pu TH THE U. OF M. DAILY.c. ofnhcU)r r. harper has sent in his litter Q tI~l~l7 ofi a.cf'e pJtiiice of the1residlec rof GF1fr11JA JJ.LU1'\ AL theii i. ic- jdd taic5 latisi iiersitc. C~ ATT EIFOU theC (ctuc yrta biyI )ffer fivc toms ofjipeir itof Viatll i ikuimiit s ld bythe pii 11at iL \i LIBUSINESSLT LOCALS. ditill rates. rs- our (roiwnI mpeijriail Lincn it 2'5dents pr T( i hi r.-hDesirable -itce iciiuil p< l . lioii( Waltir,'thesis, 111(1 t ]i('iriti-r iaper a wet4 ~vl vit tici (1)1iii it(i atit rc at] is reilciilritc --i~cc ii Sigl -i iisci ts.ic( ciii j Zlltc7"atciites. c iii cur c tt ci < t(tlic i c ri-c\\iiI ciccci / o i, t i (e ais t or\ iticii'I c"1)cititilt- li ( 1 c d h tit ( c lii- ii A. \t cc5 ipctii -ci' i iii.. _ctillic tt cciii ii11''(ihe'!ic eiatF1lla I-cclc. ccIIrcc iicit I i i i r ciifi faiiititi cii~o OIC'Niiniisiir E itor. Al i i iiw -- nn icact ns i c ii I hi5- ,(.11t ciiitto c I -- ii .1 ii iiet iii ' t e 1th ii iill i s it ilttAtimw 'cri - tiiii-ay.i's(ice it C EAI I CENTRAL STANDARD TIME THE U. of H. DAILY, ii iciiiiiciiiiciAND1 ''tl --1 Ann Arbor, ichR t1. Wi* tM1 L IULLU EDITORS. i\c l iiiitcicccitiiitc toiiil 'cjit lveiiiii c G rc. EC' GHi. E I\'s.1 1, trici ' tn~lt~ 91Il~r tiiiicciiije r t itit {2. h (Iiiit MaliteiT TS t- 11.'1 N i I I si st-cc. Stalla-giQE d itorc-i ct-cc i I:hiiti-L i tti'(rti Sit1c ' ci O A. W CC'~. tic-cii'tt1, Cccist . iiii i it ii' . Io1iiici. Sit i-. lslhite1 Ctts T l'h tieiticcii((1011___ ______ cc J. c'. TessVic. '2,1sitticii iiictct ic ci iofiti-nlt is teiini hbttweenithtt R, CW-ic. D (i-cc, . 'c ilciiticitiesu t Se cci. of Ijotti . 1iii XXilcittihtctrrct'c.!'I 1.~~~~~~~ ~~ 55 lccci.li icc.li iciiic hiti iitscf tint: 'Mr. Maiittll -6)T E ES S.Sevac'nt.teen Tiit c' is c -ciciiilct ii ta g ht iti t eaiii i chrs. icacciwcci ,i n hd % r H. D..)i Cci"Vcc.'ci"It foritit tit iex ci tti cecof truck,oie ti iii ii tatc ccrcc cuc i t P. R.CLEARYPresident. ri--tilt iii itVs torityelliitc at liiidiii si ~oh raises, 1etitincc-suits fur iiihiisttu-citti py tltct ' oic. Diisio-fti.~ii-, T~H R EITOU be a ()()diii liit Ie. 1i.t1hethh fur vciial. vr lag iiiil fe a ui as tii t~e ile at hi.(}0. - A - TitiTehiet Iet-g tote elect.-st ediiu 1tal Ithi s t:1 I' henher SOp.w~l tteit iac titre ti is ii is r it isi ri "hn: titu-1hcit ttt iN 70D SR r 'icQ ugIei ecte e ~ci gicF ii Ilslncar. htitionfe pyGnisuct f iit i ine tnti' i uIticigM at icgit i uno--,i ceit'r- Si CU o iiii tiii' sa i tica aiiiiifcwiit stiu ct. ol te ol- Wicshit. Piiiccd 'tiiherG intairs.c G t ctt Tillt - isctcut m iicticiic. I_ i ne i \a i-i-1,1u-i l teI-c :c I I1 ii- i-tei ile illblln ii r1c-iiiits c tiii i cci ta t SIte ind ti l a ll- iveic thel aditc~lrioncali cc iias led itiso ciiccii'iit tiN0iiciict iii noii tetiiii 1cussdtic-4 - sli-i t ic icrct wiill ntc eV fet 1ip ;E: byii ' o icic n alutiiitiiii cciit li' hicici e ow.t[JG 1", x.w 11Y S i' ssa l ticy tw.ccsii h tis he ictuiife i l tii ciiiii Y-icg-ci-i ii tic ii ,5) i X h i N 10 ti s. ict"i-Ilti~'" I's i t ~I z1iictciciiii iAR INticDUCEDiccit Iireth eigiitc c cctiiy for iilc-endowmen ii'tilviitiiin i t'ccolehPrp G ad.p r ou e tici e ii nly fe l it I tig ofcctie Itc 2cii, c -) th 4thiti eA nnt AroticO licOL veriic cici annualfti , ti e d attii utI - I i'sfcit-tths) c pcti-E.'B. HallFridayoEvening, Feb. 27th, 91ig Into efDict, IondR Bacths t1 iii0ciat tsv. arbhe ttiShop t. --__ ecgSt c oo ~ ci tey trcan toe irtn i it byni ern-isttI.ssa cifXX'iitan hhteris' ttceric1South6 toNI' tu ed ieUiestter ttoi cif apit,"on Inie Strlitg Mi cfloi Nrth heTINS. i 'm N"7 .D A B R ST ti a o KNot.ig o eo th iir u el vllp illwis eas hicy , J oihinit'ay uP mrI II - ___ - c titt"aMadonifolw .5a t tr t e Crit .'Itiat nti (riikoe"was-As6" -- . a !tt At "t gife curse. l I'l(C('.\'rstYo Produ e ertA tith a e titettla rtc,11" an.C,1 4Ccac.Stndr .Tie 0 il - -*-'----'ofth NisYnk iirih sid itte T Sxp I T ii-SB-ai etail-set --- 'lice U.r ofh sI u as-aife lo lens tne fl 4(''a iel oilieinse ffJonrtthaityliii Seho - 4 Palm'iasOit'i'-l IaO BYas m s41I- tt 55 r Bet Selow I 1tiO - lin psrand atheaeofa hsecefn(nielelero 'sfrorngnasd- tteihiratLa."Mr Iarisis Ftt poH.W.ASLE, . iAT A3, J nne2d tuenth anM hiewi ltgin pthu eds .Sct atat PdecidedNwsHod. G.H. EAoZLE47 OOD. lo(E(IA