C 7 1011117Life is Uncertain! 1 FWl.ii ;5il; SALEI OF A C L- DEATH IS SRE ' TIME T-ABE. _1 I ~tI tlI' ,.: 0I lt ,-' tl , ;S t~f>t ; - i, > to u. 1111 1114 11> issi r.1l4i I .ut L \fl) Nhic o~ tteo 11. J . tNADi l l PitSUNDAY t'' itt tlit 1. T . . I II Sci, SlwEs tl sdin 10 8. o itionslc ile d, 2>t 3.004.5 ; llz' . eks ea ther I' I re ambli iou fr dvncmet athcelhan tose without pam; 5it tt Ni. te\Resid nt1Arnt, I :tljtIt111:,111,11.D troit H9 rARV iILTARD AND YALE. In Majous p1. lolti. m l Ilaidse tlcn G. H. WILD, tt'( tI No. 2 E. Washington St, near Main. G.H .../ JAMES M, STAFFORD, HTAILOR IF6RTER) The best plate to get a fi4RSA ± Q AS6 .4. uJj; MADE TO ORDER LATEST STYLES MODERATE PRICES, 19 SOUTH MAIN ST.. Z' I LARG sT 2TO K GREATEST VARIETY LOWEST PRICES OtNCROCKERYt tSIN I'II ITY. 7iin eairl WhtetiPlates -- . - :- c ts. hIf sit 7 inch AXdamianitinie (Ch11inPlaites .- - .-41) 'ts. tel' set 7 iell Semi-oI'rcelainl, Iloote's tilates - -.0 'Is. iterset Pearl Whlite It'dl'tl Teas- - - 5o cts. per sit Adamnltinie tIt(1 l'e asfi................ts. per set Boote'Senili-porcelainl hId less -. -7.i cts. lper set 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. pEAN & CO- ANN ARJBOR,- MICII BITRLELI & JOLLY,1 BLANIK BOOK~S - (ND- 1Fortieniext thijry lays. COLLEGE + OUTFITTER, Sporting Intd Athletic Goods, 13ase11111allad TennIis Goods a specialty. 10 AND 11 HIARVAIRD ROW, BUIILEIGHt & JOLLY, AGENTS. THE CAMPUS. n5le111 twottoueteachers't tourse isofrd in ICttiltSryy is'711r. Slr/er. 1151 , '141.'9 I, i551ii1', gasv55a:1 sp~reaidtto a ltliber Itthits friensIi la1st eve'tlilltt '1 511 alternate SatiurdayI1 tile Ciciago I 11er-l)ceanl devtottsolie page t illiiege news'. Yesterdasy 101o1, whileCso11155 younlg lad1ies5 were at dinner, Iteir roonm ivas en~teredt 511(11mo01ey1'takenl. FTe .Signma .Alha Epsiloin are thinlking s0om15 of seurin~g thle 110u1e rerently vacated bly tile Beta Thetas. 11155 Iposters are nose up announc- in~g 111e5lectulre of Major Henry C. IDan11e, ill University 113111 Fritday Cr5511111., MarcI 6. ro.S. IF. Peckh~am, If r0'i- tdeuce, It. ., gae a very i111Cr estinig talk on -'''1155History anld Distribu- { 11011 of iPetrolieuml, ' 11t111he VU1111 Chlib last evenling. A goodily num~lber 01fIpeople thin1k thatt tSis wier las been511exceedin~g- ly mil1(. Accordling to 1115 obser- vatoiry records, last winlter weasutp to date, eigh~t de5grees wtarnmer t11an1 thlis win~ter. The155lasw taculty lhas annSouncedI thlat all 1115 courses hleretofore given but sereto Ihave been discontinuled this year still be givenl, as tileumei- bers of the senlior class came ex- peeting to get tlheml. Legal Micros- copy will, hlowever, be onmitted, as it is of little if any salue to tile stu- dent. ihis motrnling Inotice 55a15gisens to tile sen1ior lIw class 111111 at1til ex5tt n1 v iw tiele engliltihenlig 5)fthleir class 11115111froml lsityis'o11 n1155 111- dtredtlilnes. 11155comittee11555t11roulghl5h111555 551 115511 tIS Mrt. 1FinIterty' sas seculred to giv'e thte address o)n1 Washlington's5 birthsday, reCported tisilImornin~g tihat Mtr. innlerty refu~sed tto take Ills' ting but twenlty-five dollars, lt mee~t 1111actulal 5exenses. I H ewas offereti seventty-fthe dollars. The large ntllIbertlf seats reseret yestertday for tile(Gyml. ent~ertainl- mlen~t pronmises a ful~l holuse oT~l hturs- day Ceening. 11111 is1t155 iroiper s111ff. Eerytbotdy whlo have not yet blought tickets shlouldi to so at onlce, ftor wihotut doubt it swill lieoneC of tile bstCentertainme~lnts of theC year. 'The followiing itenm is going tile roun~ds osf tise college press: 'Tile houlrs oif insltrulctions per sseek ill the various colleges are: Htarvardi, 270; Yale, 11z9; Vassar, 11$ ; ('olumlbia, 1 io; tniversity itt'Michiiganl, 104; Corn~ell, 184; Prin~cetonl, 75= Amherst, 72; anti Trinity, 65.11Tile state- inlent is inl error as far as tile U. of R71. is conicerned. There are 1 83 courses illtile first semlester alnd tihese will average over twov o u~trs eachl, wtiich wonld mlake a total of at least 366 hlours, mlaking tile U, of Mt. tile first in tile list. This in- cludes only tile literary department. -TS IESS PIECTO WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER Specili' ttnio ETfrn' aee M.W. BLAKE, gp JeIGTLRES, FRAMI=S3+A ' ART GOODS. 105 West S15sr I FERDON LUMBER YARD- Manufttactur'erof1and1 delfe in SAGINAW GANG SAWED LUMPER J. HALLER, 0. M. NIARTIN, DE .RIN Cloth Caskets, Metalli" ANDi 111515103 t'ttl'lINS'_ J. A. POLHEMUS, ALSO 'HI'S HACK AND HAGGAGE1 14 _ Nitith SltintiStrict. RINSEY & SEABOL'T Baskers uandl dealers ini Fed Groceries, ProvisionsF lour and B nreEeWsintn dt JOHN WOTZKE, Maker o l 16ir I.ADIES' and CENTTi S' Rleptalirigneatlytdtter. 451 S.5Main 1 Wilthlthe retuirni of tile all Seaisotn. we shtall be prellrarft1 I nishi all that is niew anld iiesira101.5I UTNIFORMsS10llS FO ]Basel1'j 11 ;lt Tenn~is, (Cricket, Lla(Crosse, '11f an111 for all Outing uses. Ouriir,113Ia Sseater for Iquallity 11n11 tltrabtlilt - not equtall. Oilyrlie of ase 1h3il 55Pa plies, .Bats, Balls, Masks. y0( sl Supplihes, etc., etc., is ini formoer sr onlSstwill defy comipetition, ,~ fo- juistly proudi of our large college the lowing dule as wvelire awalre, tug This supterior qutality of our godis. fou1 esteem see a111 to strenlgthienl fOit sealsonl to seaIson, inl the (BJpr1 oll' of 0111'goodls 5where it is poi~bl'e.s o respondlence desiredl with olian~geoiI all college clubs. Sendl for o11r t;Ii' Catalogue of Sulmmer Sports all forms, A. 4& 3. free to anly address' A. G, SPAULDING & BROS1 CCAGO: IIIL.AD55LlII1Areet. 108 Madison Street. 10321 Clestnpt NEW TORK: 241 and 7431 IroadatlY-