THE U. OF M. DAILY New OGYouman's Hats, Spring Block Knox Hats, Latest Shape Silverman Hats,, THE T WO SAM}S. ()fI Old L7. of X. shouldi hav e a Uni'verSity of Michigjan Guitar. P'ric'es lowest, Quality Highest. Gutarateed every ineh of the toad. Violint aid(Gitar sItrings, I10 els.; ifanjo antd M;MadOl illI triu 5et's. Es iryI iiill p ropiortionI. ('eNn ~YlP iGEL 1190 OLGAIT 00 I. 1. Ce et .lJ D 1l il . ~ Y1_ 13 F1ATL. Isl~t i~~ils'lN'liltNI Xl'l'OlSll'IX I',S. i 3 I BROWN'S DRUG STORE ('()I N 1.11 AIN XNI) 1fit N ilEET:I'~Ij LAEGlEST (' O( 1 TOs~ IL1 )1)1,O'sA ND 1lINE l('IGA Its, TOBAO S sANID ('Is;AH ,TS t'i' I TH lE('ITY. iiAlor Stoom Lffi t~Y. VOORHEIS & ETS BEST WORK IN THE CITY' STATE ST., TAILORS , 'OKCALLEIIFOR and DELIVERED.' FIRST CLASS WORK. rf,-PCARTSTSTDNS _ f - 23 South Fourth Ave. -)ALL t 'N E E =L l For the nextItirty (lay.we 'wsill dlgCinv1' ('(celit MIi ll slIs <)ith FERGUSON & SLATING, S e5t tii 'Is of-,Will sasge tois ' 0iIN itolg t'siieril''Text-Ilooks aidlall slpiet it Il Iestiilll iril'is. AV( altows s15'iiiitlisrotl ut oni A W IlOO~KS. M EIIIAL 10. I()Il'.D ENTAMI lOISis in 'i'ey Illssshik eii1 e 1*1 i i ts i'(1) IBlank 1 11 atlowi t i es. x _I I XIII I ((((is 'IlTOElIN Jil II 'n' Brnc ndVi ry(ntrs, t "pIoscn Sew t~r ttcil~e ttr 3;tt iss' let. ri 5 ishis e W'(t idsnt lyls si' tosit'. iii I t I) etss Iii issi fors'icis Iii nd~it5 s". l 1t's II e c f r Is j.i 5 isi i;i s ss I -lN CLOTHiING OF ALL KIN OSIAT '-JACOBS & CO.'S, 1 7 A:%n 29 MAIN SW. NVI INCELLA N NI'US. A Tiribte t o Pro is"~~ ~~ ,iWn si 1111 ' s i tt.3 ll 1)c' i' 5 i' tl lull r iii tci 5. alr tll s"l~s ri5 r o l~e 1).11, i tlec to agae. AI cso's -,, L. CRUNER.-st- _ Dealer 0u Rhea as Josephine. ar No. 8 South :ain steet. '15lgdone~eatly atid 5rssptly. Rheia plays j osefi in i 11Elt''ondj Straight Qot. (Granidl(Opera Iloliss in this oil Ns. I dayoseteni'", F'olrii rs '7th. CIG(3ARBETTES.tilts ia's been irem oileld and Ig 'igisrette SmosliiSlWs 10 iroild irsineits aipearanc aressiliiiig teisb it tI sii'g's'tl leelithes icei as t e r 'wch rcesr trode ig-liittesiilf t ied b ena d d n he cliiim x in th all ite ss".act hais e li ticlv oi-cl.' tin '1 'roe lk siiol Sillg-t Stt i 5icA ' of sVii-;ii. Ths ' i is lc(ll 1i r}1 'ssslet itu It, a ii isi'sl isiIiut t ' ' Iy s{ii Ii ea I w il "eeIs a'tllthii eiis lits at 0f tttrcS iitii tt oss'A is (c'i.. ml t le s s w tisr)clis, tit'i Itc i . Vd ir i il S - - - - Ile f t e ti o"ist sit sl( ,, arbor Savings Bankn "I s'rini i 0siiloi Artu isshI. issssiit i ss'sc , '5.sii (nll llpresioitei rrsis, (tis theflli.l s 1)Ian' ill I iucIi thssGenealss'5ii tisisititig hesi is a giririli a ainti'sso ilyc~ 'so. t (SheeDraits sed up'sonlper Drsse os.. isepliiiss 'slNIarm Ls IlCK, 'I''.. 'fhe foirimir bitterly ul hiraidls Ii It 1. Ilsossos'.NN"vie'Ples.. si Es . Itisis'Ke , Cislisses'. tsr fsir ier sdesertioti o1 thieen)1 IN '*TE ARGUS.3"- tIns tille if trsoble. Thelis siof "'lsssiilis' is 'said to fits'd F I1 C; /,a rery strong rcaracter Ini AT Low PRICES. Louise. It wtas shts who saidf Is $,nwadold, are p oleonsften fte rodfe tillto fel tall EW ad arge lua tadeone day unattedesdandti gaofor coal, wood, oil and duced hintself to Item as hterf at J. E. ilarkins', 28 E.Huavnotde"Your ni ajetfy's pit et ts o on o ote 1 X hersne fte ir lss ithey X ni fso le'sndsroW(Nchs ell, ii lii lhas as ii- bcifor wo .ar teir hostosedi se.r atnd efftitcotnt pre'ssdent. Ilefiat isbe1esnt isummoedlit theNIMaster fie t(r a ervedf sio iiongttandIwell fromit amtonti" the 'sirs'"" i's anid labiors of tis lifle tsosenjoy the reswardfswficht is resservesdfor sirhlon(tg; antdfaith-~ s theliii service in atsswsrldf whetre steig;- ty Fri- gils andflabiors areounknowssn. lIt Theishimst hschurchI of .XassnArbosr lis lsoda s'sise couinselosr.a livoted ;rad rin, the 'ivesi'rsai l cii n asell- horseo'sltiipiofaiiif valiaint sosldier, relit; t ate ou iiis 1truthiiiarident iantdipowesrfiil is last sdeisinsr, atoi e G (iveriof all iriith i'his's a hlissisllsan1 s's ll si ssfll'oer. Ilut 5'~' isth iss ie' lissladts I ldoi.s ihe lii' Ties Dress Shirips, Patent Lweather -Shoes. tis sIII N1lll'. is ise. Irawno MIarie .o .a- itr o- future ctures live 11('s a ts o this's'iiliii 'it teels y llsexn le andtlpIsi c lpts. elmluellt i iit lii ari sil 'tti iin oteva i f te tnh is alh l a tsr tiatii ))Issvs 'sillsIc s ,I lc d c yI-a)A of a is i ortis iii spir ii' h s ri liilsis i toi itssdts'sit lhe siritii self'icio hI dwlt t hee(lt ll iiisand ork si' iii tis moralsif sIfr us1 nd Ifs's terl iii ThliDi I.s, s in0receipit of anitt-t vitatioo fron the.ts'ats Ndestosensd a repsresentativ'e to thesir annutal bsan- iquet, NMarcih 9th. 'hic soncrt giscenIsy the Normtaf chosir at 'fisi, last night, swas a sitc- cess in every particular. E~very mtentber seas encored, Prof. Stanley's ongant solos being especially fine. GOODSPEED* 1'iIE PH610EGRAPHS, Millinery and Art Goods. 30 East II a-si t. LINEN ' ARE THE BEST t;' i FOR SALE'i -EVERYWH ERE. W. Ii. 1HAW5KINS, Proii., Specoat given is Stidssliv us Ia call. SHORTHAND 'ORS. IT WILL PAY YO00 Shorthand School, New Building, 20 South State. Street.