfit i ne is keeiilyrfelt jt ed o i e ak be rei li airstiiilects. Put the feelingDwe.Ini ilaeIemd I ito ispiecstsi - o s l-iys in ts-ii-tli iithlst a st Conf~is nto ithlii up t"ilheiiir I 5ite ther dliii taets of thelIii - O I l a i i ofthe~n itttino(i its stats isiiti.i i geilitI tiilfsssir We lls pMissedil ii is-rsri iisitn ssiriii 10 o'clock yesterdays niii thei.party sere eulsarori ii''toi isii- ft ii t in t a ui o i ck t. It se eed ltily afterliie opeiiri'of liie Ctlespkp t ugeRilyona(sare that thesyasoulil le def-eatedl, oitstokaresttohesleilly sameswhena Professor A illstniik te tloor reltate inla arren tichstire soaransi madle a speech of a halsholinr's akenl est ait oaser rorltlanthadlengtht, so smooth andi iolisheid, so uprm 05o1ra.aHri poerrbentine falof arguent, arnd so earniestly Cew ometrt.dliensasoebca, leliv-ered, that lie carriedi all ibefore untpasonetmandr.Ha eryfirnsed inn. his ar oelrnanr i ralle rTe lanestudenats Inet to-diaad targiiment, stepapedlhack, and sat deciuded to attend tine funenral of Pro- wna Ia' short tinme hinsieadi l5ItPped to oiae side upon tine shiout- fessor Wells ina a body. They trill de of afin.H a hnli contribaite a tioral desin. A specia1 apn heflori.iea-S ieaiitrain asill be u, to retirrin iiniiedi- i' so, anid iis soin, Charles elstier5fsoer1 ately after tine funeral. ld-I residenit Anigell receiredi a tele- litii ai iidislacedn it nunder- ispnrerssaetntfeniossic Cr'5 ~sheail for a pililosw.It awasploemsaetiafrnnwhc at aioiaecici stroke, anad lie stir-aswas rather inadistnrct, lbnt swhich lire 151'elO'Aly uafearmnutates. If liens mndrstooui to be that the furneral It at beaeiiw, ume ould be to-nmorrnow antao 'clock. - C liresentn could not restrainineitcofrni.Po. teas fr atitns rmor tnes InlGriffin, at tine meeting~ of tiheisar as- ali Ikendtandiesete.Cor i-soiartionsof Detroit, tis mornning, lieit doredcts.aourt oftIntrodiuced a resiolution irtviting thse resec ati 1jirnnia iako studnents of tine lan epeiartmenat to Tihe atterndltine funeral. to ciscense at is ndeathnsas s-ry- uehrna1,'lie sons renmainned ott iis A Feast of Reason. peswith iris hanad on iis fathner's Poter nil h otosanad i ill soonibe upi arnnounrc- erssry examsination and foundithit ing tine app~earanace of Tine Inlasner t 5of0sr Wells wsas diad. T'ie biy for.NVennesday, MarchianI . 'lie fol- isd not realize tine fact titers, anid i loawinag is tine table of contents: nayri afterwsards Judge Reilsy L arkofInftterest in Oirr Fsoreigrn 1uppSin g tine son was aware of his Relations, President Janaes 13. fthr' s deatih, laid hminanad on tine Angel hY sniuder, sayings " Charine, A. Sonnet Found Cut ott a Post of whtshall we do withinmin?"'' tin Camnpus Fence, Elsie Jonnes TeYosnag man looked tip startledi Cooley. auQCl yes filledi, as Inc asked in a .A. Social ExperimntnI sabiella M. th nag1 voce: "Is- I i ed?"Andtrew of thnhegv5 wy s ude as Te1 itk fDsseld~orf, 1. K. teshock, anti wouldi iave fallern Friedmnan. he011 mll fathser's iprostrate form mad Tent Years of Political Economny teot been supported. in tine United States, Henry Carter told .t ay evening, Professor IWells.Adams. his h sorn he had a premonition 'rie Kinag of Narbonas, Fred New- at he wosuld die in court some day, ton Scott. hi he wanted isis son to be wih To Anacreon, Anon. mhreafter whnen lie went to court. The Angie of Reflectiona. Tstcounts for tine presensce of isis Every Mian in I-it Own Hunmor. Phst Denta Phi Resotntions. T'11 NGitinee rieiwe' of Collelge 'i:t -a rs--'il'ir trietiri''ofii lent lie 5 iaieful 5s5rutiny ofi ('oilege "tut' Cterlftsiiietai IP liii cuddetslihai"gi large cirpis of skiled Ds'si"-nsrrs intil i'Jeelrs spsechily Stutruli I I5(5~5itells t iiiiii ii I oili -rainediiisrisiifo r ibd e an thr jewaelled tboins wre5 uii.i slslspti saiork. imrtijini ' si in.,aswedo iretly Wie.s , nihes un ia d in f ntP.is I nisliiiandtil m usten-stnn loo~ked for s t i li sit lriitlis IWills iismi It t 5 i ands il lth-sr preioss 1'Ie1>ts 1. bn roesr fsoksi eio i poiiin tii pro- I~a ii-li lihs ,Iw iii i ts i ii f te ii uc tit linest tutans tand tele Isnirs f i i tliss ('S --i Soc"it-s- 1 -il ofis till indissss-h ih tar- teridi tihiei ti iteri iss iv itii c iasiiifti iss llttthis sisiittis. ssisresssiu tsilt iurisifistindisorriw. i sass YY1"l' J Vtt 0 if stir sinripatliy aswit lihis fin ilr ini- ~ i- li their iberravemeisnst, andsiof our Ire- - t"' il 11'EL~ stpect ans isiuarations for te assuers PANI'I (I'uNG . aand dutalitie s aswsilthmadie hint so A , -ACUI_ EILIS urseful asnd inistinguiishiednistiersiner P-r t [,/fch'Ean.-l of tire faciulty of tineunaversitay.__________________ We feel thrat Broter WIellss irall liis associatioans awithis msnever faileid Chap. Speller & . tnt impniress tu s wtir iishirsadsischsolar- sipi, andsi nnpiarticulasr withs iis kieen University Outfitters,. ara t hoou sknowl-edige of thsose 20h Sust in Sn H.ST. ' branmches nsf tire law nersshinch swe in- ceis-edshis instrucrtiotnantis iis un- failing dignsity of mnarnner andtsiIss ENG L... NSI- sclose observattcsit all timeprarireties of sdaiylife;iishint shmortaswit is Tfl TT . possessionofalstnl thosse conrsicsuous .VL'I.L,4LI.1.J2J abilitties andaitmst scrupiulouis fidelitsy___ to Isis duties ashichisi sttngisdtsti hnrn saim ioh s a hprofesor ands as a TCPPIn $ +i+ GOOD rmenber of sour chroseni proafessin. We feel thmat lie has esver seen artn lionosr tso sie Utniversitsy, mstimte ENGLISH SERGE liar, ansi tss tire PhittDIlta Pi fra- terntity-; thmat hits departutre iris left ts in -roi4- our midsst .a-ac-ant lace that carntut ; o i ; ILOUSE soson be filled; arsd that Isis msemsory weth be alswaysswithitis, presentig anars 5Iit 1E. example thsat are rmaytho arlh to fol- loss, for ins so doing are cara best shwhnrto onseawhno at once coia- B/W LL5T 'GOODS) mnandied oar tightest respect as tdnsadorms rtra e gard._____________ _______ WILLIM ntntC. ]h--I.ss H-IENRn.A.. linef:A t's r JA~iF S.I xriiJf eijefit J".L ares S. HARD5', JOn-N K. ErrisNomo, Jr., For Ketnt Chapter. Ik ' sNT1 Harvard Foot-Ball Practice. Drm to Clb Abourt forty' naens hase joinneditime foot-bathlssuadiat liars--rdand wsash ®6 Club, go into trainainag for five weeks unader and3anjo Club tine direction of Captairn'rrafford. ASSInSTEDBrY 'rieusers will mneet in tire evenings The Guitar and Mandolin Qaiutettes, and be instructedi in tine tiseory of Mr. S. C. Park, Ventriloquist, tine gamne bymenmbers of ast years l TeCe Ie Oceta elevemn, and wheln mnore ipleasant weather permits work ona thre field they wihl be coached by graduates and last year's eleven. Tine Harvard Foot-bail Associa- tion received $7,621 frons gannet last year. -JllIY7ER.IIY - IIALL! Thursday Eve., March 5, 1891, AT s8 0'CLOCh. ADMUIMORfl - 50 UnIW$. Reserve Seats Monday, 2:00 P. M., at Gm'u ber'a and Sheehan'a