M HAE U OF M. F) A 1 L SALE oF-"'ATHES~ MY 11NI lli" sTO( Is I1, J LILL 1Y, IYE5aLL171 0001 ' ut le losd ut. Sale:everyaftror i an v m4 IL.T. IL.IMT"E1E'T, Life is Uncertain ! .I 9.S DEATH S SURE.TM AL fl' 1 N' I ( t 5 1 1 1 1(5 9 1) t 54a 9~ :5 99 1. 51 9 IA NN A1li 119 ~I1OR il i (ri9 - r S11":lc i l 4 1 sei t;"11 I i liwe o il( i 0 i1.o si t 1 Y 1ti1 , IJ 1 11.t. 919 11/1:'tli tl 99;ov .5 9 t ?1 il Is oii i t' tiDAY ''il;.is. C 1. it 1f( i5 is nS- t 1 AilHI stirul m 111 it 1 5 1 1 11 'ri16t~ Eoisblihed.i ild 30 ek e nr saledi 84 iiouo acmnt raterthan0thoSeekithoTeacer st 41 191 91 .t I s (1 lI 11 111991 icfrt i t ,99 9 4Alm ) 91r HA1RVARD SANuV D YALE. I 9.11 999111past S9. v111:19111mits. Co e ll 1299eethle. 11he 'AC 1(11 si t 1 t NI tN IN a iistie 1) i ' . Wet sell it III I1I.N i FO[' IN I 1,N 6 I N.2 111n1 Uarrantit IS Mais 1t. cat jai t' G. H.WILD. 119 9919(51 11ll9 he tet shl1191 7191 >1i is i iit 1 '1 oi (199i ll 91 illnt1 4 At11 1111(9util(9 fine 111 "1ist11199 199 lie 9 I cif1g m 1 iiiI.No. 2 E. Washington St ,near Main. G. H WIL JAMES M. STAFFORD, TAMLOR I llTRJ Thle best place to 5et a + a ±Q 1456+ 560Ih MADE TO ORDER LATEST STYLES MODERATEIPRTCES, 19 SOUTH MAINQST., ANN ARBOR, - - - MICH. IITRLEIGII & JOLL,I , S TTI AN N sARBR, M s Ma BJAANI( BOO1S,' /-AND- COLLEGE + OUTFITIER1, Sporting anid Athletic Geods, Base Ball andl Tennis Goods a specialty. 10 AND 11 HARVARD ROW, 5tIILEI911 S, JOLLY, AGENT'S. GREATEST VARIETY c LOWEST PRICES obi 1 iliiiIiiEit9INil-illS 7 1111h Pearl White Plates - - - :25 139t. per set 7inclh Adamanltine China lal~tes - - - 411 cIs. per set 7incli Semi-porcelain, Ilootes laltes - - :i9 rets. per set Pearl White Ihllli Teas - - - - Is, ets. per set adamantine I'dlil Teas - - 0511cts. per set. lloote's .Seil]i-porcelaini Iidlld Teas- - - i5 ts(.er st 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. pEAN & co. THE CAMPUS. L~vCIIig Newrs Co. The nmagazsinie contaiis Ia comleteI list of all the Prof.l. \lams leases for 1t\achin g- imprtant esven ts that hase lhappenedl lon lo-lirrows, to lie goine Ito luring the ssast sear. It has also wveeks. sonme very fzlue illustrations. It E'. 1). N ewcomb 1, medi9c 'c).lhis prom~iises to lbe a servyIpoputlar llaga- Sett college. ine1. Tthere 9111llie a Illeetillg iftht~e The namesIC5oi those whlo passed in Chiess CIl911, to-molorrowV, a 1 p. in1., EquIity Jurisprudence, both on thieir at ; .1.iberty street. recordls aiid in the exam, srere posted T[le Sluday momzing iS. C. A. this moring. The rest swill be ex- mneetinhgstill lbe condtuctedl by D r. amied to-morrow at 8:30. I lijff.Manager Abbott has been suffer- 'The meeting of the Alpha Nil has ing fronm a severe throat trouble the been postpbonedt is sweek on accoun~t past tday or two. lHe attended Iec- of Sergius Stepntiak's lectulre. ture this morning. Somle persos iave been mnakinig The Illinois Clulb Coulrt will meet thlemlselves enltirely 1oo fanmiliar with to-nmorrost at 11:30 instead of 9:-o. property belonging to the manager 4. Bigelost, '92 lit., has left col- of the skating riink lately. If tlhe lege. lie is preparing for the ex- guilty parties pirove to be anmong the amlinntion to Wlest Poinlt. candidates for the teanm their icts The Glee Clubi sill be in Blay wtill not give them futulre jot. The City and Saginawt lext Fridayix and use if Itie rinlk is secured only upon11 Saturday. thle guaranitee (if thle mniager thalt it :Mansager A bbott. of the (liver- will be occup~ied by gentlenmen, whlo sity base ball tealil, is in receipt of will not oinlyilo as little damage as a letter from Anison, the wtell knowno possibile, buitt sill also piay fur all Chicago base ball11 player, givintg him thalt is tdone. If a fewe persons 111191 sonie good advice on thle niode of this restraint too galling, they should conducting the affairs of the teanm not be allowed to debar gentlemen tduring the com~ing season, antI fronm the advantages to be got from stronigly recommending that tlle ser- a1 Iuntlis lpractice, by compellinlg tices of Sluday, a well knowtn fig- the mnager of the rink, in sheer ore ini base ball circles, be engaged self-protection., to forbid the further as a coachl for the teanm. use of his building. The A. A. tlirectors will bold We are in receipltiii the ' daga- their regular meeting to-morrowt, at nine of Anmerican History," a nest co o'clock instead of 2:00, 1a5 it was periodical, published by thle Detroit formserly a1110ounced. 3T SENTESS PILIECTO0i WATCHMAKER AND JWLR $jeiamatiintion d oivppairinganJeely M. W . BLAKE, ICI:TURES, FRAMES, ART GOODS. 101 West uo t FERDON LUMBER YARD.' Manuflacturer of aid dealer in #. SAGINAW GANG SAWED L1-0~ Cir. Fourth and epolt S J.HALLER,9i- 1Reairling a (pec ialty.__ _. 0. M. MARTIN, DEALER 1IN eta1 +0 Cloth Caskets, met A\Di (51M151(iN(111I'S-- J. A.POLHEMUS Niirtli Sin Strieet RINSEY & SEABOLT, Baskers and idealers i r5d Groceries, ProvisionsFlour and r 6(and 8 E. tashington St JOHN WOTZKE. Maker of finsit LADIES and GERNTS'-0 Repairing neatly done. 4.1S,5MS With the retulrn cf tIie Seasonl, we shall be preprared tofill lish all thiat is new andld iesir ga1 UNtIFORIMS 1011111sf Ball.,elip " '1enniis, (Cricket, La (rosse, Ya3e andl for all Oulting uses. Curhle. s Swseater for quality andlI IUi,t~ip no equal. Our line of Base 11311 5111o plies, Bats, Batlls, AMasks.,1ifo3finis teeters, Catchers' ?Mitts. LastIlegfa;' Supplies, ete., ete., t.5 ill forele are3 ens still defy comlpetition, e justly proudl of our large W. togfhe losting, due 1a5s weare 5aware, X'l10 snperior qulality of oulr geeols fron esteenm we aim to strenlgtheng flt seasoii to season, in. the iawlroe ot' of onr goods sthere it is possihlffersol respondence desiredl withl 01109 g e all eollege clnbs. Send for 0111vol Catalogue of summer sports s forms, A. &. B. free to ally add1S A. G, SPAULDING & R ' CCAO: ilhLADELI'10A':ffO 108 Madison Street. 10112Chesna NEat YON 1241 and a43 Broadway-