X - FIRST IN TIE FIELD WITH NEW G NEW ACKINTOSH C U 01" A ,N : IIVll l ' il 11 S NIO W THE U. OF M. DAILY Of Old IT. of M. Should hav e a 'OAIS. University of Michigan G;uitar. I. t11. l 01 Ott lltIj lo o t } T{ . l , t \,Qi' i PI ITG11 Vl l L 7170 01011 0. I -N. THE TWO SAM-S, L._ 131A=.Z 1IlArij o 81Oiiit~ll~Y. VOORHEIS & ETS 5EBSTr WORK IN THE CITY! STA TE1L ST. TAILORS, C4ALLEDEOR and DELIVERED.' FIRST CLASS WOR K. 01PEC1A501AT1S0T1 STUDiENT.0 afe -23 South Fourth Ave. BALL ANL]3EE LJ5, i ~~~I1 A D E A,-TS BROWN'S DRTJG STORE 1.O)I.N I, t MAIN ANI) IIURlON "1111 1 T.. ,AIZ( 1.1ST1C10O1T1IIt 1 0001D0 A01)INE[COi V.1 010 ot 01C(00 000-- lorthe111nexot thirty clays we will Oliv'e 10 per cen'tt 0-"'ZMVLI-f ASIUM PTIECJNJLD_ FERGUSON & SLATING, WlkAHR'S BOK STORE, DOWN TOWN. t 'too10ii I t 1 1t0! 'I.e 11101 to ot I I4,111 1 11 10 10 boot 11101 i 1111011("w 1o V n1 114 G ia111(11 1e11~ctc IE9 ODYMIL C .vj X/ r 1i E..-X 6. ELFPM II.tor 11111111.-- at .; 1). 2]I. t. YIc C1,1sfl" olld scctlml will he f,< }:n fish. CMIFS I 10. X11 stildclits on Molidav alld Tllltr (1 Jt(> In ect ' --IN S~oTH ING' J of ALL KINDOAT T" J.ACOBS & CO.'S, x7 A1 aD 29 MAINi ST. L. CRUNER. Dealer int HZ'S A S S o70E Bdoti Ilty tootProm~ptly. J M~~lrond Straiqjht u Nil. 1 CIGARETTES. Y are111willing1 1, tout 11a1111l more. I 75 thaln oithe 11>1 Icl 1101' 1ii lls B AND tiioi to it01 lll il o ther-io . (;0 01 .0 tilt Iiac ma e fomt whii1 t 111, t O 1 1 11 1ii e n i u1 t-eo th t t. 1111 1 t te A i'il l li Co-l'0 0111 01.1.0 11>11 Ri00 on Vi l-vinia. l o rlo ll i ck1110.CaiaStc,*0 0, 00th- 11 Mo t (K)Oi Qe it etd 1.1 I~rto Genrl ss, t llo t i ttt5 {,fe n ld ag tt fr cal, wood, o, il artdl c~I4S Efe a . I hlar k is',28iI~. FIN THEAr U,%- -- W^Ill I I Citi~iou ji 110e'r1equested 1t«oinecot in - o'clock. Mr. W0. W0. (Campelol w111meet10 Elishlo,('Cou rse t8. is is10a stuidonts 111 10111tic0a11101ronomlt~y oin 0011000'itt Rapid Witn11g,1111e110101 11100111y, "eb. 171 at 2:30 to11:.11.1P otnly for those 1111) 1111veohall 0co1- ( 01.,00111it22, for 1consultation1111andl silcraIhlti experienlce ini literaror101k, arratigottiott of hoours. antI o)11n0onltolthos110100ho11re0011111 special permtission. Al1 ititorostod inl theo'couirso' toorequesotedl lt met 00A0YTIC110 010 i1'l'1110'. itt Rootmi.,I Tesday at ;''. 1000 4.Ito itioiin ,t)oilititatioo' I '1 1111 :Analysis will hoe1gi11n1f1v' tingeos 1 weeck intI lbortoory,11111twiceo'a 1week 1101 1 iOUSE2. T teot- in r000itatin thisoe0steroo'. hoolks tior tieom-11111100 ience of 11000s (i, 11an1 7. tCianititattivei I'. \S1110111at0onveit:Ihour's lot' instrutionoi ()I, (jiz, on w 1r0'gn 11100. N() G1o Il m %'. litudoelt w1ill lhoelalloed too o'lo' 11110'e EO 0 tssr i(Ae('s. 1> 11 TieS, Patent Leather ~hoes. I OODSFEEDO FJNE PH6T6GRiPH8j { N~ilineov and Art Gloods. R HE 1I ALE EVERYWHERE. W0. 1H. IIAW5KINSu, Irop., Y P itolit1oTo.To=oI72107. 1S11001l1giveottto Studoents. 0110e11s acall. FINE JOB PRINTING. It1 isour aim to please. SatWcifalon Ouaraneoa REGISTER OFFICE, OPPOSITE COOK HOUSE. (;oolooy or tescn eteolr 110 1110111ofl hefat il b m de 'hleloures c0111111ng01under 1111 chrg willlbe g0 en1a11111l andl polatceanntountcedIIuoesdaty, tr7th, atiol Wedneosoay, 19111i II. C. ADIAMS. Ti ou001050(Entglisht ia) will he given on Monday an~d IThursday, fromt 4 10 5, in Roomt 14. Thtose wohIave handed intthleir nantet wvill please meet on 'T'ltursday, Feb. 'uloo llIrals ill hl ie111lot' R'~oom I20. A9 new10c11u1000 in 1frenchIiProose1will be given is tse0m11esteronMlo101111, W\etdnioday atnol 1rida19 3 to 4. R'loom1114. !tlt.o 1010101.1t IGT.-'r If a suffcoetottntuntber elect the 00110s01 1 shall ttse IPrectou's lTeory of L~ight, itt pace of Gleo- ntetrical Opics,dttring tis sentester. I shtall be glad to hear as early as possible fron thlose desiring to take it. H. S. CARHSART.