~1$ U. o nor. I-----No.1,11. ULNI\ ERftIIX O1 MICIIG UN, I IlL) AY I{ I kiAlXI21, I1)1. 1 tntcl, 111111 CET SATrr BIBLE INSTITUTE. 0r. Harper Talks on Isaiah. e Bble t~Intstituite trovitded for ttieStudents' Christian Associa- tinhgn esterttac eveiig. II ii flent h tdnsadpolet of y it lbwere 1in attendlane, tter ere delegatesnreon t fronti ei-t1ackol jls1 let n Ililam*t a ther ptlace. Sverl f our Str j(~ - i 1 1 fnoto 111 I Or r asisting ttn the tootittite by cotr)utiflg001110 very able 111d titeresil aes u h edn fit' lnr -tppearedlaIttnIighlt frtile first tinte before a U. of \l. atience. His vigorous atntienttitu- OSitie mletitod of presentintglhis solo- 11c I toc adle hiit a great favor- Wt ite wittttlauienoce. Whlte I at n lin etPentatettciscriticisml an tt nil te conltroversies tof date anathrshtip thtat ltang5about te bIti 7estalttestIte is none te less abe oatlapt ltimself lierfetctly to his audi esce whiethter it be thte 110111 lg in euof Nortbfieldl, or thtenmen of hisclss-oo at Yale. Tite key notecsto iisiwork is ctocentration. l it l rteelie proproses to littit leav erelisto tsaialt, thtts lhoping Iae s oher methoods for app~lica- toohrportions of Scripture, while atte same time ttin s a lood itworktng knowledige of Isaiah. s ninspiiring teacher, andI out- h11 off any desire to take tlte work rofered to all, it is wvorth while tofat his lectttres to catchs sonoe of isn fine enthousiastmt A printedl 'lhl1Ot is givent witht each lectutre, vhs akingthse work of permlanlent The frst loeeting7 of thse tnstitute hsleld last niglht in University A pl" 'Every seat was filled. Dr. helgave thte address of welcomoe an intr~ouced r. tHarpoer to tte ttec-His subject was, "Isaiaht's It adears in P'rophoetic Service." ha neithter conme, he said, to lecur nor to preachl, for be was Ither telecturer nor a preacher, tcotel of oneC of the greatest lte rs, preachters and orators of taworld. Isaiah was not a proploet, dikn lgtis word in the sense of pre- ction li % e was a preachter. The gee~ s of information for his knowl- d of Isaiah were, Isaiah, Micah, lte hitoritcti iooks oof thit ble uandot ti th tyia111i1101ripltionsoftowuith liere o r am bout lif t} tithosti n iltihe Bitishit sum "E ooetssria111 Nverme iiiith~sofittihe1 leboottoandl ia imila utos aits Ianlo 1111111.0 it-crc tliteiItrateit ai n s littl e lv a tttiin Isibiilit Ir- areife o Ilosaitheiscl litn ofretotttti.cTlst arenty-1strn Itookts ofweruwrtte, arotdonttlitttt Bred nr d oifvty eai r fe n aa cale ortler. aItor ott aes )Dr. liar- serttallsth et eat. I t itettttook 1110 breoltod ao eal npetitod. ITIc ftmninysutug lttts chapters a s rg contsitttfgsertons ottanexalitatn regardiliatiysteatoil orurirocotioi- caloterogrn anyeca-sscDr iar- per1 thinessinlthi textgs iof Isaiaht's settttons fran Isliathin totekep therof.dseyshcrefottlanloithk cto rs whicare'swok delwir.Isaiae's sttbjectsumeas, utsiasehaSertots in conntaiiogsnwinol lsoaio o HuiglitoPufaiebsdotiteet- eTheprgrlaattdmittascarters oft tisi rnnaalt.idd o. r lieer fiftyansernteae stintaseir on1 Mesasiatti atsaes forntIsall, anderyovislst etsnea oacter. be otiossar Iaiw aysinte ei bteentilient"Itpractiinprerdho Prt.avey taeflstodfpcistakoo sntowiyngdtoatovilutbtesuptoebetl anyDrlongrer's willDrenablert't nobet wo, Iareookiiemnyit Conecnwt h mor hpacic. nvasitasal regayh-eedroppbed o brettsis- trIainighlege PaesauWisaidtes tasrturedl toel college. soe ratie Conwell Will Not Be Here To-Night. j lie cctitre Associatitio tiiis ifter- 1111 ll received at teiciratti sattinthtiat Conwtell1coulditInot filius tiate there to-tiighit. lieis lprevenioIlt-dbytue failure it hisvvoice-. At-r t fott datto rest tie oill likely lie able toi tern itt litugniotill g'ive a tlecte inceitiyeliiiHl I 'col:ti mtorrots 1110ning1'lie NN-ii lecturein I lt iee it Io 1a11(1a9: 5 n se Finerty's Eloquence. Ait intterestitog incienett woicht illustrates Mr. Joun1itnerty's pow~er of giovtng utteranctoe 1 his thtoughtts itt itntentse form nd ti at thoc critical tmometot occttrredl at thte Lolgant me- ttorial services hseld at Biattery D. in Chticagotshsortly after Logant's dleath. Tloe immetose tallos-as packed antI someO of thte ablest tmen of thte couontry addlressedl thte sneeting. WVsile lattdittg i ogottt s abilities, choaracter antt career, mtost of te spteakers spoke its a regretful tone at ltis lack of endtcatiott. Whsetn tinerty's tutrnt to spteak catte he oalked downt to thte front of the stage atod drawoinog 010lis msag- nificetot presence be said its clear, ringitng tottes, "Whsile I agree with thte eloquetit getttlemetn whsolore- ceded as to all lthey saidl abott M'r. L~ogan's abilities, yet I cats tot enter itoto Iteir regret for htis lack of edu- cation, for thsougho tot a college bred msan yet Jothn A. L~ogan had tlhat educatiott which Chsrist gave to Isis Alpostles 010 thse waters of Gall- lee."' Thse effect teas electrical. Thse v-ast attdience rose ito a body and gave repeated chteers. Men threw thteir bats in thte air atod thte ladies waved thteir hoandkerchtiefs. 11 teas sotte noontts before thse audience because quiet, antI front thoat monoent to the conclusion of lois address, Mr. Fiserty heldl sway over teninds atod tearts of lois audience. His speecht tas declared te spleecht of thteclay. Mr. Finerty's address on Monday in celebration of Washington's birtht- day will hoe at 2 o'clock in Univer- sity I-all. ils subject is "The Founding of the Republic or Ameni- canAntalgamaion." No admission price will he chsarged and all are in- vited. CUING thelsexperoiece of College lieI 110 t 01re ttsts- iof IColleg~e SII- den'ts, in at l arbso'ecorp~s of skilled D)esi'mierstttIand etes n pet ially trind1 or11kean other tjtte ttyle Mous WNeUIareTt in.11ositi t tro du e th fnet; pMans n e.le schety.bSesallehrdsw& llar .9)1 Sac idits s S itrl TIZIi ~lI:I 6000$.II II ENGLOFWTISH S JER