THE U. OF MA. DAILY NwYouman's Hats, Spring Block Knox Hats, Latest Shape Silverman Hats, THE TWO * 0 S"AM-S. Of Old l'. of INshould 11,o University of Michigan Guitar. PrliceIs Ist, Quality tiighest. (Gutarantee-d every' inch of tte oa(I. Violin stud Guitar Strings, 1I t) (Is.; Bnjoand :Mandolin "Strings. r ;et. Everth iing inipro1po11tion. L. IT lens-eni, V L{P7GL 1117 LGl 0 BROWN'S DRUG STORE (CO)tR Fit AIN AND) IUROIN STRtE TS., -NERLAKE- ' Tttii tOF tttti,: '()oots AvIilIE i( ICT:} , To lAC( OSAND LJ. flL..JL!_z" OF MACKI1 I OSII COATS. WORK IN THE CTY VOOHEIS& DIETAS, &rI= -rn'S ITI IIO BEST WR NTHrIY SAES.TAILORS, For It 5l lttitydays we ilt iel e el ~OALEBFR ad DETVEED. FIRST CLASS WORK. f C .._23 South Fourth Ae.UALL NW SE EU ,FRGSN3.LAIG ~55A HR'S B00K STOREDOWN T'OWmN. Vic iossesDr M- tt lnt -ill it Zt n ft t f i lt it r l Ie toot- afttd alt supptllis t (-ttlttlltr. 1' l"the 55 ,11lO X s fr itin~. NlislO 1110 Stu-ttlirt oand Bel ary ut ar, id ls stew 1 - , i(i tl(iscollit l L I IttOKS 1 MEDICIAIL BOtO)KS. I) 1-NIA I.tOOKS, it, - i 5 eV('t- o lS e(.totill til( t si t 1il 10 lt- ajs. Itest Ot itgs ill tIe Il E1 t itU _Ill _ __C t l~etIllc; vrc'n ltriilt ttytccrS^ttF et t I \Ifor(Violtn l1011 litai ani-to wefts eac r -!. T L i1L N7 i rINrST siz Is COMMUNICATION. 1111) 5 1 tt va niil~tie~-c°l~ l . . F i. it77T7371tj l ril.ailtil i ii cret s fol 0ItT -- IN t 11tt i l trn t',i,«c 'IsINc c tire. its- ithatit wa ; ho0 tot l si }tlt oll st itt its Iti E l csI rititised-ti litest and poltni t .0tIsI t srt OF ALL KIN OSIAT Att tt 1- gres-I'I rntist 1tnd 1551vtntos l it each t tinc e Int it itsuIcih a &, ( ( * '5, (ttnwrsii5psittstiononthtit titestionthntilit 1s tito nthtiuisiby thir 27 A %D J A INSshul bt e judgeti trotllctis iec sorigial lilteti tsitsand ity 001i151 Potent LGRUN ER. Im115 i 5 i li lost ttdvalntaIe, thits mb111dttifrottllLeather Dealer inlI tlTORSttlOFtii. ttt I I arimth ttl5ne ty il'tI si i tp~r. anac onttt tof tile 'I'llt s-s-yes-enillttg en010 ll tt r ii 1C55 t ot Itot r 1_ di- 1~ ttNo.r 1n a iorssd thir abltttst tttst adtit "CIoI it, t5I titat thits t he tir etetutre whih in - acqutiring weralth'. CIGAR ETTES.ith1s irreni tfferrr yt he LecttrrterAs- i tltto lrI( rtWl" ,ett cooker wh soctati[nduringPthe y6ar.PHer lit-tttrtivlltI o tt ait I o le I e tc toiw sIt I~l .lttsa-linforc-ibitle iisrIttttt t tr t tct ltz1Argetut rt he ~tsi iris tt itttlrIII e o rr pm It fot itnit 1 g IttItt- titi MllneyanfAt~oo s S l t r t t I ta-tewl ir p ak r n a rg tw yo t S , .atltttt i ~~tes B A SItto itt o t o tttttttg i it I t.viir it lts tttt I Is-t's