N ~ 4 42 VOL. I. No. 9. UN] SOME USEFUL BOOKS. U. oF M. MEN IN THE LITERARY WORLD. The Work of Professors Scott and Gayley- As many of our readers already know, Profs. Gayley and Scott spent the last vacation in literary work. The earliest fruit of their labors is the '' Guide to the Liter- ature of iEsthet"cs,' which has already been spoken of in these columns. They have also in pro- fess of completion4 "A Handbook of Literary Criticism." This book will soon be placed in the bands of the publishers and will probably be ready for the use of the students in Prof. Scott's pop- ular course in Literary Criticism. Besides an index to all the lit- erature on the subject there is a large amount of material which will be of great value to the student. This will comprise outlines of study for graduate students, outlines for essays with references and comments, and topics for study. The index in- cludes not only all the literature on the subject to be found in our library, but also very much which Prof. Scott hopes to be able to secure for the library in the near future. The book will be used at California and Columbia Univer- sities during the present year. The same gentlemen have also b gther book in view, part of it being indeed already written. The -AEsthetics of Literature is to be a manual of some three hundred pages, and will take up the sub- ject from the theoretical and the comparative sides, and will dis- cuss all the fundamental problems of classification of literature, of the science of style, the differen- IVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, tiation of literary types, and the law of the evolution of literature. The book will embody much of the original research of both the authors, and many of the advanced ideas of both will be found in its pages. While both work together in the preparation of the book, the more cesthetic portions of the book will be written by Prof. Scott, while Prof. Gayley will take up more definitely the discus- sion of literary types. It is not expected that the work will be issued as a text book, but if there seems to be a demand for such a work in that form it may be so issued. They will probably de- vote another year to the work, which will probably not appear until some time late in '91. CHRISTMAS TOUR: OF THE YALE GLEE AND BANJO CLUBS. The annual trip of the Yale University Glee and Banjo Clubs during the next Christmas vaca- tion will include the following cities: Buffalo,Dec. 22, Cleveland, Dec. 23, Detroit, Dec. 24, Chica- go, Dec. 25, St. Paul, Dec. 26, Minneapolis, Dec. 27, Kansas City, Dec. 29, St. Louis, Dec-31, and Cincinnati, Jan. 2. The club will travel throughout the trip in two private cars, "Chicago" and ''Riva" as they did last year. A. A. U. MEETING. The annual championship meet- ing of the Amateur Athletic Un- ion will be held at Washington next Saturday. Athletes will be present from all parts of the Uni- ted States and Canada to enter the games. A hot contest for su- premacy is expected between the two New York clubs, the Manhat- tan and New York Athletic. MORE NEW MEN. Who They Are and Where They Come From. Mr. C. C. Marden, one of the instructors in French, is a native of Baltimore. He graduated a year ago last June from Johns Hopkins University with the de- gree of A. B. During the year '89-'9, lie had charge of the modern language department in Norfork Academy, Virginia. He spent the past vacation in Europe, where lie devoted his time, as lie had done to a considerable extent 1890- PRICE 3 CENTS. Wright, Kay & Co. Foreign Buyers, Importers, of Gems and Art Gcods, Jewelers ard Op- ticiags. Nanufacturers of the Finest Society Fadges rrjadein pthe Cour. gSamp(e: sent upon pro- per re'crene, Dsm-oi tOjnnt-x Ichxs B ., 1,1f W(1)OW AJRD AVE., Detroit, M Vhan in his University course, to the bergers R Cristoforus." The study of the Romance Laiguages. Uiversity is greatly indebted to He is a modest, unassuming gesi- the Choral Union, not only for tleiranamid will no doubt be a the elegant musical treats that it very popular iistructor. gave us last year, but also for the Frederick C. Newcombe, the reputation as a musical center that instructor in Botany, is a U. of the U. of M. receives all over the M. man, class of '90. Although country. The Choral Union in- lie graduated so recently he has a tends to give another series of record which many older men concerts thissyear, and expects the might well envy. le taught in hearty support of every student the Flint Institute for the Deaf, in the University. The manage- some six or seven years before ment of the Choral Union have already engaged Miss Aus der entering college. He has taken Olie and the New York Philhar- all the work offered in the Uni- mmonic Club for concerts before versity in Biology, besides spend- the holidays. The Club has the ing considerabe time at the Sea- refusal of two concerts by the side Laboratory at Anisquam, Boston Symphony Orchestra. This announcement will be re- Mass. He has doiie a good deal ceived with delight by every stu- of work for the United States dent in the University. Of all Department of Agriculture, and the concerts, lectures, and enter- has carried on original investiga- tainments given in Ann Arbor tions in Cryptogamic Botany and last year, cmone afforded us so Fungi. Mr. Newcombe has es- much pleasure or left such a last- ing impression upon our minds as pecial charge of the Biological the concert by the Boston Sym- work in the Chemical Laboratory. phony Orchestra. It depends upon the students of the Univer- THE CHORAL UNION. sity whether we will be able to procure these two concerts. The The first regular meeting of the Boston Symphony Orchestra can Csoral Union was held last even- only be procured at an immense expense. Two thousand tickets ing in room 24 with an attendance must be sold. Therefore it be- of 160 members. Practice was hooves every student in the Uni- immediately commenced on Rhein-versity to do all he can.