~ts U. f fn.WaIp N EI -AY,1 BEl' I RYI '-, 1. I Vt j:, THREECENTS. W D1 Appiebee Lecture. Th etre go-cit lasteveini tt Vtertty all for the lbenefit of te a n fudvas not as succsssful from fibasec-ilIoint ttf vjet tas iws mih ra, islieds. 'kI t nitts Clrb uner wshose- ausptices the lc tor wsrgitve- still ltrolbttltlybe alt to1 tar ert 100 ti tltetcomittee.tt hen11elct tt atatth 1 tatsal Clur5 tatfew* ti; s-ks a-twere. lea-iset tttef oulttettt lectur a lMr -Nt ee tte e111go f~a~ tti rt t sits withu rckera} sitalmtstit ssseisdto the redit of D ickeins.Bti henslis-iet Wndeprin to the matter, the superiority of Dickens w-as seen. hi5 keray describedl societylife, aid characters alwvays apipear ini dress sutsickn lit.discribed life asitit Is hceray laughed at his clharac- trDickens laughed with thienm. we1 ca ee osyiupatlsyiiTlackeray, uthrisa comp~assioni almtost d ivin ln ickeiis. The lecturer lthe gsaieselections from each illus- titg the differeint points. Ilts ar tizti of Pteggoty while good ntot bear a very favorable mptli swtllsthat of Posters. sp~1loke of the fondnxess lDirkens sQ d for describing death-bed t1arlc, and gave ins a very effective tnr the death of little Donmbey. -itin Itis lie gasvc short scenes, k'119g Out the ludicrous side of i1 i characters, SergeanttBuzz- -icawher, t'ecksniff, Sarah nptheli Fat Bloy, the Wellers. be gwere well done, the Fat Bloy T~h nepecially wllbrouglft ot 41hepoariy of Dickens lie esti -I toz Tisilarge 1proportiois -t dit i the fact that Dickens cast the ~in esvery mn. McMililan Haii. pl illati Hall, sthichi is nost lIt1~ 011 iState street, opposite the the chol, still be compilletedl by teitmdton of Apsril next. It is Ibiconstructed under the direr- tif1 f Of enator McMillan, of Detroit, atls eTappain Presbyterian Assort- 11 An Arbor, and has cost, i ate,$15,ooo. The architect Wor, Deroit gentleman, and the Icmen are also sent by Senator Ilan from that city. On iitheinstflltttr still is foundit the recepittion roottntd liblr-trvtltp statrs itaniitlsdiecs rtotx itth aseit- then ass-ityo o.Te y1 whiclttr orsel wil n t be tl tt bealmsi-llt is in, itl occill tttt bsementrtsectitt. Stats- tstttl - strs-etstiisttoItsetntticedl. A Bsroads tcttister rtstitsscts tte tttt lttilit itt-s, titus stttsrtlitsf tatttttpleite lttttttst- aite ttetseicetteta.ti The tall still lie fstrnishsedi,si- undtiersltantd, ly the tisssociatittnt itnt iwill be readly for occupantcyr) the first of the text cotllegiate year. Itlls to lie tot it all excluisiv-e itt its ptrivil- eges. D~esiginetl as a chits house, it sill be isatde attactivse as such, aiti still offer its hospitality both to younigmn iof Ann Arboir andtIo1 studensts of U. of Al. The training coutrse of free lectures itost given iii the Ptresbiyterian church still lie of- feretd in the auience hall just mtetn- tioned. Altogether, it still niake an attractive andi fas-oredl place of re- sort for yotiitgnien. Banquet at Washington. S The U. of A. alumni associationi I). C., hld a banqtust at W4tiillord's H-otel, last nightl. Dr. H~arris, Supt. of Education, D~r. Cleveland Abbe, of the Signal Service, I-on. J. Sterling Alorton, of Nebraska, Hlon. J. I-. McGowtan, Repsreseita- livc IBoothmni, Jurdge Chtipmuan atnd others spoke at the nseetitng. Thes ensthusiasmt of ltenieetitng did not prodluce ainy Gym. fund substlscript- tioins. Commencement Address. 'T'ie mtost interestiisg feature of Commiiencemnent steek has aliways been th eatddresss to tliegradluatintg classes. Es-cry yeair the 16Uiversity authori- ties have beets successful ini secitrinig ablseienof itational reputtationt. Last year Ex-Presitdent Atnirest I). W<4hite, of Corntell, delis-ered the ad- dress. This year President Giliian, of Julins lHopkinis University, has been secured to deliver the address. P'res. Gilmnan is one of the most prominent and able educators iin this country, and an able address is in store for those who will listen to hint next June. Russet H. Conweli. A tnsat vosluime, esntitledI -Scali i - the Eal' ilso I it iiof lis sel 11 I nvel"hslaeybe Itllls t It(. s Ioftis e il in ee t "We Conls l Na tibt seit seirsj if itt crttwdetlt- lttliesucc gathuereud ittthe }eatis ttf tfag-eti enlie wats itseftore- itttsltorgaiizer of a t ltbtii tgsosciety swhichi itet every)-eek inttle district school house. "There st-ith grtownt iteit lie held liis osntint debiate, atid stes lislteed to wtitli surptrise ansI re- sptect." When lie lecturesditt Salt Lal-e City a fest years ago, its the 'Mormnt Ttibernacle, oin "Memx tf the -Moun~- talns," os-er tiwelve thoutsantd tickets is-rceliurchiased. WhteniItsvisitedl Eniglandt the seconds titme, the Lon- slonTsmlues tabSid f tutt, "Col. Rit-us sel It. Contwell, silo hats beets mak- ing a journey arotitd the sworld, is otie of the imost ntioewtorthy mnt of NestEtnglandi. I Is has alreasty betn in all parts of tthe-orld. I Ic is a writer of singular brillianscy atnd Ipower, and as a piopular lecturer his success hits been astotnishintg, lie tax niade a place beside such orators as Bheechier, Phillips atnd Chtapin." To-slay Cotnsell is Ipastor of the largest Protestant church in the United Stales. The audietice roonm it capable of hohding'6,ooo; the mniat Srnday-school roomti,ion this in- fatitidmepartmtetnt, 2,500. Besidles these thecre are apartmns for social piurpioses, including a ltidies' ptarlor, a getitlemnts parlotr, a large cuter- taitnmicns roomt, a kitchetsatndta dittitig rootitotie huitdrech feet lots. Dr. Wincheli Very Low. About ltwii seeks ago Dr. Wini- chiell isook sick wih h eart itisease. I-or somse litte the trouible did nsot seettiaharusing atnd hiopes swere en- tertaineit for his speedy recovery. Tuesday-, toses-er,he tbegan to grow wtorse. Tuesday inighit he grew sweaker and weaker and by this mxorn- lug he was very low, so'how that it seemed imposcible for him to re- cover. Late this afternoon he was still liv-ing. 1VINII this experiece of College Ndii liho kntow titdtapprieciate lit caeu itst cirutliny-of Collesgc Stus- itts. hasintg ahlirge cirps of silled 1t-sistiters it1s(.1 Jewelecrs specially Itratittedsir baidgetandittherth tjewclled is sit: I mprti ngilts, is ti-c his, sirectly Itosit I Witais e ititihtptitionAiisct an Ito it-i this-it slitmshndjetilhcd Socite ~ atd-es ti ll Ikintds ixs-hi cr tttstntultcitare-tIiniIthis u-tttstlrv. Wright, Kay & Co. i Ill 111I'I- 11J I11111 IIS 'it NI P IC 111 lN(C hI ViiLI :S. Detroit, M chigan. Chap. 'peIler & . Univ ersity Outfitters, 20t, So t iii SiAm ,S'r. EIN GL IS H TC1?2fI GOOD$, ENGLISH SERGE O.ATS AND P TO-USERS BA7SE BLLN ~iGOODS, SEAVRS'SPECIAL. CHASE & PETTIT'S CUffl$ BAT$ ADDB1ILL$ LAREItittii iISTOCKdii. Finout wud Larguuis tuNE OF- GENTLEMEN'S FUYRNISHING itOOS ITHE sITuYr. Agcent for Am Arbor Steam Laundry, quick delivery audthbest wornk. qI3A$. $P(:LL(:R & too } UNIVERIITY OUTFITTERS. ANN ARBOR, - - Micile