i } .. i. ,,. 1 t >>. t,' IN TEIII i'1 OF 1IIC'IiICx:1 c ~ I~ xicLi X I 'lf ~(~XN E A l)X X tI( I4,1(ilIL.I Ijic IN WEI rE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGANI AGAIN IN MOURNING. the Kent Professor of Law Ex- Pred this Morning in Detroit after Delivering an Argo- tt1eflt in Court. --- His Biography. Th llversity of M11ichliganl is ilt called 111)0n1toImourn Ithle M flrs(one (If its (distingulcished adVPof ilians1). wells 0is Imorninrg unlexpectedly. 01 esth as receivedlat i r:1r 5 tlrff is ISnr.ing. Professor t n~ hadluj~st commIIen'cedt his lec- tuet tlhe senior laws, whlenl'Mr. Ve law litbrarian, Ihandied lhimla toleran from Detroit. It ann~oun~cedl sufde dIteath~ of Professor Welts fte e'dlivery o.f an arglunent ill art' It swas read~ to the class, andl ,eletu(re wvas discontinued. Prof. GriftIU5was mluchl affectedics tile sadt nasTihe telegranm is tile only ill- id 01received, as vet, andh it no asin aniv cause for tile det.It 1islupposedi, ihowever, to la eart Idisease. Dea sKowton ws s eedithisi afer li. e said: The cieathl of Professor W~ells is d~c one and unlexplected. I ihave mo'Dre informlation thlail sas conl- ted in tile telegranc. The lawe Il~ltY1wsill attend tile funieral aid( etercises i h eatetwi sotlinudo htda.Imaete step5still he takenl to seclure' lectu-(rer to take hlis place.'" her 1s sonme talk among the las sdents of atendinlg the fulleralinil slht y if it is to lhe public.A rleia trainl, illttcat eveint, will he (1111 ainPalmner XWells swas iborinat z bns,)XVermnt, iFtbruary 15, g3c. Ile received an acadenmic G ucatio11 at tthe Franklin Couvity a Dnar Sctsool, at St. Alhans, then entered the University of 17ttI'Pelutat iBurlington, and iafter ndinfg four years graduated swithl tledgree~ of A. Bi. is 185z, and A. 1cn 1354" After gradnation lhe commncilede thlie stuidtv o1f law'at St. Albills. Ill 13S52 lhe enteredi the iaw 11101:.ftiiraduat11d1wi1111vhelde1r1e If Ii.. Bit ci% (cth lhest honors of isasf orathic s (on11 ily AdiIpllloll of tile Pc cilcilice o F (1(10 sat iv 11.1 ncl n ted d (If \i. A. 1from11tihe I (i('e'('t(' I to ile: b r f Ilsna ie t tt t.t IccJ accuary, 1h856, lie.'settliedInl D~etroit, entering tile lacw ofie o J ames V. Camlpbell. III Mlarc fol- loswing lice wsadm~ittedi to liceibar of Miclhigan, ancd ill Novemb~er o tile sauce year lcecacce a partner o sines V./ Campbell, the p~artnlersip conctincling cuntil jucdge Camcpbell's accessioic to the ibenchl ill 18383 as one o~f the judges of the Supremce Court (If'M iciigan~. 1Fro11tilat tulle to tile presenst, Professor Wells c~ontinucedi tile practice (If lacs'acoice ill Detroit. Icc h37.-187 , da~rillg tile leave 0 ahsence of Jcdge lCaries I. Wtalker, enlt Professor (If La,a P rofessor tiVelis swas appioincted to tile vacncy. ()nIc Juedcge Wlker's resignation, ill 187fi, liceseas aplpoin~tedi toltile r0- fessorship,-a positcionce. iceici(1- til iDecembler, 1335 svwhenc ie re- signed hecaulse. of the. interference o its duties wilthics le.gal practice. lile subjlects asslinedi to)this lprofes- sorsiip,ancdlof siccicPiofessor WellIs lad chtargeswere C.orpcorationis, Contracts, Cocmmelrcial Iawvgeiner- ally, Partniersiplcaic e nyelIs. tUponI his resigncatlion ia adfress svas Ire- seicted 1toicuic y tihc.stuents, and~ resocltions (ot commenu tio n tlicacdoit- edi icy thceRegenic. IrocmcJanucary 1, 85, 1cc tlhe.cloise 01 tile coilege year, iceiceld the. positionc of iectccrer 11n ConistituitioncailHistory and Cocs- stituttioccallLast Illtile literarsy de- psartmnt, teinpccrariiy eiscargiing tice dillies (If Judge Cooiev. Ini (lice, 1337, liceswas again ccaliledi iy tile Regeicyv teo tice ecctPrcfesscr- shipicnlltice lass schcool. Professor 'Delis was oine(If tile eariiest mcenihers of lice Ancerican lar .associationc, aicc for several sears hcas bceic a m~emb~er of General Counicil, anici 01338 ws el ectedi chlairmanlc of thce leiceral Coucili. Among liceccenchers of theleg;al cvcfessicec , Pcofessocr Wells staicds cc lice frcccctrcack . As aicacivocate, a lcvzev, cicci aigelilieuccn of ibroadc iacc libieraciic'ltccre, liceicccics aciice icccclthec h cc.ciiew ic'nttur'aiiy acradvioosthcnker andc ccssesedcIthevc be. I ii cc dci lea cacci forc iIbe e rsso(11(1 i Po 1fe0sor1Wells ha s h(1 v ratv nl 'essftl ias a1professor( 151sccealed by all whohav ccn invedci e.cfl lie. Icl'm c(sity cccci (11(p1callc ill tihe. studcencts 1(11(1iacve(beln cfortccate ccc haigncsac n cc trtcc Ic Gym. Report. llcrci,, tihe. past tcwo weekIs sii- crip~tionlsfor t$93x1.2 avace. ieeni cillec ted.i Tlii, togethie~r 1w111 $1414.5ohefccre repiorte~d imake~s a otal o1 $2365-75-Subise.riptioins to isle as follos Teic doliars ancioer 01 i C C.arson$ic >100P1iKlappca 1P1si,100 A1 F~re.n1111$5i on IT I. i'dlinlson,' $25; C . I ieedmiiai, $2j; F1 K Lews, 2;F S ik $5 .W Nestcomibi $25; . .Newcomb,'Il jr., S23 II I). ccccik, tv. Se ;II. Van lDeveniter, $5. '1'lose. ssho gavse teic dollars are :M1essrs.'51Mn, Loomlis, Crosibv, 1Harris, X Aider, ;Hocwes, Pliiips, LicgihtnerAsihiey, A. VanlilInwlageni, J. Van(Iiicsageic Lanmh, Day, 1-iug andliIerris. $3.00. Messrs. II. S. Smith, linugo 1Pamc, Feibel,Fi'redman,211e11c 'Iingsfeied, Strauis, R. R.Scmith, iGraves, Seynionr, CouldICicevser, ILydisu, Stall, Croerbecekt Holland, 71aris. Waiter, Taylor, Hatchl, Burn~s, Hiurd, Watrous, Sancierson, Larra - see, -Maccchierraic, VWoodwcortih, l'ecker, Blrai'd~oin, itchc, Kenl, But- zelI, Wiilhartz, Sturm~,'T'remlse, Cctier, lBracidc, Dacifrithc, W'iitiing, Curtiss, Oddomc, Wiingard, Wiitte- nmeoce, Lacthirops, W. (. Simithi,Vain Dleveinter, Harris, Rest. Tlhree Idoliars aiscl iisdir. XMessrs. Nincie.Milcler, syrise. Sp~enver, (Ittemicc~erlParkIII.R.Dis, B. I DlavisI Fore.manT1eswksburyI lai- pecr, Demrick, BaldinciPyIeIc 71110 Clark, SweectRohertscnlienzXlWat- tanaibaSlaeck, Scars, SemnShledon, Shlields, SpizerXXWalkerIXWels, WoodLaswrie, Mackenze,'Martin, M71cNeiI esener IsKenisedyIKarl, 'LoseisXMorrcsILeft, JamesonSlur- ley, Jens ny, Kirswin, Palmer, Middle- .kaupf, Halley, Murrell, McGeagh, 'Nincde, M~augin, Pray, McCahe, Osteis, Wood, H arriss, Stehheck, Sctherlaisd, Ranskin, Smcithc, Roachc. 71 I\(i tillexprie.coef(Co11ge 71111 who )knowlSacd 11((1pecite illrefulscructcisydof Collee5tu- ililts. 1115ing a lar 'coreps11of ckillecd D~esigerlis ccc neeler'sspciaIy work. lnpor ill 011(a1'w e ss irecl dnei ID icm ns IIanl~ildccltherlltlpre cius 1(1,1 the fineist flailcs''dlI ewedlil Wright, Kafi & Co. 1I.1 I I .CT IIING..I I;XVILERit' Detroit Mieh~gan. Chap. 'pe]]er & . Univ ersity Outfitters, 0SOUHSoiTi All'ST. EN GLIS H MA I NTOSESo TCPPl$*+ GOOD. ENGLISH SERGE US A I EL JE. BD SN B/huh ('GOODS, Fv, Z.i- E_ GgJm._J3ejefftA~ 3lramatio Club, Glee Club, and 33anjo Club The Guitar and Mandolin Quintetts, Mr. S. 0" Park, 'Ventriloquist, The Clieqaumegon Orhestra, UIWELSiTY - HALL! Thusrday Eve., March 5, 1891, AT I O'CLOCKI. ADMl$$JQn, - 50 qEIW. Rteserved eats11 Mnday, :::55 P. M at 0ru her's and Sh ehani's