N CFV ('12 tj AILY DINING AND LUNCH RO M, 2.9 -- T $2.8. -2.9 48 SOUTH STATE STREET. First class board, pe M Ir week. Lunches at all hours. Oysters in every style. liine liee if Conifection, i gars, c. NEW BOOK STORES, A. Le.IPQBLC', OQL.T TI1kJ'LTIN11T - EFTZEEN' ff\~ \ F ~7 ~ .Q *T I'~' ~ ~ > our ic limits at 23'1 s. ii'itii5oicents Oil - cnts. -:ery' Article \T : PCCN )'l ( IB S1I .S i qStrC1-t.41SOLtt St~cStric, UNIVRSIT ThNT-IOOKS s IOI~i~7~ ~G. H. WILD, A l b o k s p t t e i lC c it y S c h o o il gs (i c i ts . i u t iicts N o k " I d 1 s A lt 1 s s h w ;1 ' t h ei .i s l i t st I t tc i fi F 1 11u h D n l I T i i ti l ;I II i. t I , r f . t( os a:11 th laest sadiic t1. lce \ctscinI'mic tt irs-o9 Large Stock of FVia tfitiil'ccs. 1A Warraiitcd lountaicic1_ (tti Glih far .50t i t.No. 2 E. Washi ngton St , earMain. G 1 Y J JAMES M. STAFFORD, [MLLJR ~IMF6RTERS The best place to get a TMADE TO ORDER LATEST STYLES THE LARGEST STOCK, GREATEST VARIETY c LOWEST PRICES ((ii IAILi'S, in this city. 'You will save money by biiying of us. Ouir lRE) STARt " OIL hias-io equal, biirnis without odor, iir eciarriug of wick sod gives a clear whie ligbt. Sold at lii cents iier galloni, delivereid to icy part ifttheiiiity. 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. pEAN & co. THE CAMPUS. C. XV . H eywood is nowc able toI attenid his classes. 'T'he high school seniors hiiid a class dance to-niglit. Messrs. J oridaii sui Nortiii, of the library force, are sick ibis week. P'riif.IDewey will take charge iif MODERATE PRICES, the' suniday nioruiiig s. C. A. mneet- 19 SOUTH MAIN;ST.. ANN ARBIOR,- - - MICIH. BELE iIn & JOLlY 26CS. STATE ST., A.NN ARBOiR,14i0i., =Z= ONTZ,-= Wholesale and Retail Agent JAIMES q. BRINE, 1ii tilT I)I, 1'.tiE, U. ir NI. COLLEGE + OFIFIITEL, ,ATUATI5,Iq GCQD$" Blase Ball and Tcnnis Goods j a Specialty. 10t AND 11 HIARVAlRD 1RW, C. M. 1Hampier, law '91, is visit- iig frieiids in Chicago, for a fewv days. 1 . -. ricilnian sill retiiriito cc- sonic his coltege work iicxt senics- ter. The iiectiiig of the Atletic Bloarid wrill bele dci Saturday in Alpha N\u halt. Prof. Ttionilisous began his lctiires (11(01 Real Estate law to the Seniiirs this mornrig. 'tliers' are abouut sevecntyappli- caiitsfor l r. I tciuey 'a course i[ paragrapbiuug. Thie tale class ofi91 as agiven $10 ,000 towaruds the eqipmliieiit of their new gymnnasiuim. I'. IF. Ioeliler, '90 law, tias recent- ly becomie a partner of Judrge Tlif- fany', Omiaha, Neliraska. The sale of '93's Oracle has been qtuite large, fully a thousand copies hlaving beein disposed of. There will be a meetiiig of the Tennis Committee, Saturday, at 2 p. m., at 47 William street. J. NV. CURTIS, Chairman. Onte of Ans Arbour's stuiients lis bieen apptointed to a tirofessishipt in Iteirlteltsrg uiiersitv. This is P'rof. F. N. Scott is the hiappy fattier of a biouncing batty girl. (,oi- gratulations arc extenuded. Prof. XWinchlel announced yester- dlay the nanies of ttose who witulid have to take the examination ini Geology, course I. Ois account otr his stprained ankhle, P'res. Angell was citable ts asceiid the stairs to roiom 24 yesterday, aiid so miet bis class ini room A. 1:. C. WVariner, '91 , has finishici his college weork and leaves tit-day fur M'ionroe, where liewiltl teach trench siiil (ermniitinthe high school. lliis imorninglProif. Girittiniiasi- iniinedi that all tiise whom receiveci nit notifircation to the cointrary, inight ciiisiiter tieiii pse ed 55Clin tie recini exaiion ii) ersona Proplerty. Thie Igteead aintjo i cltubits wiii teasve Anis ;A rboir at 4t:30s p. Ill. (loucat) A. A. antI V. 1R. R., Satuir- dayc. ITiey willtie eintertaiiiedliii Yplsi liy i1r. anidIMrs. W..1-I. CGueriii. qr. Gu ierin is aii old frieiid of the boys. Ile accomniiieidthe clubs last year oii their western trilt aiid rendereid them mny services by securing for tliems special Itrivi- leges on his road the C. aiid U. AV. R. R. The A. A. soil Y. R. Rk. furnish round trilp for twenty cents, leaving Ann Arbor at 6:zo, return- ing leaving Yptsi at 10:45. EIISITIIESS PILECTO'- WATCHMAKER AND EWL8 ii-i SiMAIN STREEcT, i~-~ andle iclry. M. W . BLAKE. 5PICTLR S, FRAMSES,A AR 'r 0001115. 1(ist eal FERIDON LUMBER YARD' Macnufacitrer iof and dele to( SAGINAW GANG SAWED LUM DER iorForhand iiniiDlepot Sts. J. HALLER, 0. M. MARTIN, DEAxiLEii IN Cloth Caskets, MetlCE A's CIiiii'IOCiN (IiiiS J. A. POLHEMUS, NocrtuhNliniiSireet. J RINSEY & SEABOLT, Blakersan daer i ut Groceries, ProvisionsFiour and Fee i6 anit8 I..-i. (ouingian St. JOHN WOTZKE, Makier IfCfi J.ADIJES' acid G(F.N'rS1'I RlepaiiingCnectlydone-. 4.S. 1110111 51 TERICHERSARINO To SCHOOL 't~ N°. N7o.0Eh(I(BCN ST.C C1a 22I: URNSTiilET,1 ANN : Ilt13.)t . Il~t.;II SHs- M E~& SPECIMENS AND CURIOSITIES itS ALL.IND.0 SPECIMENS FOR STUDENTS Cheap Collections a Specialty' Ftimous Satin Spar and other AMhne 3 slid Shell Jewelry and SO'vel- ties always in Stock-