'HE L",01W; M., DAI'LY" DINING fAND)LUNCH ROO0M, 48 SOUTH STATE STREET. First class board, &2.:-l)ier week. Lunnches at all liours. Oy-sters in every style. Fine line of' (onfeotIns,(,m re . i I"W i WlR' XIi X llI" . 'Iili hst ire Ini t (1 . ilt 11)1 iseven I I is ts.is li i n land sell it. \i li (II IlS\ I t is IN PEis t osuli.W el hO INF t' A N PEAisfor Stil eandN rritit i. Life is ncertain! ?' DEATH IS SUR1E. " TIME TABLE. S . ai 'iii .5.,iiil .1(1.5;-ii its n){liolnllilal .i I FI theini st hre e mi n Iii th . ill wit lini- Lii A N Atil, ti iu in ti I tI a tliii.t nei :' at te !<)t rate f *fI K)ipe i.Uiiiiin he StNn Ii E. is gu Tecer o-praie soc iat in CHICAGO aricesa btosfr dacmn atherotn these w5 nIAiu I stli 6i luin St. .t.4 t;ito St;. JAMES M.STAFFORD, TAILOR EI. 6RR The Ibest place to get a MADE TO ORDER LATEST;;STYLES .MODERATE PRICES, 19 SOUTH MAINgST., ANN ARB3OR, - - - MICHI. BERLEIGH1 & JOJ Y, 2et S. STAsiE S2., Ass Asses, Mit in., =I= 01-TT1'- Wholesale and Retail Agent JANES 14. IIRINE, GREATEST VARIETY tON 1110151511 7 I icti Pearl While Plates - 7 inch Seiiporcelalint, lBeote's 111 Pearl Whtite 11(11d Tea rs - Adamiantine II dlii 'Tris - Boeote's Semli-porcelainll'dl'd Ti 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. I II THE CAMPUS. 'Messrs. J ordoni atlldisortn, of thle litbrary force, are on the sirk list. Nearly uotechalf the candidates for the Yale teamo are tryinigfor iiith- er's posilioti. A lttovetitett is on ifoot at IHarvalrd tt establisht a University settlemoett ini New York, sintilar to the famlolus Toynbee Falt in London, Einglantd. Prof. D ewey dido not mleet his classes to-dtay, not hav ing retulrnedl froni New York. I. IT. IWoulvertont, 'go0, lit, now i the empiloy of te Kinig Britdge Co., of Clevelaild, is iii the cily. Thte Choral Untion rehearsal has beeni postploned till to tmorrowr night on arcounetiof the Apipleblee lectulire. Kocklantd, g2 lit, ieis left college. Thli concertlwhich twas lt he go en this evenling, h as bieetn polsltpnedI nt ltI il dnsdayl, the 25tht. 1 'reit 1 '0o, 1h15 bien it5siting f riedts in 1111wn thle last few idays. I Ihere will to. a mieetintg of the I IiltisopliictI Society ill Roomtti1a otti Tlirsttay eretting, at 7:45. TA l r. D ick still reail a paper on "l WhoI dliscoveredt the prinIcipiles of utiity ill kitowledlge ?" Sonic tof the Netw York athletes whto participated ill thetiU. of P'. A. A. indoor meetings htave chtarged, thte judlges with hlaving awarded prizes to1men IlwhIo woni them un- fairly. i I G. H.WILD, No. 2 E. Washtington St, near Main. G. H.WID 10 LWEST PRICES - WM. ARNOLDEEL~ IN 1'l11E c lIr. WATCHMAKER. AND JW E~ - - - 4(1)iets. lper siet Spctld tttionpiorearn' "lates - - ._S its. pier set M BAE octs. pr set mCTURES, IFRAMES~,' eas- - .>cts pr set AR'S' _5OODS. It) west i, pEAN & .ca. FERDON LUMBER YARD' Ptriif. 'Irneblood's class ill (treat SAGINAWGANG SAWED LUM E Orators'' are to tare a fine lic(tutre - - (iFtrth andi. Ielost. of Blosoitet, the pilpit oiraltor of J HALLER , trantce, pilacedl in Rooml l2..lisl i il It. C. icikels,tdentt'8i, atitd0wife, Rellirinita'speclialty._ it M1onttlieir, lioi, are ini the city. 0. M. MA RTI N DESALRIN iliC .skeletoni wras recenitly iitearthedl Cloth Caskets, Mteta' i11 the W~est, hlintg a onieretit ANDi itMItlION ttlz IlNS._-' piece cliicihedt in his hiatid. Sotme J. A. POLHEMUS, 0 wticked nd tulucharitable iiewspiapier ZT 'AO 'S HACANDII IAGGiAGhEI tas sitce intintatedl that it was psrob- Notrth Main tisreet ably the renlainis of som~e college RINSEY & SEABOLT, eitior w110 trieiltot take htis wealth Bakers and dealiers ini Fed, Groceries, Provision s,Flour and' witt hint--Ex. _ 6_ a ndlit E. Wtsnigtion St. Thte University of P'eintsylv'atnia JOHN WOTZKE, has received a bequiest o 0000LADIES' anuikErS tir front a wealthy chemistttf lPhiladel- Repaiing neatltrdone. 43 . 5 phila, lately teceaseid._ Thte class of '92 sat Columttia hotldls the class chtampinshipinhbase- e it ball, foiot-115111411111rowing. With the returnI ofitthe Bs r grit te reiitest f ll ussr S as n ines ha1715P1 l e paedt3t ill ifThel facult, totken11ghtertiedt i Sn lthaferisnewtyandtl itral 1 anuut terusf t he btof asse attltliii I WIiti . 11 e ballf, listr Tends tiket LaCrose, 'Itef reqlest fur sip dasu w ill he setut in. tectiurs latlero' Mitts, Lawn i5eai5 The ew Cronile-Ayona ti1pliles, itc., etc., as ini forllic4st1e the tis, (liotite .rtt ils Iill fyceilpetilt,1efit1 bouard met at thle Phi IKappa Pi11justly preoud of etir large cole~e t1l1l httutse last nighit and lorganizedtfo g tutlei1r qualitylotoareod. tfli thte secoindtsemester. 'The boarud ts esteemll we aimlitto streutlllIu fet 015u as follows: Pau ol sa seasot o seasonin llthle ilnliriti (o1, m~adle upissll, ef our geoods where it is possible. Of mlaniaging editor; S. M. Trevellick respondlree desireid withl l5W1edC L.Srwnasitt;Hllclgelu.S enfoou Vi' atid . t ~ Catalogue of Suimmer Spterts all C. Butlkley, business manager; as- forms, A. & 1t. flee to ainy addlress sistants, 1. IAV. Rots and NV. t. A. G, SPAULDING & BROS. Bhutler; associate editors, Beck, Cur- CHIICAGO: 1iIIlLADE LIIA: tl~ list, Kerl, Van Syckle, Cheney and 1118 Madisoii Street. 1i32tcietnut I Park. NEW Y0EE:: Park.41 and 24:3 Broadway. IAtiVAll), AY.XIL" . itt A2. COLIIG2'+ 0OIFIILR AND- 4AATI)LCCIq GOCD$ A Ba se hall an-enl'~ils Goods a Specialty. 10 AND 11 HIARVARID tOW,