_____ I ar, Pubisbe~d Daily (Sundays exceptel 8during I )ill iai tbe (College year,Iby 118111, a THE U. OF M. INDEPENIIENT ASSOCIATION. (1las888rtc~ teninaog ut16 o'clok. Oh(,pio ray he ie 1(3(1a l at-heofie oflite ,11.1', (lie-oiIIoueth Wocek, at 88-1-1 1, at 81oftt-1o 111111 1ty 188 lii I il of1 theeditors1. Co151 icttols old- 1111,1 111 i tet ice8y treatisei 101 A. ti. if theya'8 toapptealr the Nae-day. jinstallit Adressall 1matter8intoenddfo ubiato t the MN11a1aging Idit118. Allt 11iess co"-8(l ul5e( ary 1I jmtsons sho1uld1111e sent 1toIithr Business lall- betfore THE U. of M. DAILY, T ' tIf Ann eArbor, Mih. 111111111 joulrnal EDITORS. sllt A. WV. 'a'ssi8811l11, Assist . ManagigEditor. abiliti C., NV. )1)111111,02. Asist . Buiness 10Man'gr. E. .. o((;IIT)' 1". B I . ' 1 B Bllll-l '111. THE U. OF A Sweet SubJect. p, tile forme1l.r a graduallte s111- 1111 the ,latr .it)memtbtetiof t8111 d till.-a11811ie 18 prepaed.tan 81111 Oliure.iConstitu818onrad tile,' (11ich1 ill11111peIf ile leltilal uira is 11 1 ipeblihed root lT e r t l e srs. li~ti e 118880.ill '92,18publshe'ditwo, 5 andlt artile I %va rea BUSINheSScalocALS.ofth 'M. DAILY. AVE WILL 101R THlE iNEXT 10O1R WIEKS r M1 i lltl-ats. her- o118C ro I mp I lieriall 1L11e11 at 2 enlts 1188 Grealtliargalins1. EnvIeloples o 1ma111181h11all apers lt greatiy rediuced rates. S~~~IcIT &O0 UN7iTEIU:-'I ZC©?'Y ,R C= AND TIlE ac, TH E B ESTw-- 018111 i 'll 181teachers. Ilo88lI1th Fur1ni8181e1 P. R. CLAR,'Pesident. TH AGU PnISIN - ua. 1011I,\:8 V A very' l l leSuite81o111.11 edi by tepoesr n nsrcos A Suetil- 111-818des111881 18 g1~~8 1111i I'8iig t1dostenk a this esertlll' 11-110'8111 '1,.111118 1'. .1. orseah a w llpeae llllos. ' a A 11888 spectaclair lily of' 811111' 881111; colzses hich will comp re 11' 1118istiiii1'L111', It i l'iia n il'l llfo ° d aiy Ae r811ican 18collie 88l1181 iti ii i o111 11111y 111 W 11- 11. 18 288omth 11111011 188118 011188t1de1nts. 8'l'ir 8 1118 1111ll amirI l lbm lngr un n881111, 1gay01101118-tal at811the f11te0St111 art11 . exper t o111 be C-Q L 18d0888 of the siehse 0 881 1081bYn 1cellen1111111n 1 wihscie.ilind' 888118508 tiln 118 new1111ourse(fs811111118a ttct- p011) 1 ilth inka1'1, i (Ifyndthe pl(11111118AR ITRDUE even1111he818stiding exper1811 s tage TOSSCHOOL (liltof til m spati1118 ca8l. 11 i 1111880 1' I;I' I'i I;I 811011 111'.lE I.1eI. 88111 0 .e N 70 OEARSOIN ST. C'hica4o. offeredt his e1111r5i 8h111n ha888ay8 18t uessit 1 1 81 )1181' ll'8 Det1118111til'he__ ___ < '0111'88118 1(11111111 111 1 'Ii'd8 1111 a' 1111' 11118 1118y8111188.1Scortti.lOpera11 1ouse811ne tu 1,08 I'a ll 1, -1111 111 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ efom lc was 1788181t11181aertistu .1111111111 iil1by111 1 101 188 - 11111stu1111ts pti 11118t1o1 ien t jor- 11 t i Iefres ing to se 1)r''1r11 lis" e causi tan01d11 tra llofa18811 i'le111 ar1 sofe 01111a81111ut twelve "1811o (f ile 11881n 88the of1111'lllltis" 181an be ffnaDi-ttinTA 1 e})lass 8 1 1118 for Ini idal i n 11stil- e muf st 1181811 re t ef "810'Ii issI' gllle r idy E ennFe.2 th 1 81 'blivilllc 11118: T0'nitilherlofis one of o . m-t e irou rs gpos (10 1 111 811088s8111 Nt 1 1111 alae ii Ililiy lC88ili~e 8l18851111 Sp-ell i1a. 81, 88.88 811811 S-e i 11111 rntrn j theCollss111eito bratl-JII} ssPIi' ofSlateo yo11111 (i'wvo ',ams. Liifs eeIitry f All ieillrt~ieiis If 118 'niers t ' (toll 11. 13. aIJli fuerc811. 8 il8108110 81.8at111rAe-1 iln1were1181111t 0 w lllreced1crt 1011ucc 8 I( e. at P.II. 10818S) p. 81-118 ISt.111 ?W I I'118 888818. MIHIGAN GENT1 "The Niavara Falls Raute. CENTRAL STANDARD TIME' T ... 1 58I Y C11 al 1z t111 (81 711gllChga glA OledoRGGAnn Arbor nd N1 o Michigan Railway" Tie eTable gaog inooeffect 81018(1' ti Going o rth.811 ST1 TION0+8 aloe88 -~1. Ma.11r Ci8a.bteidardTim11188 maihic 8111 1011 Mal 0811. ......Ir M.A. L 'eJ L~r~ta 8 0' . 4 O!. ie Monre 10181811 1 4 1111 6 ,I4 1 l-... .. un 11... 1 .....14 : 1 o '....D ilan ...._1 t ... .4 r, 1' ? 51.. ltbleet..-'1 '881248"":e. -... 81) 741-A N B 0 5I 2.- ;....IhI's .-i 3'd8 - 5... fewel X1 7 ; s -84l.-Ilatrra ad.-- 97 - ,1 2118, ...O ashio g---- l aoti 31ld sl lt iSO'a 1 M GEG.10451IAZ1 7I. . ac...