SALE GF MY lENT MIust s( ( t . Ut a L. T. L N 1:11"t1lIJt)l'11111V NFCJ Ow M.PJAILY YY~I2Lh.) DEATH IS SURE. I.v l'].ATIME TABL m.30It Ill iSTOCIK OF11:-.452.ANN -1110 .t,11 1.:30 Pi. ii I t ILTAE N Ccoo ~ - i ilIIve l~ Iii , Sitom1.3iirtHti. il '5cy atr tit it iii.iUAi~ liii t~iniiii~ii 9.25, 1xi Mfland I T rthe, et t siiitiire mon illd rt t- 0 12, i.5Un l o tr e YIilt nc t 4" w eI t he i I i.Iof 'nc& Teac hers Co-O at x1'0pert,iv te Associa 'rtii it il iestitirtiit r e ambtitousfrw d ace etra theratoli than 3( se witho.1ut. 0i m itiO M' XVIItr c crSol >I oo ( I t I wwwo-op- f HARVRD AD YAE, ~G. H. WILD, i E lN F( )L' NIAI N PEEN fttr Si .,5oantdiwarratiit. ( ticintii. FinteXcnsnscan lie hdo x f) 4iiii St. '44 tt St., No.32 E. Washington St, near Main. G. H.Y~y JAMS MSTFFODGREATEST VARIETY d LOWEST PRICES WM. ARNOLENWEE. A rAl nrmn tiN ilitiiKttlYIN 1110i cr. WATCHMAKER. AND EW I 7 - iii ~MAIN SllETR I 7 inihli .tanantine China Plates - - - 401 ctn. pliii t adnftt I y.1t ____ 7 inch Senmt-porcelain, IBoote's lilaten - -:>5 tn, iter sri - .-W . BLAKE Pearl White II (II'dTeas - - - - i38 tn. ter net M.W.BLKE T.Ime bent place to get a Adlainantinl 1141 Teas - - - - 50i ctn. per nit 1vicCRiEs, 1FRAMSS9 A lente's Seni-porcelain I tild l'ean - - - 75ctn. ier net A4 . . ..-.,, ,,r iuo 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. pEAN &ca. FlgoZ +± Qi(Asos + 61316 MADE TO ORDER LATEST STYLES MODERATE PRICES, 19 SOUTH MAIN,:ST.. ANN ARBOR, - - - MvicLI. 26ISIR TAE S..AII & 12 lCi. I THE CAMPUS. Whlo's got the Ivey' IDr. Sctilieiuann'n grave is in thc iewrcecmecery at Athens, in fuill viest of the Parthenon. It is tilt far fronithme spot st-lire Socrates uised to sit uiiidlr the laine trccs 1111 biatililiin fcet in the Ilinnon. Mins Faumnie Cook, 1941 after an absnce of about a m1onth, has rc- turned to college. Mr. Chas. Bleartisley, lawr 191, is enltertaiing his lirotiher, lDr. SBeards- Icy, of Ottawa, Ohio, a graduate of the nmedical d~epartmsent in 188. Ann Arbor will be well represent- r-= QT in Dietroit, next Monday evening, Wholesale and Retail Agent if all go thlat iiave exipressed their INAYARBORFORinttention of doing no. hWliat hlas becomieiif the interest j ~ E i the gym. funti? Has the project1 iaYE 14E W .0 RI N fallcin through altogetlher? Quite a nunmber hlave expessedl tttRVILAIDIYALI I. itt M. their intention of going to Jackson, AND tS15 EntiL to-night, to attend thle Glee Club COOLEG.E + QUJIFIHER, ecouerse in Sopisomore Latin S~~I~T h- promises to be esp~ecially inter- -ANtI esting, tlhis semlester, and boths Prof. R~olfe aiid Mr. Clement are doing AT E 1I G O ODW everything possible to mlake it at- Biase SBall and Tennsis Goodls tractive. F. AV. Benz, iaw 'g91 sipent yester- a Specaltyday in D~etroit. G. I-f. Miller, 193, and Tremble, 101 AND St1SHARVARtD ROY, '94, have gone honme to Marshall ho Q.AsBRID=r, M.. spend a day or two. ,9,3still pronbablyIhave a tmceting ncxt sweek toielecticlans liasc-Iall di- rectors. An SIdiaii Clubhctans, for the lathes, wsnfotrnidei seirinayafter- 1no101 in Room a1. Walkcr, last '92, still leave cotllege sion to enitcr a last officatEltgini, Illinois. The class in Practical Pthysiology uniler SDr. IHIowell has coummncied work. Ptrof. htenneqiii, of Dletroit, tan ill itwnthis mn~ing. W. P. Parker, 193, aiii sister Nellie, 194, are npending a fesw days at their house in Owosso. Thse final boxing match between Farrandl anid Frantzen will sot take place at thelse i Upsilon house, as wsanasnotunced souse tim~e ago. C. (G. Atkins, 192, and F. SL. Duss- h all, '92, stesnt sosse Thsursday to Ohio to spenid a fewt days. The sectionss isn Freshmsans Latini are so large thsat it is thsoughst somse still hsave to dlrop thsestork this se- nmester. Thse sectiosns iss Englishs,Course i a, rapid striting, usider Mr. Desnney, are very large. 'Many upper class- nsen are taking the stork. At the Engineerinig society last eveising a very interesting paper on "iThe St. Clair River TSunnsel" swas read by Prof. Chsas. E. Greene. Tue revision of thse constitution of thse society was up for discussion. FERDON LUMBER YARD. Manftrero-find i aler d int ea SAGINAW GANG SAWED LUMIP itir iFiurttmtnsDeott.l J. HALLER r Rletirmigaeialty.iti 0. M. 5IA RT tN, Cloth Caskets, lltl ANDt COiMMOtN ittlIINs___- J. A.POLHEMUS AiLSOi'111tS IACKE AND IIlAfiAG6 1 Nit-tht iiin Street RINSEY & SEABOLT, Balkertsandl deailerstin eed Groceries, ProvisionsFlour andFlu JOHN WOTZKE, Maker of ite. ILADIIS' aind GI:N~tV'0 Rlepairiiing ealy dte. ItIS.51 With the retuirn of the Tlase foll Seaston, wt shall lbe teltraredto ltl luish all that is new aind tlfsrlr , JTNISCOISMS lOlt IBase hBaly10hinkf 'Teinnis, Cricket, La (rilssf,,tfIe andt fttr all Outing tines. otir 1 Swreater for quality and dutiabilltity no0 etqual. Our line ttf Base1311allPo ptlies, Bats, Balls, Masksg3d itlis tecters, Catchers' Mitts, LaWnrses Stupplies, etc., ete., asits former te oiis still defy comnpetitioil, eeo justly proudt of our large teole to IlI. lowtiing,duie itsstweatreeiI, 5,Iiis superior qtality of our goetds.frogS esteem swe aimi to strenigten o5sfIm season to seasoti, ini the inmProe t ft of our goods swhere it is possible s o respnpence tdesiredl with ifa1Ia5if5 all college clubs. Sendtifer eur IA Cmtalogue of Summer Sports al111 forms, A1. & BI. free to any aidds11 A. G, SPAULDING & BROS'f CCOute: lPlIi.AtIEL1II gtt 108 MadisonSt5reet. 12 Chetnut NEW YORE: 241 and 2431 lroadwaY-