Ll c r . of , ll. a l . fur Sectarian School. ph cili/clis of Grand 'Trav erse; Intil ~eitie i heIC e;isintliri- in re- i t n dical colleg;e. "hle +r 5 'n" Pie'lrcd ii In cstcl iay-s Sttill < f II -id.o tn n 'tr it/cl s r tic ahilition (if f aitaii5 Isn e17 ~il pi ntice Gt le ;Iiv ii - of 0 lohic iiil. f iat iiir i- nil t e Jourtl ias UNIV'ERS IIY 1? I hII IGAN, I'IIII)AY. , 1T:1IIUAIIY 6, 15tH. The Library Lights. .1lI thosie ((lii frcilznt the Ii- iraron isill 1elIiiliitoi Ic riithat steps len n tkczti reIlaee thle gas lit-celectric Ii its. S I iliririaiiiliiiis inifiitiieii the l) iii t 5rI poru rtath lsilccil thec reicunt i iiiili iit in cegarul toi thii lights iii thicsetziuare stiltm, as liiietl jus, I I ti lbrryautliot- ties for soiie titehetave htaIi ittler uti llisa, .and. so it is tlt>u;tiglto ie Prof. Dewey's New Book. ~tt1. ' ainccilcss ec:licitiit<>i iip se1ts g ;as i na1'>~ llh nilsiat-lfid the house of jets 111 tiic Sciiiin~r i )iI S Iiiii 5 as lies ir elt i i. li te ta1ts of ticit i n 5 tli i sd iil h t tne 'thyi ndlersignled citizens and hc as liiihts in the lihrar}- )iac e yei ev er itenia succes, iiiid (le ins laesof the town of Wtihitewaterii Fiuty°Grn 'T'rav-erse, hotr-las heen ex:ception cly Eliocur this pindyl Peiinyu ooa ear. Not only 1s the lrieseiti sys- ° twihodall proratostein (f lightlinighad (Ill the eyes nf ttg' ' witltholds ppropiati onsthe readers, hat the jcts in the hook clarlan .*inor u c nti omnare injulrioustoSinthe hooks. lnlIans . l Ol Pn~iTh'lose in authlority sill well deservee c is tie thanks oif the stuldents if iltis lnt- Sltn uttl°11l1respectfully call y-our tetil Ito te alleged teaching of lproveenlt is madiie, as it Itllnhi- trians ledicille in our Slate Uci- edly will. r1Y an --d. re- ni Id nequest your insestiga- r£tll aeadian finid Jeffersonian Literary Society. in01 sam,anifaysfo d (litlinles if a CrIiical I'ev f U thies, hi IPrufcssor I )wv h litland l'rcss, 51 -n Darts. I It cftrst phlet trea11 ts offu1 latnetl lIciliii ill ictilo len diseassio o ctai's, 'ilills' Sicner', llIa tliithoriesoi the gind ~et-adfy~~l~ll i} iie vtro I rir1511 .1 telixtc ((illepticuli if thecse pLoints. Ihc secoil iDat deals siti thctil tcal sciuli. It is a clicsetun tii It cethitcal inature of sunial i iistittiticoiis. The thirdillDart is a treattsest if the nciral life if thte incliviiltal . In disecusses the natuIre oif consciette: the IleeeloincieIt of ttiiral ideas andi coides; the Ionl int hltdl natuire of mocral liadnIess; the natultre of virtute, etc. One (If thte Inaini feattures of tlie~book is its diseussion of lime eth- ical natutre iif scece and art. Llhe hbook is intenlled as a lireliar- atnon for the ethies (If politieal the- orer, as swell als a treatmnent iif reli- 151 cal iestioans properIt ideals wsh~l the min~ featitres of ethics, rater tanl sitlm a large lilumbier of detailed 1llestiiilt. The ssork ssill lie used P 1tIes,;?TIouss Cl-IFN-IS. A1Nrl\i tile' e'perielle of College I) feti selis kuo nis d111atppreciate lie clreflil sernltilly of College Stn- dlents, lhtming a large corps of skilled lItesiglli'rs 11111 enelers sliecOilly trainedtilfor badcge and other jelcelled w ork. Ir loirlg, a5see do, directly 1151111 Pris, Liloli tl ill Alllstel-dan totiliis, 'he aie illaa position 1to1(10' line the finest 11l1n1 and jesrelled S eelety' Itadges o0l' atthiniiis schiel are Wri h , Kay Co. MAN t CA'yCIGIlI\ (a .11 'XLLLI its DeItroit, Mtohi an. ehas. pe]Ier & . Champion Light Weight Boger lu anellrticulltles inqul~ire at thle store. crl ss o0' APPLY AT TO- STARIE. UNtiIVERSITY OUTFITTERIS -aUll AL- kII{ELEIIO AND SOL.TIITG W ISE BNLIi, 1 JS FUiLL STO(CKis fN MA IICII. Gytnlnasiunts Stupplie'cian Wlthol- sale lPrices. Callalned Examtine. ____ .T tT' OFT GENTLEMEN'S FURISIHING ((lobS l's n~fE sin-". L1 R1 1 t-~ti COATS AND PANTS. Atgenlt for Alnn Arbor Steam Laundry, quick deittety and best work. - JJ5A. pCLLC1 8& qo. LUNIVE2SLITY OUTFITTE5iS. ANN AR BOR , - - MIcH hf o tlthlniOapprojnriations In eand so far as ill yourI ting5r ti renmove it fromt te ilstitit- hit beiere it thle principile set liih by a resluition passed hy the ard of rgeints Decembher V31, S5r, t~ teUiversity standes for science Mid bunl eaening, andtihiat ''it 5iiie te dutyof every citizen itac nt~re '5ate to wsatch anidguardl 1nlltinnsly and see that it Iencoii - nuYncaans pers-ertedl, or directly of ht recdti usedl for tile inculicationi fiii litieai Inmedical, sir religius (i5 andt that anymy ediecal itis l' stlilirted lay, or tinder the Of, tile State, sinond he $Fnd t liberal, that iin teachlers ofn1 txellv systems, or with see- , ileasoutldibe supported ttt athtat tile claimls of all t515slinishul he fairly presen ted the studets by noni-partisan feredto heUniversity cm in ahe "OfM. DAILY comes oct 0t iuh improved form with the 51 Yar, It is a very newsy and li ersg exchange .-North Camo- e~rsity Journal. A ft a regiular mieetinag of the feffer- in coutrse , U thiiscexi semester. sonian l~astLiterary Society 'Thitts- ho thoese stho have hiadi c lay nigiht, a s-cry interesting pro- P'rofessor Ileweys cottrse ini gramawsas renidered. etiis time hook swill needi lii re- 't'ie iehate, " Resolred, timat tin ecomnlendatioi, ias the stork is nmaim- Sigins onf tileTinmes tndicate the iy tine sanme as that enmhracedi in tine lDoeIvnfall of thte Reipublic,"' was outlinies amid lectttees ginven in tile abmly- supported omn the affienniatise hy commrse in ethics hereofore. Time ,Messrs. WEiseinart ansI loyd, andi tihe ibill econtains ahout adopgs n ilbeomi sale sonon. InIe stork isili negative by iesses. IHanmiltom n tmd be a valnable addiitinito time text laegeni. 'rie judges, Mtiesses. Kctmd- hooks oin ethiics, a~ndellh no doumbt soni, orrimn andti huikcrsmn, iecidied he ssell receiv-ed. 'imn favor of time negative. The Old Cemetery. <0mm oraiiomn entitlieii "Ceossiing time -- IRuihicomn"ssas theni (eieredt Iy A. A i queer sighti miay hetiestlesseiI at . -Diasvis. 1115 imnow bisin the tolcemnetery omn Aftee the eregulae peiugeamu, the '(lest iiimrin streei. electioin of officees of the societey A:but a dhozenl tuen are at si-rk isas held, and the falowiing serec se- thee eieninig ohi graees thmtthiave feeted litfillitthe sariouts otneies for remained undisturediifine fennfoety' time emsuinm omthl:tto sixty years. 'tiaiy curiomms Pre.-C. U. Ennidsomi-" stumdents steal aeoulndi to beepi into Vice pres-.A. J. Davis. tine graves, btit oftemn there is cot as Fice. ee-C.W. weis. mmuchm eft of time "hmnan form ci- Crepntnusec.-C.. ni. ier- title ,as timeInoet of moor Vorick Coresonin sc.H. .Pir-upnon sthiclhianliet iprnoune hisi sod. famnous speech. Critic-Samuel Dewai. It would se'emthtat about as nmch Treas.-R. I3. Hamilton. respect stould he 1paid to tlme dead by Marshal-Jeremiahm Donovan. leaving their bodies where thley are The program for next :weck will now, as by digging ump their hones, tossing tilem into a sio-box and be announced in titese colun~s te carrying tiem off to some other first of tile week. cemetery.