THE U. OF "~.of 1Z 7'III. U fM. INDEPENI 1 NT AS.SOCIATION l hiio's andiiPosct ti c 'ew s ;1116 ever t~-nn tHEi U. of t. DAc IL, taio k Jok, it hethan , Annt Al ebo ,c, Iiti,'t' thin wis expctedI, owting to the ab- sence of snore)\and exIceding]ly cold weater. he rick cwork of the sout ,%ing i cale i i] ) I the sec()rclstoy amvthe stone bae- '. i' .1 i i l c toliii: ihtt i Iin r o ciii tiel' Or(lni- M. DAILY. G1RCAT $Ainp AF 'IN I Ml ,1FORTIlL L\I 1TOU1' XEEiISS r Milltes. 'I' eur Co nI mptiiiei ii l ien at 25 cnts Per 11o n(1 B niPaer', Thiesiis, aniiT lx e- ie PapeCrit Great Bar lntii cieopec t t c a~l l paperi at ,jeatiy retllcecl rates. T I 17 , MjI lIGAN GENTH( { T h gara Falls ,Ront A\t) TIE ic Ii' icn) EDITORS. cii i itl! iI'f11f( 11 .1 huh 'Itit l lit~yl?'It11i iioui Iiit- A. 0 'Ciifit t '',T ESE RA .i It ilicin I: itoue 11al itass have J.1. THAItti tsi slc, tll (-' frIo~tol I C V. I Ciii t ' 94, ''i i it. uie"M 'it t iiii'ifoi'tit' cii at. 9I'cuc . thec Ittr~tnllc~n t I c i Ilex ti }ctir i t ~ e ~ s tc it t cl s t sCu.i, lImp 1wiii dii EIUSIN E 1c,;( 7i~icn lre ciXlc-II tIEhR1 llsIhEs CU b~h l ,persncts of te fre'sh- "Um~~~c''. ~ cc. ilititie =lariiit'ttM acti., tue class ibase bill]I 111115,,seasonl. - "TH E B EST.-' iy D r iii'' (Aibtat ltoiii :pei I I'll i i rcutlarsi upo" h t pi ) i-111 Let allmetlbiers ie P. R. CLEARYilPresident. I iiitctiecs a~iou c(In I1. ;. E t .E}, E tc . ( " r E w a SI, tLOC ALcruts olo-rte C (ENTRAL STANDARD TM8 'c'4 ' vi I J ' ;! r .r t /. .. OW. RUttGLMi "H W. HAY10E SAbI5. G.1'. & T.Agent Clhicao.tAA Toledo, Ann Arbor and N00h Michigan Railway Time Table going Intoeffeco ndl Nv Gonog Norih. STATIONS. 055 whotlie procteedis ofithe te'niitertta inmenttit 'Itabilts niithut antd itcildwateir Co to ~ tleli lettniit ans'ckcets adueo ah nur t4 ot evey sudnt o tkeas anytiket 1 hloviters 01 Slhakespueare cwitt be as lie possibly ran nse. goven tin oportiunity to enjoy seonie- , thiing line, March t. Itobert Maittell 'T I it 1Giithe coulrtesy' of .\lr. 1' ililpiears iIIHamlit in the (Grandl Opera Hoiisi'. Mr. Mantlell's characeriziation I. Davs,5celenty state treasurer of IHamlet is a meituttibhetwetti that it SI ' '. ~ . ~o A ofotith's intl!Nilson Barrett's. 'Thie of 'ichianwe ae abe t-dayto ostuit list says of lin: ''Mr. Manrtell et} titii'itu(i..s n c iilt tiat cwill raise himii se'vera~l idigries -,vliic the f ll(["'fritht uplirt fiji! lii ihe sca t i'flir'mt'i c ii' itipit.- Of tue stutu its itudei'stanid ithisca1- i ofhi5seuliilui..' I v ti t w -l c i ifo ith ihclii 0 1 lit ei t ts for cci iitatuIi' iiti' iii' lit is iii Oti tc lii I ii'sti i ~ l a l55 li t .17."iio. Dic iifi i+. iiiiitit t tie 0 18ieliC . iT o s tilrake'.,of'it ci al titi i an veritymut b aded. f care, '(elitil iin, heay Slate, itilo. er o a i ii iiii ot' Iiiat' a caC til riicctis in ittil titerco tiats at re- tliettitim ofthc stden ';,nvhc h i (ae"'pi e s.lllictt' lanjitS. ltiii tn abot So~oo tiear I t kcs CIIi'"Noi "alr iihyiii 'otiticiln THE CAMPUS. gsomtoin newilil fa"n eieil"gts. th re or , _nroinn mb r,_ (ua - i o( eni ne li artiinnf1attii' e itarlite terof mllin o d llas aticrto til suh. and ti'erbes trns. S antI 'unt lt rilslsttu in. iritinei' 1te. w I ayteR, aujs.'Gen0t n, c~llilcitIry at theSitefftetBay trii eydolerop.n e-intli setot.2S. o thodtdyr, nn Arborei "i~rk to he11tW i~hi esil ho-Yo at o .i. all fotrroal. nte Coal anil woiod at Joilson's, Slate St. ital is prrogressing far niore raidi~ly Baths 14e at P. 0. Barbier Shop. TER~CHERS IARE DSTRtOIIIEI -W70 IDEARBORNIT. C'hicago. 511. Cis r ati Sta lndr Sie IP re ,,,,, e~o~a~u~r'oi i i "" .... 3 301 6'00i......TlOLEDOit.....1 1 1 0 i t 4 .oj6 47 .......'u ndeie.... Or 10 .... 44il 170 ........ Milnuu 1le 37.. 40 71 740' ANN AtitlOt 1i lltgI0 71 Foit St., West. - Detroit, Mich. 5°' tiC ""I~eliuoul ... 0g"55 t.... 5u39 5b(6, h ore iii, 5 6 ,,1) 5 ... li, ol 11 ' t 4cin Durandl l i ... I 1' iil. .i hi t ill ) I , c 1 .iC . ... i l ih~i c uiui ' 4c Nt) 1 W 451'h !57!,.. M ;;la n ol 323 s M]Ie rhea5777 1 X1...h 31....Frankfor....s "" Goin.ot SAIN. Gi "eat Oil at unuelo sdeo,. UI' 7