C1. of 1 Jfi.aI~tf. Pubished Daily (Sundays excepted) dring the Colee year, by THlE UoM. INDEPENDENT ASOCIATION. Subscription price $2,5 per year, invariably int adsance. Single copies 3 cents. Onai at sheehan's aid post 01fc mewsr stand every eventg at o'ciock. Subscription may be irftt at the otice of the DAILY, Opera House boctk, at sehan', at Stottet's, or with anyI o tte editors. Cotmtttnications sioud racistte office y IS A. M. ithttey are to atpear ttes ame day. Asdress aliumatter intended for pahliiatiotos tte Sangig Editor. All business Comann.t- tcstionutthoud be sct to tietsess Ma-' ager. Report ali negect on the part of Carrier to te City Cirtuator, NV. n. O'NW. THE U. of M. DAILY, Ann Arbor, Mih. EDtTORS. H. B. aSHOEMAER - 'n.. n4EIT A. H. CVERT, '2. A.n-.nMANa a ISEncaR. M. B. HaMMaNa. 'at. Bsa8sM~ANS W. B. O'NEILL. 'a. Aa-.e.BUS. MxOR R5.t. tea.W.'HTY,'92,A . TasI.s, 'St. W. . . iswttd. '91. F.it Tr.ALSee..St. i. t. HLLANDt.'2. .. STHtwnnxvt. '2. I.. t. WorcInnHA. '10. is. .. MA son, 5 C.I. SAtN, 'S. The feeling that the atnual Freslitian-Sopliomoro rtsh long sitnce outlived its usefulnss has for sotne titno been prevalent among tle students, as well as members of the Faculty. This feature of college athletics has from year to year required moe and ilore brute foce. wile teo chanices for a display of any skill in foot-ball has constantly decreas- ed. The classes that would take part in the rush this year being larger than before, te usual num- ber coaing out with broken ribs, brtuised sides atd sore heads would douibtless be materially in- creased. We cofidntly be- lieve that this energy mnight be expeded in a manner more cO- ducive to the furtherance of atl- letic skill aud less hazardous to the participatts. A tug of war as already suggested, would, we think, be a good substitution. We therefore feel that the F'ac- slty is jtstified ini their attmtpts to do away with this semi-barbar- otisetitom. A VILE WORD. To Tns EDITOR: Which is the proper term to apply to one who is studying for an advanced de- gree-Graduate or Post-Graduate 1 have always taken it for granted perhaps front constantly hearing the contraction P. G., that su h students were Post-Graduates and 'THE U. OF I find that soie members of tie Faculty scrpulously avoid the word and itsinuate as delicately as possibe that I will tin well tt avoid it also. Kindly inform ne whether I am a Graduate or It Post-Graduate. A. P. G, (Properly speaking if you have been graduated from a college or ttniversity and are nosy pursuing advaiiced studies, you are a Grad- uate student. There may be Post- gradtiate studets in the text world, but assuredly there are ntone in this. Tie word "post- graduate" is not found iii any re- putable dictiotary, atiti an exai- iiationt of tie last calender sows that that well of Eiglislutdefiled htas now beeni purified of the o- tioxious terml. From the heights of our utdergradtated wisdott, we advise those studying for ad- vanced degrees to isist ott the name, "agraduates". If some ab- breviatiotn must be found, how would "-Grads" aswer? Furter corpmunications on this important subject are itvited-Eds. DAILY. Two full teams participated itt a practice gane on the campus yes- terday afternoon. BUSINESS LOCALS. listies itserted in this comn at the rate o1 tO cenlto per lite, single insertiot. Seciai rstoo for longer time ad etra lines trnished by atplig at tis ofieeor by consatiase . W. Doughty, AssitatitBusines Manager.l Fresil arrival of Htyer's candies at Gruber's to-say. Patent Beavers, Meltots, Hersey Overcoatinigs at Stafford's. Cieviot Suititg $25 atd upwards tt Stafford's. E. & W. nsy collar, "Te Shoshne" at tiio Two Sams ntly. Shloes repaired on Liberty, near State. Sheehanl & Co. aro agents for leffel & IEsser' a tahematical istrmets and drafting materials. We carry the largest stock iti the city and warratt all goods. Buy coal atd wood of Judotn, State street. Got to E. B. Hal for coal. Baths 1c at P. . Barber Sip. At the 'Iwo Sam, the Ascot Scarf, the Soshone Collar just arri,ed. Mli Gillesiie, Teacher of Guitar Batjo ansi Mandolin at Clemet's. Buly coal of Schultz. Oice on West Anttist. Bluy cigars. cady, stationery, etc.. at Gruber's P. . News Room. Warm uderwearceap at Wagter's. ltandsome new efects ill trousers. IWagner's. Thte Seyton Scarf at the Two Sas. G (o to Saebler for bet ard and soft coal. 11 W. Washington at. Jusanoe trthsnnonForthLatn. Juranger & Baxte Fr'Statandy New ine of Stationery at Gruber. Rhode aa the best and cleanest coal. yard, W Huron street, near railroad. Hail Toledo Steam Laundry wagon 'M. DAILY. _ _ _ STUDENTS' BOOKS- BIUY YOURI COLLEGE TEXT Bonis. LAW ANTD MEDICAL BOOTS STUDENTS' 300K STORE, STATE STREET. Second-hamid books at lowv prices. We are agett of Patti E. Wirt, Scott anid Hoslland foutntaini penis. Bargains in stationiery. TI WMI.H I GAN G(NT _= SSE T"he Niagara Falls Rote" _______________ CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. AND THE - y { '* oos WAR HUJ g H Y II A.ETVI. y' 'eu- --tT H E.BEST_---- _____ seventeen teachcrs. Btsard with Furnished I Room '.25 tper week. Circulars uposn applia I en . cationi. °' s- ma n %se e ' x~a 1 1 BURLEIGH & JOLLY , ,4 a ______ DEALERS IN H m Ip, C Saet Can STAT"'IONERY- A___ ~ BLANKSBOOKS. 5 a ; n ATIELbETIC GhODS AND'STUDDENTS' SUPPLIEh. 'ESC4 cc -1#3~ Best line of FOUNTAIN PENS in the Id city. Ice Cream, Soda Water, a '-Caa n Conf ectiensCeld Lunches, ai tt Cigars ansd Tobacco. Ifn OYSTERS, FRY, STEW OR PLAIN. Caland seeus at oN I D.L. DOWD'S HEALTH EXERCISER. 1'~fa ~ 2u . Ftr Bralm-W7orehema &edeatemple: 1:iRc la Cinu' tisstle'I55s, Ladies, Youtshs; thes Aibhl eteorInaslid. A somplete. '+Daily. "Sunday excempted. ingsniA~.14u. raestip btsi. durl,cmcs~psessnsive, cheasp. OW. HUO0?iRS, to. W5.tHAV'ES, Insdorsed by 20,00o0 piyiciass,law- 0. P. & T. A. Chieago, Ag't Aan Arbor. yscs, lergymen, editors & othess" nowseusi'gcit. Sendtaoril'dscircu- D'I'rasic. rti. largo..rng's; ncee . Profs . 'cst 1 t.. Dow~d, Scientific P'hssicali snsi; Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Voca Cutur, 9Eas i~th t.,NewYor. 1 Michigan Railway. M\ _2_ 7 i "^t " ' t1Time Tablhingainto eroet, IMonday, iNoe. 25. Q b eg oling Nsrth. nTATION. Coaiag Suth. FttENCH IC'E CREAMt. FINEST FRp H1 .4 2 .3. g COOKING. LOWEFST PRItCE5SOld Man. Cfre Cad.. Stoadard Time. Cicre ad. Maa uiSsv MATEEJIAL. Rxp. Eap. Mail Easp. MailiESp. 71 Fort St., West.,-Detroit. Mtch.,'"---- , 32 6a0.,.T LEDO....... 100a11 11 . CITY LIVERY AND MALE STABLE. ..... 4 07 6 40' Monroe Janet'n 12 27 10 28...... ^~'.)W- .. Y S T RP's R IETOR'5. 4at? 6i47'...Dunsdee...... i12 010 18 Nosl. 13 ad15iTWaabingttaSt. - Iptilamli, Mimi. ''435I7 a5?.......Mila.. 12... 4 5 8 s"'' First-class tigs andSd tylisih Sadsdie horsea 4.53a 22iI i t tsfield.. . it 4' 935 Si.. for Hure. ......5101 7 33.A'N AMBO 1105922.... 6 30 715 Lel.t and's....l1.15 907... 1 :547 8it5WhitmorauLkei11el2811 ... ass5 sit 10.....Hamburg..... lul578 SM '} z 7 1I'S5135....Duraad...... 57315. .31 0 .Cunsna .... 9116)6647. .. NO.12W. hUONaIltisuiin......'tsa.... 9 otA6' 40 s 100..... t'......Ithaa..... .7 10 5 43 4 X2a.12 03a....HaSt. us.. 71132 155 I 9 3 3 l 12 68 .......Alma.i. 72 8 1113 , NO, 2 I. I U ON S1. 1110...54i2i...F.nClare...l t 115 4 Wednesday.1 43Oct.are.ll8.6350 8 2 58t17 ... 6 + ...Aanirhr..t7i2S 218 10.78 .. . 55 .8 .t. 13nani.I al.. 8 8 2 rL 11 00.91640....Feanfort 1.....7.0 50 WedE-35 5 nday75Oct.. P UteBBI. ORB PEl. Ae Set nSl P..IIWRoIm.C (SF7..... AZ LW. L aABB. .. P