THE [rO ). AIL-Y Z~L Z'sLife is Uncertain ! IsaET FEItWAit I 141 .N D I GLUNOH OiM DEATH IS SURE TIME ALE., 1 ta t t " Iea~> 1 h I, N Y 7:t x, d 1 0.3 ( a 48 SOUTH STATE STREET. Lea-, ANN -55I1011 efto 7 tt tua First class board, $.S)pr week. Sitti Sn ltet t-ttttt tt avt. e t~t-YPSIlAN1TI at 1,5.40.1'=5t, 1.5 . Ltunclhes at all. hours. All ktt-ind ,feno ettlttit(t]tart-otaoa t xelt- lsa-A N 'l~~l raCott101 a Oysters ini every style. -It --titteat ttttItowtrate. Nottcompanytt rite Itt,:1.1t,0,5fa:a,S.lttlt50 . t o Fine Mlte ofC(ilf eetioli, S C g{at's.etc. tl tttaictd. at c oRAerofttts and Adta m ts.. piat Res-iet A t , S Sut h I ga l ls. i Itroit. x TAP~ Teachers Co-Operative AssociationCIAG- Wetaete tkn t aenyftr h sl it tt rbroflt' Esalihd in 1884. Positions filled, 2300. Seeks Teachers s -li l~-OiI is --v ISWI'Ili R.Iketes 1111are ambitious for advancement rather than those withoutp . p iell1'l}I yp 5w1iter itt. rsotll 1100 sotltl at T A 7 ~ A~9~ ~G. H. WILD, ItiiIthe last sesettn otts. (Ctte ilt sti t e lt. Is sitoits' t I l estolSto ck (0 T ttll Dress Sllitig(s in ltetiawl-t The SACl-F: SiTi- ItitNTAIN ltlEN is tite II1 S'l. We sell it. U1e sell tile All the atest shtaets atti noveltie's inl Trttttsertittgo {)tt:E N It) t N '.,IN liltN fttr 8l1.50 anlti a irrallt it.(It teotillls. t' a sts t it hhaditat (>Iil ait.t 4 It te 't. No. 2 E. Washington St, near Main.G. H WL " JAMES M, STAFFORD, '1-=== Az4. J7I - L'JSITESS PI ETQ9 TAILOR IMP6RTERA Tihe best place to get a figSZ ± QY-PAS§+ 80I MADE TO ORDER LATEST"ISTYLES MODERATE PRICES. 19 SOUTH MAINgST.. ANN ARBOR, - - - MICHS. ~'G S. STATE ST., As-sAssBOR, MICe., Wholesale and Retail Agent tIN Ass AaRBORttaR dJAlES W. ERINE, IIAltV llS),VALE, U I,' t-M. AND tUNIVS AL COLLEGE;+ QITIFIIITER, ;-ATfiLCCI GOOD Base Bail and Tennis Goods a Specialty. ie AND 11 H1ARVARD ROW, tONICRttCtER155IN liii CIlY. 7 inchiPetarl White Pilates - e: ts.lper set 7 melt Ataanatine CLiona Plites - - -41) ct'. pet set 7 inchieitami-porcelain, llttote's Itiatea - - 58 cto. per set Pesarl White H'ldl'esas --- - - - - 38 cts. iter set Adaanutinae itadll Tesas - - - itas. per set Bloote's ,Semi-paorcelainll JIBd Teas- - - 75 cts. per set 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. pEAJ4 CGO. ITHE CAMPUS. Whlo's got tihe Key? Geo. Copp, dent, '90, was itn tosS-I for a short tinte yesterd~ay. Prof. Scott's ritetoric classes wili not recite tili next 'Tuesday-. 'FTe boartds xwilibe oiaen to-tuor- row nmornsing for Cottweii's iectttre, Saturday ev-ening. There were ottiy too collies tof the text-hook used its the Mfiddie Ages coulrse printedl.'rTe baook usead is an English translation of Duruy's work on the Middle Ages. 1iy special ordler of Mr. Mct1hlerson and Prof. Adants, of Yale, this smsail edi- tion was prinstedl and forwvarded to this country for useo in their classes this semester. The regular edlition wil he published next year. 'The class its Scienstific Frechi (La Pearson, msedic,'g-,' received nes from house, yesterday, to tite effect thsat isis father was seriously iillswiths the dropsy. Sonme timse ago an atrocious mur- tder wxas ctammittetd at tittcoln, Ne- braska. In tihe cottrse of thte inives- tigation it ibecamse necessary to htave the stomtachs of thse victina exaited foar poison. None of the experts thsere seemnead wiliig to undertake the task, so the ptarts have been sesnt here for analysis. Officers were ciected Feb. iz by the senior class its the dental depart- mcentas foliows: P. Pa Nelson, lares.;l C. P. Stone, Vice Pres.; MX. V. del Valle, Sec.; C. R. Metcalf, Trreas- sirer. 'rie most unpleastant feature wvas that certaina lmemblers wossid not recognsizetise toniylatdymenmber of tiheir ciass. WM. ARNOLD, WATCHMAKER AND JEWEL - S;t 3iMAIN STRECET, 006~ Specitaiattantionspid toirieitairiafIN ald Jewelry. M. W . BLAKE. r P~ICTURES, vFRAMlEs, ART GOODS. t10SWest Huo tI0, FERDON LUMBER YARD' Manufaciurer tf and dealer fnaSE SAGINAW GANG SAWED LUNG' tor. Fsourth and Daepot St.- J. HALLER 0. M.MARTIN, D4EAiLERiIN i(i Cloth Caskets, Mt AND (COMMON tOFI NS- J. A. POLHEMUS. ALSO 'IlS HACK AND BiAUOD' ~l _ NaotMain SireetL RINSEY & SEABOLT' Datkera and dealersai- reds Groceries, ProvisionsFo ur and l; andt8ItE. WaashingtotnSt. JOHN WOTZKE, Makerar of in l L.ADIES' atnd GENTW1 S'earn etydn.4 .Vi Seasnl,wst-all he Irepra - -1) is ntish all thtat is inew aindlaesir0I 'Teiiiis, ('ricket, La C'rosse, 1113 5. anld fotral Outing tines. Our t liat Swet'ater for qal~ity and1111 dtiltthsilY Ito equtal. -Otur lute oittasit1h3ll pro plies, Btats, Btalls,Msk, ti teeters. (tthers' Mitts, Lawnlar' Supliies, etc., etc., ati ll feri%,5all tos will dlefy colllpetitiai, efe justly lproudl of ourlriarge coeto , lit. lowsing, dule as we tire 5aNctre it superior quiality of our goode'00ol esteeni we aim tao strenthee seasonl to seasonl, in thle iltlt, Lr of our goods whtere it is Possilelgt respondencee desired with 055I g (f all college clubs. Send for o d V0 Catalogue of SttmmerSprs s forms, A. & B. free to ally a r0 A. G, SPAULDING & Ht t CHICIAGO: PIiILADeiSIS 108 Madiaan Street. 10M 81 NEWS'YOtRKf 241 andI 2473 IBroadway, Natulre) still meet in Roonm i ^ it Newcxv 1s are being; attacised to tFriday, itisteadi of Monday. te pillars in the library reatling VV. A. Blakely, of the Sentior lawI class, is a regular weekly conttrilautor to the Anmericana Sentinel. Several hxecises of Alptha Ntu sill lie fitne articles frons Iis pens aitieared ornited thsis steek toi account tof thse its the 'Jainuary numnbers. iBible Institute. At a nieeting of the senior lasts, 'rie yacht, 'a'aiste ('alp, sent out held inthtie last lecture roons, it was5 last O~ctobaer by tile LT. oft1P. to gatiher decided to assess the memsbers of spsecimens of flora and fauna of Northa (lie class 25 cents each to defray thec and Southa America, hlas just return- explenses of celebrating l ashing- ed after a successful cruise. ton's hirthtday. 'rie janitor of the dental buildingj Thse repeated visits of Ypsilanti locked the ladies' wardrobe, yester- Normal students to Ann Arbor have day, before tse ladies had secured necessitated tise building of a new their wraps; consequently, one lady peanut store on North University. went home without her wraps.