~Ij U.Of ln.Walp putime of Work in Statistics. LUNIVEITY OF 1IICItOAN., MOND)AY, I.I'-LfIIARY Pt, i)' 1 iicTisiec:(hCENTrS. The Gym. Fund Benefit. I I li ifi Feb 01. 7, i891- lTo)-niorrow e vening lit r.IJaynesf III ' U.of 1 Iti it a liiiarlbor, l\ ftAplebeeli, of lBostoinawill ap- 1011if bear in riv osrito IIall to ive ---iThe 1 loi. (Carriill 1). IIlhis101ctiiioon '"Dickens." fir the tilgilft 110is to leiture upon Sta-f iho10lt if tlie 'vlfiiltfl liiifund. Which011erandtafot Totoethat heard hin wile..i 11 Iiiake a staitemeniitthat may im ro, thiree roeks agi AIr lfseilteleft lti tour reailers.- plbe stoo teol knowtohtii lfie lecture ffof ir. IWriglit fill any tcoliiniilftii i cto nirgu ral headsi, aitlioughIi lit hs lectiire fil"Dickens"t ff 1s tof treatltesinos il ecotiiros: qloteliihe followiig friiiitliho11: SQrt. Ilttirv off Statistict, .tiidiialto ( . ExpLlresst rc of stt is~ticl f iirmatioin.I 1111es Kay Aplllol asft ovoin- > tu St atisticts of IPoputlatiofn, lug doloiveroil thielast if lilt toriet of ihf w ih ft ill beo insiideredolecotiireon iClharletsIDickenus. The deVe""sofloplationi birth-rsate, tsieakerhl is llteiorertstpoll-honsd at1ate lit r tll n1ration as ffect*itg as lie delivereud witht rare potwor of as a f ploplt ioniinii rationes xpressioss the ittunor, the pathos b5ttt politics, religion, crimne, asid the feelisig Ilat imibiued tte ss sntati onsciaia writings of the fansous Fn'lish ti itt, statistics of nmarria'ge anti novelist, reading witltoreat effect it- re and of education. Itistrative selections front Iis works.' 4ird, (If econonmical Statistics, 'Tle Unity Club is putting itself der wichill ho consiodoroel sta- to no snmall extiense in briuging r ies fit oplrodluction, capitalssages, Applehee here, anid it is to he ro- a os of pfrotductioinirices, nmemhere'd that every coait goes to tl ~ , cos't of livinag, anod agri- tlte gymnasiumiftundio. Therofore ei statisticsi statistics of fisht- let everyone atteitd the locturo, ro- and1 tt similar qitestions. It swill ntesslerisfg that awtile Ito is receiv- heth imt of these lectures to shsow lng a rare literary treat hie is also t easily inforntation on such contrihuting to our University gym. sittmtay he improperly used. fiiid. atlerlth. Poblmsin Statistics, it51. wiich5 Iead will he consideredl Republican Club Meeting. itlta lies, statistics of tlhe un- Notwithstanding several counter- tieii5yd, divorce statistics, effici - attractionas, the nieeting of the Re-'flbrancasictonfpuianCbwsqielrgya- lies. loi~trilttisintnttel cnnet-teiidetl, Saturday evening. A large e r rgt sitmteycnet numbner of newe nemhers were ad- cal W~itht a large nunaher of Statist1- ntttd. The election of officers for ithisHiftorical associations, hoths the ensng year resulteol as followes: iscounatry antd foreigna couit- lresident, IV. C. 'ticesor; vice- flis esectfully yoturs, Itres., 1). E. Ilorits; secretary, C. C. HENRY C. Ao)Afit Sptencer; treasurer, J. lV. B~rotwanng EXSERTAYBAY ARD. Mie rsoif the executivo consmittee, -.--.--j(to fill vacanicy), IJ. E.- Barcuts anio rssthe Laws at Commence- ment. I.I.Jsel Flans Messrs. G. A. Btrown-usandI t. F. aheadfor Comimaeitcemntare ltubtbardl scre apptoiinted oelegates oltr e igoal.Ot t h to attond the State League Confverf- 10f lsof er' onn1ne Ih~l ase ea'x tionf at Dtroit. The conitatie to hi .e eercises teas the address of itako arrangotnttoalii tt A Iarlan to the late studeitts. 'Michigan Clubt Baniquet, at IDetroit, 5lY fife thlf is iii ftore for ea. Feb er.IIt 'losas~ity za, retiorteil that a speocial Osefi traiii had heeni secured ota the Micts- lbth hsansecured to deliver U esrla h oert fS flff anual address hefore the lategnCnrla telwrt fS weats ceists for the rounti tritp, providinug he 2 o4 auuiiOthWistsayion or niore attend, tlse train to he Theat the comptlete disptosal of thse cluh, ttOf Itrofessors, inttuctors, to go anfd return when thsoy wishs. lhesand assistants in thse A conmunication frost Col. Fred traity this year nunshers 135.1 Farnswortha, secrotary of the Miesi- gals Cluli, wst-troad, asking' that the saitis of tiiise twithiig to attoend ho toctirod at ioioe so that itvitationis can ho soent ail golfoils 5ofreseoil at theo tahles fur themii. Ascommiit- toitee oi tewat appf~oitdto aittat- raifofotllt commitiittee iin501 liin" nameoth losoetw'sliiiig to ittotol Faculty Announcements for Second Sem ester. lhemofllloiig 0 fat- annunce~00- mtsilt, tilgotlior oithlthtioelpulished~~i ill fib last istuetoof thteIItiitt- eludeio iut all the anintouncements fttr the secoiiilsosmoster twhichlid stot appeaobr itn thto anuniiucemenits ptulihedom at the liegitnnisig;of ste year: l311it b GRtiAP'll. Studesits desirintg to take the course usnhBibliograpihy, sell iseet me its Roomi J, Wednsdoay, Feh. 18, at 3 pin ii R. C. Doria.. 'Tle sections annsounced for S: 15in logic will meset in Rtoomsi22. tt is ttos- sibile that jFoser esay ho subistitisted for beoss iifonse of the sectiosts of course i a, if it is desireil. J. II. Tuits. 4Ius ICl. 'rie courses in music will ito giv-en suhstantially as ansnouncedl. I will nieet those isttendinsg to take course 1o in thse Mtusic Roonm,NWed- nesday, F-eb. iS, at 4I p.us., to ar- range Ihours. Course azteill consist of a systema- atic study of somei standard chsoral twork. If desired I weill arrange for onef hour teachser's course. Course so will hue devoted to te rise andi development of niodern nmusic, includling a study of great comitosers. A. A. SToAoLEY. My class int course oa still tise 'lomsonu 's Elemesnts of Electric- ity arid .Magnetisis"' and twill smeet oil Mlosiday, thouhuistay andu Friday at 51:30. 11 FAT. 'The class isa course ott)teill tise Steteart's 11Elemnsutary Theory of tteat,"' and tellmoetotntt'Tuesodays andt'T'hsusrsdays. Students iii heginnisng tahoratory work witl please providlethsenmseltes teiths Stetwart & Fee's tPractice P'hysics, Part r. HI. S. CARsiART. LATIN. Otwisng to itressure of work, Latin so seitlinot he given next sensester. IV. K. CLEMENT. Contsinued en Third Page. b I SM, lit Ie'perienice of College lit a itwhu n o i n(]tiu appuureciaste hutie itaohful st i ilic of (Cullege Stts- huets. lai i Iaigit corksof shouted l)usigiiirs and JIltessps~eially I trai-llluii'e orbde listothertijewttlled tork. k ipohtiii' as «t o, .duirectiy ftroum Pis, I nmioum it Siiitteiiaaa oilii Ii lftilo f s uitd ther ritous Sttnes.lit a ie in a psition to i pruo- duce lie finuestpluis 11nd11jieeledl so(uiehc Iltuit it if ll himuIs itulhiituae inatiuflautiutot Iin hum l mnt ry'.u Wright, Kafi & Co. IMIIT1 iltN, INELEZiS IIAN UFlA( 111tiNGil.1 E W ELEIK DetroitMchi ori. Chas. Speller & . 211SOUtmSTATiE ST. " TEflUY PILLAIT,"! Champion Light Weight Boxer OFIE INNSYLVANIA. F )t puarticuilars inquire at the store. Professor'Hobson's CiASS OF Blfadvio d. EX-mi~l APPLY AT THE STORE. UNIVERSITY OUTFITTERS -FORt ALL- ATIHELETIC AND SMIlTING~ G-QODS- 13]SE B7ILLU EPIIS FULL STOCK IN MARCIH. Cennasiuuss Suppliedl at lithole- sale h'rices. Call ando Examntue. F =tR' TE 011T GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING~ IG~OOS IN TilECtTY. LAORTORt~iY COATS AND PAINTS. Agent for Ann Arhor Steam1 Laundry qutick deliveryanet hest seork. qI5A$. $PELLER & qo. UNIVERIXTY OUTTFITTES-. ANN ARBOR, - - M1011i