THE U. OF M. DAILY THE TWO SAM$ Messrs. YOUMAN'S, KNOX' and 8ILVERMAN'S Seethe6fCollar Amp, ~new 6,Cla THE- C-COAT 9 5,See it at Of Old U. of M. should have a Univerity of Michigan Guitar. Prices lowest, Quality highest. Guaranteed every inch of the road. Violin anmd Guitar Strings, 10e ts.; Banjo and Mandolin Strings, 5 cts. Everything iu proportion. L. If. Clement, LIryti T RADE A T BROWN'S DRUG STORE CORNER MAIN AND HURON STREETS. LARGEST sTOCK OF TOILET GOODs AND FINE CIGARS, ToBACCOs AND TI~E IT=O 3.A1/Ls-. L. BLITZ CIGARETTES IN THE CITY. VOORHEIS & DIETAS, FERGUSON & SLATING, BEST WORK IN THE CITY I STATE ST. TAILORS, Gets' Firishers aiac $aUters WORE OALLED FOR and DELIVERED. FIRST CLASS WORK. Carrya full line of HATS, CAPS, NECKWEAR, HOSIERY, GLOVES, EarSPECIAL naTES To STUDENTS. UNDERWEAR, Etc. The latest styles and an entire new stock to select from. e - 23 South Fourth Ave. CALL AN SEE J , 2 SQUTo I sT&a sT., - AITZ" 1LO-ISon. WAHR'S BOOK STORE, DOWN TOWNT E ,.____ 37 Monroe Rive., Detroit, Mich. " The Largest Musical Merchandise House in Every Student will save money by buying University Text-Books and all supplies at Headquarters. We allow thrnta.A neeanry Gioarts. a sne Ste- special discount on LAW BOOKS, MEDICAL BOOKS, DENTAL BOOKS, in short, every Book used in the art and Benary nanjos. est Strings in the werld sent by mail ts any address at 15cents University. 5,000 Blank Books at lowest prices. each for Violin and Gultar and I0 cents each 4 wCir.tor fBanjo. LEADING BOOK STORE IN THE CITY. Ailler AT.T m vrr -rmn-mo amm-nrn eIFACULTY ANNOUNCEMENTS. ICodd nhasD itched about 251 -I1 lj '1'iih i H lilt 1-%'1 df Y LLb I I -IN- CLOTH ING OF ALL KINDS AT J. T. JACOBS & CO.'S, x7 AND *9 MAIN ST. L.DCRUNER. Deaier InS os Rmpairnsgdone South Sain Street. Neatly and Prsnstly. ENGLISH.--By an oversight it is stated in the Announcement that students wishing to take Eng. 9 (History of the English Lan- guagp) must have passed Courses 1 and 3. It is only necessary that they have passed Course 1. GEo. ILEMPL. To Law STUDENTs.--Law lect- ures will be delivered next week as follows: Monday, Prof. Thomp- son; Tuesday, Prof. Wells; Wed- nesday, Prof. Knowlton; Tliurs- day, Prof. Wells; Friday, Prof. Wells. To post-graduates and seniors Judge Brown will lecture Everybody is invited to go to at 3:45 on lIonday, Wednesday -h kti and Friday. the skating rink to-night, to wit- ENrLISy.-Two sections have Hess the exhibition in lightning been arranged for Course 13. Paintig. Books sold at anctioti. Principles of Style, to meet in -__...._ Rooni L as follows: Section 1, Monday, 7 p. in.; Friday, 2 p.m.; Save Time and Money Section 2, Tuesday and Thursday at 11:30 a. in. games this summer, many against professionals, and lost just one, that against the Detroit league team on April 29. It is reported that Clarke Will- iams, '89, will catch for the New York League team next season. The annual foot-ball game be- tween Andover and Exeter will be played in Andover, Nov. 5. Williams, of Yale, has lowered the world's 100 yard hurdle rec- ord to 13 1-2 sectnds. Geo. R. Gray, of the N. Y. A. C., threw the 12 pound shot 53 feet 11 inches at New York Saturday-a foot and nine inches better than his record. Of last year's Princeton eleven four men have returned to college. They are Poe, Black, Woods and' Warren. It is feared that War- ren will not be able to play on ac- count of a fracture of the knee. Trainer Robinson of the Manhattan athletic club, has been secured, and will at present go to Prince- ton twice a week to train the eleven. Judge Cooley will deliver his first lecture on the Interstate Com- merce Act, to Seniors and post- graduates in the law lecture-room, to-morrow afternoon at 4 o'clock.. By iuying your LAW DOOKI OF US WHILE WE ARE HERE. Cda1acghan - 114Monrowst., 50S. State St., Chicago. Ann Arbor. 500T ORM HatE SHOES. F. N. SCOTT. MISCELLANEOUS. All University girls, irrespec- tive of class or department, are in- vited to meet in Room A, Satur- day evening, at 7:30. Important business. ATHLETIC NOTES. Eighty-four men are trying for the Freshman crew at Harvard. Lafayette defeated Dickinson in foot-ball; 53-0. FINE PHOTIOGRtAPJJS, Millinery and Art Goods. 30 East IHuron SCt. g JrW Y qORE & SON, Manufacturersof Bad and Orchesta 1a1d a dOrchestra M U.S IC .Saer (lbWtlote. GRANDRAIDs, MtCRIGAN. U. of M. DAILY, SIX TIMES A WEEK, S Cents a Copy 2.s, a Year.