hfrEU L -M. DAILY S M I= =IB Life is Uncertain! iFIt N LUNCI-[ 0M DEATH IS SURETMETABLE. I. DINING THSTATE STREET. -- tci 50ANN illiN '~ .l PI 1001 i Fisuls rr. 24 e e ca I on Me ie t 511 101 a -ofr 51Si15il Liir'irs attill at'S . u l Ion Sl I .I i M So rl 000, to th e o n ni ,9 Lunches at all hours.All hin',f1' Moo ot and ilt rt li llu h Iiv 50IANN yiil it, >fr lom ur o use, O se st HL;Nywrt ];p,3il3 a{ 1IVli i Oe s it) every style. 1" lie i t , rg.Nolnl .h tt otr1ac t>. Oalht-ofo ut 1101 .4ia i 0 . 111, 1.5nn 1, 11. li0 P Mleline o o fcto s0 rs ,(. l0Ii l'lttt'Ollt. ll 100010 i'4tit Io ooo nt 550 0101.ptst '..Otietiuis ('ters o-. e~'S, 73. J151 . ~C O\RAD, Yo5(10 Sol ' 11netry ~c'unt; this Reside 1 nt ge t. 1> Soth ping l>s. Icri o NEWNTBOOK STORES, Taces0o-praiv2H o-- R 1-,16 ' T P F-( Estatishcd c in 1 SS4. Positions ied 2300. Seek.Te i oheS /tr- ,1 -'t7 are -ambitious for advancement rather than those without >0.ltl 6 oii V-i tie 1 )Q S°.s , S EATBOB S LNI\ 11 XI lX 1's T T o r teG. H. WILD, g0 M dc ILA NIi (. ilht o.1ALl. Ili, C oplte ile uo' Sporltig (oiiiilo. n istriiiiii'its l h aesCdsadlw iit ii5t1 I> ii i c ii i 1 11>1 itt', 1111 Lirge SlieL 4of Foul iiTills. A WarraiiteidFountain PIn 4U(ullfor $Al50. No. 2 E. Washington St near VMaln.G. . JAE M TFFRTHE LARGEST STOCK, LIITSTESS PILLOCTh JAMS 1 TAFODGREATEST VARIETY d LOWEST PRICES M. RNOLJEEL TAIOR MP RTE , n LMP, i tis it. Yuill save money by byng of us. Our spc MAIN e"Oaf reii~a IlLOl+) P6STARR01 OIhsno ecjunl, burns without odor, or 0Jfd.11h0 lot 0 0(lllrl cliarring ofsickadgvsaerwik light . W. BLAKE T lie best Tlate to get a Sold at 10) cenIt Ter gallon, delivered to any part of (te city. IIcCUREs, F RAM11 f4~ 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. pEAN & CO. ART GOODS. 10 Wet 110 jI{ 7 { y_ rgI7FERDON LUMBER YARD' l1' b 1 l @-fU0 J THE CAMPUS. wient have already beein comp~elletT Maufatuerer of nd1011r0i to pay ot $6 in repairing tlemi. SAGINAWGANG SAWED LUMBE M ADE TO ORDER DMr. (.A I)enison, it '92, who (110 Fulrih and11Depot111 >- was Tresventeid fromo retrinig to The Baptist younog 1Peple's So- J HALLER y A Tcollege on arount of Siices, sill ciety havcrhosen officrs as folltiws TF-So ' =z -=R LAigaiTYLSi'for the second Semsciter: Pres. J. ).i0',>SOUTH MAIN ST. a hein iesm o r('.uRipaieiig itspsiolty. Curtiss; vie-pres., iss lizzle - - . .MARTIN. Th hs lbhl t eodSias;sec., Mss Ilati THoge; treas., DEALERt IN ilC x a mloetiob last Satirday at JefersooliauLT. I. Wood; cooiister, Mr. Powell; Cloth Caskets, ](B~ hall. paosMs el.AND COMMON tillf riNS - pianist,.)A. POLHEMUS.- MODERATE PRICES. It. F. Teiiiiiton, jr, law 'go, i5 Sheriff Dwiyr idesires to see the J.APLHMS prattiilig t Charotte.two stutdents that pursetd the mia ALSO it'S HACK ANl) IAilAP 19 SOUTH MAINiST.. At the semi-annual election of the who assaulted thte young laidy near North Main111street Aidelpihi literary society the follosw- the Ypsilanti Normal School several RINSEY &c SEABOLT. ANN ARBOR, MICH. ing officers sere elected for the sec- sweeks since,lHe hopesTy the aid Groceries ,aesad elr nProvisions,Flourande o ndT senester: P'res., L..13. Ruder; of their descrilptiont to capture the 6 ani8E. 't5'ohntgoi S- vice-Tres., AV. I. lDullentback; secy, mnt. JOHN WOTZKE. B ERLELGII & JOLLY, 0. I.(latoby; treas., IH. Haskinis; No sork in te Medical tdelart- MaeAo bl ag 26isSAESoT'e ., AsNN Aitiioi.MICH., tritic, AMr. Mosely; ImemberlCCof pro- entotto-iay. IRepiringnetltytidone. 4as.i s . 9 TTRI NT grant commliittee, A. H. Covert. A. A. Dlrye,'92 lpharnic, has lthettffATers BuItCettitedIt the left college. TECHES AEeITR Wholesale and Retail Agent (ologa ical society foe thte reindter Ray lHat, lit. '93 has left college COFF~, IN15ANN' ARBOR1iFORiiof the yetaitare as followss Plres . . foetepesentttott ac ut ofstpoor, .,, JA BRIEg ilhu hvice-lies> lts 1I1. 1Ielth~~. - StiliffI octe'e tresa i I: c t levcrclot, lit '9J, lhs retuetned C ic ' ott embles f Exectiti e iltt, \Hiss to college.N70OfSRo. 1L[V 1D Y L ,1.'. 1or t.1. 'alicrsoitanttl Mt oterr. \'(. (3N ieltls1 192 lit., Itas left A sAt> t No ~asv.t1'. NT. 1f-y, lit 9:;, spent Sun- college tol actteptaSiositoiton in SIi OLEE OIIr day it Kalattaoo.'iciagio batik. 2 113 lII E IUTO1N STI>'zfs CLEE+7 At thte Uity' Clublti's etenig, At thte tileetitlg of tlte Ut.f ii . AN ~ S1QDC13"QN - Tre S. A. Joieofittsits, will A. A., Satureday, a commnittee was reasd a paper sito"C C tt to the app~toitedI to tiake arangemients re- ~F~~M NFtf L~A~LCJ G CD~,1 luowl Indlauttss oThoreau.t garding a Minstrel show for teCRoIIE AT Ti , GOT reakey, lit 192, is back again. beiefttothtle treasury. 'The matter SPECIMENS ANDCUISTE Ilase Ball andsTenist Gootds 1V. A. Nichools, lttta2 taha left otitter-ciass foot ball campionship oIf ALL 1R1N10. a Spciaty.college. was referredi to the foot ball com. SPECIMENS FOR STUDENS a pcat The catndidates foe the ninet isho litte last nuber of the Dial, Chtalp Collections a Speialty' are practicing inthet rink are re- Prof. Al. L. D'Ooge reviews a re- lnT 19 AND).. 1tAItC'AttB 110W, (bested to be careful not to strike cetly publishtesd work on "Odes Faimos Satinl Spar aind oter lt CAMBIDGE M13 _and Shell Jewelry tnd Noe SO-3.thle gas jets. The base-ball nanage. fromlte reek Dramatists." ties always in Stock-