9t'L 1:,T i~1-2 i n PA I T ', I " r- L J I I" SALE OF WATGHOCKEO 'T 7,7 7-): 9TI(l 0 Must be(1lsolIout. Sale.e ed afteo onan I Iti L. T. LIMPERT, 1:11" Ns. "( 15 llS V11 IN lIO s t 11 . T\Ic s log,-I OIl 118951 (J'IAIN 1'1,x; tor 9,I.5o and warrat Iit. Life is Uncertain! ~{EFEC &Y '-.;I ,I ' DEATH IS SURE. , ,5,1TIME TABL . NN oc } 1111 1 11, 111 1111 1'.) "0 4,5 1) 0,!,1t 11.11 111 1 11111511. II 151111111 1111111 11 I 1. 1.,11tiO A i N 11 {1 SS l Id'r ln C11 r 1 1i'i l Flo.ih(. ncxt tort nlo tli I wil rc i 111 111 11 i11- t10 1.', *5 155 1_ 11 . 9 1ar- e a m bitiu s o r n a d 1vac e ent rath11- e r a n thA ROe frot o 1t si 1 t (O 111 ,1NliAlD-. 1 1 -09 ' 11 ctl) ave111111 byI ths fl. No. 2 E Washig-tonIs t nalr i. G. 14. WJ'- JAMES M. STAFFORD, TAIL6R 4 IMP6RTER, The best place to get a fIRZS +±Qr2AS6 + ± 0U1; MADE TO ORDER LATEST STYLES MODERATEIPRICES, 19 SOUTH MAINgST., ANN ARBOR,- - - MIAii. IRLEIOll & JOLLY? 265S. STATE ST., AtN Arson. Mtta., -AAND-OS 2rT CC) ST For tile text thirury lays. Harvarit, a1e, U.oftM. and universal COLLEGE + OUTFITTER, Sporting antI Athletic Goods, Base Ball andl Tennis (roads a specialty. 10 AND) 11 HARlVARID R0W, BURiLEIGHII &JOLLY, AGENTS. GREATEST VARIETY c LOWEST PRICES 7 1inch Pearl Wilte Plates - - - - : 1 (49. tper set 7 inch Alaniatitine China Plates - - - 4o1 its. pet set 7 inch Semi-porcelain, Botes Plates - - .)r) ts. tier set Pearl ttWhtite I'dl'd l'easi - - - - i8 cts. per st Aantmantite 'ldl'eas - - - 0 cts. per set Bisote's Seuti-porcelainti 11(1 't'eas- - - 75 cts. pet set 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. pEAN & CO. I LUSIITESS PIREC IU4r. THE CAMPUS. Rtusscll 11. Colliselt , to-slighlt. C. T. A lexander issic k at1 11s liole In)etroiit. M. .J. Kely, of B~ostoini will proli- aby1)1coiaichit1he 1Exete'r nine11.1litis 'T'he S. I,. A. course tirkets dlo 1101 adnit to te Stepinlak lecture as sonmcthioutgltt. It is reported thait Princeton will establisht a law school int Nesw York City. Prof. lDsiglit, tote of Coltum- bia law sclhool, will probably lie placed at its head. Our senior ''Prex.'' R. tP.Lanmont, is expected tome Monday front his California trip. Thtis week lie is visitintg points of interest in Colo- rado. Thtere will be a nmeetintg of the di- rectors of the Athletic AssociationC in the Alphia Nu hall, Satutrday, February 28, at 2 pi.ni. D~r. Ford has been unable to meet his classes for the last two weeks. Thtose whtose records in the qttizzes in Equity .Jnrisprudence htave been sufficiently htight will be passed witht- cout att exant. Allnienibers o1 the Freshmnts class who expect to try for positions ott the class base-ball teanm for this seasons sill please htand in thteir names swiths the positiotns for swhiclt thtey expect to work to the manager, 20 S. tIngalls St. H.. I.ReOGNIAN, :Manager. M~r. 'McGee is lectutring to the Fresh Meidics on lltysics. The Glee ('lub trilp tas btecn chtatnged in stomte poinits 51111e the first dlates siere 1puiblished. 'The dates ttows stantd as foiltlsws: Girantd Rapitds, Aptril to; Chicago, itr.; J ol- iet, 13; St. Louis, 14; Kansas City, 1 Topeka, i16; Leavensworthi. 17?' St. Josewli, 18; Cotuncil Bltuffs, 20; D~eslisoins, 21; Kalamtazoo, 22. 'The faculty htas granted thte base- ball team a leave oif absensce of six dlays fur thteir eastern trill. Severanee, '91i, re-enters college thtis semester. J. 'AV. Wrightt, secretary of thte Athtletic Association, has received a letter fron thtletantager of the Ann Arbor ball team agreeintg to a series of thtree ganmes, the first to be played in Ann Arbor, thte seconid at Ober- litt, the thtird, '"if a thtirtd is neces- sary,'' at Attn Arbor. fThe Ants Arbor boys are to ttake an extetnsive eastern toutr in thte spring, playing "ale, Williatms, Amherst, Hlars-ard andl Prittcetotn.'Thtey wish to get thte Oberlin series comnpletedl by MNay 25, to clear thte field for thte eastertn sates. Let thte Oberlitt boys see to it thtat the representatives of "the greatest University on the con- tirnent" atnd the 'best amateur pitcher ill Atmerica,'' are sent on their stay east, rejoicinig, stithithe hatunting mentory of tswo defeats to remntd thent that a third is tnot " necessarv. ''-Oberlin Resiew. WM. ARNOLD LR WATCHMAKER AND JEW~' 51 MAIN STRETlitlr lik Special alttnlt ipid to repiairing andJewl, M.W. BLAKE, o P ICTruRES, :RAwIEs, ART GOODS. l0ow1est HOT5 FERDON LUMBER YA~p' Manuftacturer ol-tand11eler in -edj SAGINAW GANG SAWED 1U-0 Cor. Foutrth andl Depot Sts.. J. HALLER 46 soui99 MAI T19. 0. M. MARTIN, Cloth Caskets,Mea.. ANt) tSIM~tIN(,'(WfIN . J. A. POLHEMU,. ALSO 'BIUS HACK AND IGAhfiA _ North Matn Street RINSEY & SEABOLT. Bakers and deas I ed Groceries, Provihions, Flour and Sand 8 E. Washinto t47 JOHN WOTZKE. Makersof fine a0 L.ADIEKS' and GENTS7'14 Eepairng neatly done. 43 S. Main St Witht the retulrn ot the 13seful Seasont, we shall be preprar'f.to 10 tnish all thlat is new an d de-stl 1,30 UNIFOtRMS FORt Base hall, elltiV9 Teninis, Cricket, La ('rosse, ra Slt attd for all Outing uses.'Our iT 1 Sweater for quality anttdul ell~fstrS Ito equlal. Our line of Base,,133lX " plies, Bats, Balls, Masks, I30'jeaplg teetors, Catecters' Mitts, Lawn0 r5 Su~pplies, ete., ete., its 11, forP,0 Rsr otts still defy comapetitionell e rg5 julstly proud of ottr large c o lowsintg, dtte as we are aAnalre, 111s superior qitality of ou~r goods' frOo' esteent we aint to strength'tte' tt seasotn to seasont, intthle impl°rB(Of. of ottr goods where it is pos~tl respottdettce desiredl with ntar he~ all college clubhs. Sends for 1dt I, Catalogute of Sutmmer Sport crS t forms, A. & B. free to allyale A. G, SPAULDING & 000 '' CCtAGO: P1II IPltgt I1r 108 Madison Street. 1t32Cthelss NESS' Voltht 241and :X;11 BroadWSY-