THE U.J OF.M. DAILY iw Yournan's Hats, Spring Block Knox Hats, Latest Shape Silverman Hats, Ml ii "I ' A \VI; APl; NMV HO'- i I!. THE T WO * SME T,1. _ZIim I Of Old 17. of NI. should have a Univer~ity of Michigan Guitar. P rices lossest, (duality' highlest. Gularanteed every inch of the road. Vilin ated (Goitar Striogs, 1(1 ets.; IBanjo auidl MandolinoStrinls, .) ts. IEvery thlinipo p or 1tion. BROWN'S DRUG STORE (Oli IId AIN AND It) lti NST Rill 1IS. Ft; UPlINtOF1 NI \IlKINlIOSI1- ('AT:. -LARGsioE,-r -.e 1 iOF TiIIET(10005 aS ANDFIE [(%Alts, Toi'l~mct ii-AND) ~ ArdorSb~u b~lll~rY. VUOOFHEIS & DIETAS. - T, BEST WORK IN THE CITY! STATE ST, TAILOR S, Foi the Ilexl thirty daysl we will giive 10 per cent ] CALLEBTOR sod DELIVERED.' FIRST CLASS WORK. W l alst li r _ M FU sr D Offie _ 23 South Fourth Ave. I i-LL ' KF SE U 3,FERGUSON & SLATING, VW HRS BOOK STORE, DO vuN TOWN. ' I CIVorree, D % Nc.! I: erytaiden tiill4at e ittt 1 v ~iii~ir tiiii Te iiiir rcit uie-airca] n(iii e iiHose!in itt tsitsv i i iig tiii ( it let- t ook- andi all St p -i l i-itslt oat-is. NWe illois lhei Mate. mi-ut - for tiii. Wlishlbnci * ticiatliscit iii11LAW IIOOICIS, MIII(.AI. I (iI.)h tI)\ '.I. ItOU li ii: l rlt . ei-s oi-cc l s et il inllith artaru i-isis ii~n siii. i-icittip} ii the l l i eri1v. i,3 l]; n II ~ls ift iO1sti 11 ci Wield sentih i s iiioiy iadrs ti l5 cent ,, J',I I I :ik i eT-I I IIN 11E1 G I'L'T. -gents-lu icif h ( I ~Ih1L TI-I I l~T eIliix rats hate OF ALL KINDOSIAT iiiiiicsties iispt ~T. JACOBS & CO.', h5 fies. 'tie 27 AND 29 MAIN ST rst riiliili L. GRUN ER. (CorunnaandilIic Sl-ieolerSsPoit IHuron. - Atihrl in oneNttand Priomptiy. their staIte iconvent l1hmond Straight Qia t I aisinsi,noi Ni. I I l1111 5.s of ONcos CIGARETTES.iiitedi lliii. A. Cigret timokiers who iltiiil. lilr. (tlar iaeil ligit<)ii ayia I 00 . more tihiani the - i ce Reenan hl i55 c o ltul-we fthe i i t a - - , iii-iitnie wil l fiii i iind le ted i 5 i ArorSidBRNg supBankrtio s ii.iio " IIlE i ,ii."iJii T h ii e tc l ati on tg htss i illi itcs _ id 'tfti ,ii O Vci-ii i i st h e e lif b o t h u y i , n t t e ) i i.o i )Ei O isi tii ls Ii ii l iii I c v i t i l l e i s c t ide atic o ci r pa l : tutu1 .hiit a ieu ii'. cl ieu lsl nili r 4tiifeti.l c iuiua IX Hsuc iui ie. tle alillctirs saisf KhAro avigUs Bankhaser iefthelyn :1X1Axo ih aptlSo ck, $5 ,(W l tpr ve nitsusedest Arttp~elneT LH OCeeulIaKS. hesei cu sa es. t h c 5Il xh l w an'lfiDeod, lageando or coal wo d h ri , ctio ndhe(l1} en, that le lbe atM J .aHs arkinsupo28propearlstgsado a~ettl S tee if tp evewc eere. for tcietits. GeoloicledSociety. Iaril * >>> , hii still lie j t the t1- ti I e I ti. t- v tIi c i. t.ucit i-a .sa trin itecestili sis l ;viii lie illulstratetl1k mi - I rttiatiiii KCi llt lit~ s ati the CreIts Ia tls. I Ie:tvlleyxs TIQs, i thirt ecntEw ih -hey now 1 s i emtit ti cnidaitl tes lfto ut lcen ifur iiic I Iy crivccs iin thelii ' ir eptuibltis at anti-glaciatlticriod of tiesworlud's0 ~irp at Jaickson, tii histoury.Liocal elesvations andhirift Patent c-il Mr . tooktifmitri-at l fllcitthe svallesus sac- er- IHtitsari, of ions5 tlatces, antI tius their liasios Leather le IDeniocrats inl ssrc formed.cut.[lure 11ot1 leinig timieSos sion onTihultrsidayfur the pateriby lvtlr. It illiaits, it iateid NIr. C. W- wss5postpoinci ed eNek. hIitting~ h( l ~~ TI sit, tilt I cc llttresolutiit-istwece Cs lorledl iaind h G O.OD SP E E D*.1I. .AI --- Mt C Ilack of L-I adopltltedth~e udeathiof I ti. \II - rk is at I cscit a1 ihtsIi.the iinsirationtu slsicIi ths s I r -- 5 . Lynph. lie1- lie. NC~ lie rc-e t ci ais cc cl itfruit his iI clrig rCtf it-e ;ciitas siwhici it sas sustaiit i l INE VPHOITGRAPHS it u t it ttus-i .s Ii t .Millinery and Art Goos. a1 c lass1oFatH rnf. An ouonccement, Iliun1i11i isghr lilt v thtaitlii l tis ist aeticat has iiicii stiattin-ii silts. [ie I cases inients ttae been i tal hiave icoveditto action that the fur- nill isiiinecessary sn5ess. tn one of ittditions wsere as well could hsave disease was in its isceptihle of core To iiictiieJte o iaIit i- c ---i I tiiie sTs he isis rsined-u-ul ll- hall isf WcblstcrI LitearySocit'- toi issu ae. uciaIlcui-e to c tue soiety hitr ai conttest iin pulic d uebate,-three piarticilpansts to lie chiosen tromiieacti soetyt,-timel anidconitiitioiis to tie arranged biy comieecs aippointedl for the purpose. An early replty is desired. Respectfully yours, 14. S. HEINE, NWiic A. BEASL.EY, J. C. PIEISTHERBRIDiE, Committee. / _1NEN ' Ist 0L.Ai .~'ARE, THE BEST --FOR SALE-s * -EVERYWH ERE. W.H. HAWKINS, PCop., Seialiveon is Stsudent s. Gius a call. SHORTHAND OIE IT WILL PAY YOU. Shorthanud Scbool, New Building, 20 SouthStat Btoot