THE U. OF M. DAILY FIIRST IN THlE FIELD WITH NEW (F00DS. NE W MACKINTOSH COATS. 0-)I1 AN S SPI I-N6 SIIAIIS NOW IN. THE TWO SAMS6 L._ 131VrZ. n11I Aropr \J~n~tIofi lll laurY, VOORHEIs & ETS BEST WORK IN THE CITY!1 STATE ST, TAILORS, OR ALLEDFOR and DELITERED.' FIRST CLASS WORK. Offlee- 23 South Fourth' Ave. E- LL ANL] SEE LUS. a ' .1 :'':.T -ax-7 j'_._ '(- TT'' '' . Of Old U. of M. shioutl have at Univer~ity of Michigan Guitar. P'riceis loweest, (Qualit y highest. Guaraniteed every inch of the r'oad(. Violin amd1(1Guitar Strings, 10) ets.; Balnjo and Maiidoliii Strings, 5 ets. E 'eryt ting ill propiortionl. ,..3 t. ('lein, A LLL hLDI ?iATO sU L i-7.0 1 CO 0. rhAJE A'I BROWN'S DRUG STORE (OlN ERI MAIN AND HURON STRIEETS., L.A1Z6E1T rSTrOCK 'n0"TOILEr GOOiS AND FINtiE [CIGsARlS, TOBiACCOS ANID i( AID' I IS IN 1111 CI'T'. I'or the nlext thirty (lays we will ,i re It) per cent oill all sales tio the C'rVNASITTM IFTYN'D_ FERGUSON & SLATING, WAHR'S BOOK STORE, DOWN TOWN. pe} tiiil( lit 'iiill save mioniey n liiiigliiiersily exit-Ilooks iiidlall supil-,! ',it Ieadlquar'ters. We allowV speiaiil idiscoiiit oi L AW BOOK 1(, EICAItI tOt)KS, I)E T'''AI BOOKSiin sli's eery Biook iusedlill t 1i 1 iii~sstilt ),01 link BIlk,; at Ii 1 it price., T THE TT Facoity A nnounceentsfor eondcI i , S TY.L3emsr.{ -IN liiii' (m ' -'s'ix tls' 2 fliP rr ,rmr'~'Tr'I (ommiaitl Rtela'ionis of the [loute II(~IL- II\1i Sates, will lie'glven this semsester as a 1t1woor lecture i'oure secetin" from 4 ti in 'loon h.It is in- OF ALL KIN DSIAT tendril to treat thr eteelopmenitiloif J m , ~~the foreign omme~iiir'e oithellt'Unilteil T' J ACOBS & CO.'S, Slates and to idiscuss i tradle polio. 27 AND 29 MAN 81T. aidapted to this icountry. '- - ('Corse .1istory o olLisnmic L. GRUN ER. 'Thoughtuisii'lly "lien the first sen- Slalrin o NA 3 H ester, is offered as asttwor text No. u sSoitli (trll810. lioik ooirse for this semiester. Stui- - yiiilPi'iii --t - deiits desirinsg to eleet this riourse t~htnond Straight QUt. ma'y 'report at lRoiomitii Friiday at i 2 No. I io'cockuhenvi iithe hours for ielt CIGARETTES. lug still he arraiiied. 0" .Coure 1 a. istoiofInds-Iii Cym Feind Conmm'ittee. 'lihe lollosein', iie1ii re aitied I Iby lie gymniasium ci omit itee toi solcit subsicriptlionto~l the gt Iiiias- oiiflndilfrtomithe iundeirelassiien: 'Messrs. lisgert,Wt'iiing;, 0(11. I'. Wieber, R'oger SIherolail, larris, Shartiless, Loeb,('adwsell, lDrewe, New s'scsrititionl ooks are now reatdy, anid eaii le gotten at the Alpiha Dielia house. 'Ihey shoutld lbe plrociuredtit oiiee. 1-U(ti1 F. s'sxtDE s ''et.. THE CAMPUS. LINGS i S II HOSE 67 lo-ro0e veDetoiMih 'I'he liiigesti'lnsoic'erni seH sei n thP ate. et s o aln ahu Mzc o illinery uirand Art ceos -ac for lLI. ... 'A5 r.2THBE SHORTPHAND .,HS Mlillog inera nd Art1 G1oel . tlI' 5 e Ncilliiiitiiiyiaii S i Qocl till (It hers. i' il Ctii) 1 The li iii iii'i iStraighti il l il' "ttIt' i n ii . '' l iiih Cl tt11111 i11 1o t1-it ilth \ t I . , A, Arbor Savings Bpank 'S 111-I1111(1 1 Vice1 li Qttt7ttI (IS'Did tlPrenseant «.iisll fttr eoa., VoieP''and t'sin, t. E.IHurIs',caShiE. t to - StrE. G , -- trie, 'onda Dom h l 1e. ('ha~s. S. tack lhis lieen will coinsist ill a study ofitheIiene' eleicted edlilt,ontilhie hiart ofthe pal industiarie, alte i iiotillll Illliiteiolltliil'IDeplartmlent, flilthllt All1 those swhoiiaree contemiiplatinii iii ct'I il - i'ce Drma tm-,W), AvI i il u iti.wil las en hel Inet o Weneday an Frd iiiainaestotl it. '. IHubllatrd,5SiEast .- luonstret blefolrt ''lliiisiiay ci cii M51ISCELLANEOU. nsii a',toireeieteusilatilus. fot-Ba lll hlayei-s auryltiose diesiu'inug Aliiletic associations to look uiiithe tolge't acqi ntlued iiittlt'e lanielare muatte'r of a lhimioc'talenutIinistrel tellulestidto uieet oniI ithe icapuis a s'whitrthe ii'eiit iii the tase-ball :.i 0. JAMISs'AINWAs Ell. -=-, .-.. --.- -the Psi . lhouise. 'There willhisaaleiiithg of the '\I r. J. .iaretay's lectture, wh~ichI freshiman clts on next Satuiruday, wtas Inolie givenin ithte lPrestbyterian Fteh. 21, at a2] 10Roomitii I l-ichuirtch, Sullnday'eveing, next, will porstant husinessa J.uW. Ioti i Iresideint. lie potstpoinedI till MuarchI 1st, on ac- coulnt oil lr. Harper's institute in Who~'s got Itety?' niversity chapel.