THE U. OF M. DAILY New Youman's Hats, Spring Block Knox Hats, Latest Shape Silverman Hats, 11-l II: (I l si \\I.' VII 'olSI IlN , THE TWO *AMS. Of 011 . of AL shouldl have 0 a Univepsity of Michigan Guitar. Priles lowoest, (duality lhighiest.IGu a raliteedl every itcof itthe soal. Siolil n 111 Gui(ttar " irls, 10)ets.; Banosand SMaIzlol ill tri11cr, .5 ets. Everythiini 51)trortioni. L.If. ('lenient, ATZ TlTx lT7NI\D>fl2I Y GE-~JL. 7.1O O G O T IA.DTJEAT' BROWN'S DRIJG STORE ('II.'k \011Il I N 1 MAIs NA )1U~iS~E'"'. Ol(A~iT zrs INTISIITCITY. For I 'the It thirty liays we siw 1 i rt'ie 1 11'r((lit C-1Y ~Nittl liiic t 1 1 S ilar 70n artls[.I tS 1Iill.31 70l aaers todrt _I1110tt 20 yards rimtha ntlica'p1, y artds. 440 yardls rn hanicltall. yatrds. 1~o 00 ls rnhnd Imlru,handicap yards. 'l th :nlI pprprlNI, is 10,00 Sooodfr l0011111 ir0111111icl', tloner Patent esihirdle ov11er SGoso. At (Columbiaover1$0,-0 Ft4% 11i11it,10 limtit 20 -yaplimi 1111 1j5 000 is ecyetao r ivestetd lnttbos Leather an111 fromlI N1 000to $515,000 is paitIh~e. tilt ii01ltrios, otc.T heirnIew',Libra- rv' tiiiliti at thie Itisvorsityo foi Of 208,)000;1)100r ,000 5 $vluniesS 1 1 D weore ahio ii to tle o lloi 1:111 lst- - soar it' yl, iti eii c lietilx his a-;f < or 7 , jinll( 'k": all . Ii 'v PRO'is :RjPH8, 10vca.11 C ol 11 10 a~ni iIt_8o aFtE PUDR h roser, ' asceilI ~s~scf Millnery and Art Goods. ii 115151111 1 i'll (('11 s l'ac sa Ii, wcw. hh=a Cvc tl id 1rtt1 'i'1i11111 1'01 1,0 II (Is r in1. novi(T. sc rill he ,tta:3r 1 r1 r A Correction. , In ii terlewwit exL ~ 'Ili Te tnetiiiors oi the ujiii Tat' iw Stato' T'ro'asiirer 1'. ,JI Daris, rhichlcltss 001111are lttiortunl tcen tttittt1 appea01red inthtet issue, of the z 7111, it be itt the first ertcon, arcelaoilt woas stalted thtat sectionI 6 of every much~l troutbte withth teir v isitons, counitty was set apiart as University whotome011in10sitch tquanltities as to antI. Tis is a 11misqoItation. "This ocp l h vial et n antI belongs to thte primnary scho01occpl l leaaial et n fund. 'niversity lands are certain standintg roonm. The matter could specifted sections in different parts be remledied Ity assigning seats to of thte state, and not section z6., them oembers of the division. so"b RETHE 9 i FOR SALE' EVERYWHERE. 00. 11.= I.100IiI=1"Op s= NVH. HAWK'INS, ro. Spteciltive1111to, SttldeIts. Give us a all, FINE JOB PRINTING. It lsour aim to please. Satiqfaction Oauatt REGISTER OFFICE, OPPOSITE COOK HOUSE.