C.of $aif). thetCollieeea~etr, r THE U ic M. INUEENENT ASOIATION.I tevn i g i t ('lookt. All (e" .'onnty " left lt te ffc ed e cet the 01et i". -eit AntetAhbr.ditoch 10 . "tit ttthey' are t gci ' h :ncra Address till '92, ee i ee'id t for e'elwt'e t th V'. tti'gEdtr'. Alltbusine'. tnt nlt- te toeh itlt'ol I ttoi ~snesMn THE. Uttot tesDAI'Y, resj~AtnIArbortMcit H.tM. liuilt' sssttI Ml1 111 Erl111r E. l. ' Ar ,. K It . 19 11119 lt il'l.t. gi s ..r tt. tlt o t (t. I t. Nit NI! 11 ( ptirr st 1;,1 1,helin t "1911 1111 1111 E.ity lnit I,195 10 .. -intl 'r5 'like t. tl 1111I tt 19 111 1193. t \ll t . 11t Cnu 111'9:i l Ias tres911111911pealrtillttil'111191111 di1r1c1111 1 t etike n 1 1 tin1it re119'e111111199 111 1) A . '.indor1 IIIt . t-111 ritlt iers calI 119'19'is at1he rl' 1f 1. inC01g 19 s 9 o9111111 U.iot)Al.tttt. 1119 is o o x petettth Iat the thlet.lAssocition de sitttsgoebut re1a11ltes1shott gIoras ttls of te U.of919, iiind no tasitniidualitll orde fr ttteI pretlige ma ~ly lbeloreg911'oetre i('11919' si1191.11But 1'ititIhardly liklyt110a111a tt. athilerite (ill r ttrthe 1''es1unI.s THE U. OF COMMUNICATION. lEDTORSe. OFa3'. Itette Witi. yolu tre brimtilg ib11)thtieZ-I IIgt t qulest11on, iallw' m1e1to1 sty' th t ih n l ilit i ll te ' ie j sit1s91buitln s pci aly 111 s'ottt ii 1i th oler uildal ite''',9 a rcveylptrc ', and1i' Inloess e'i1'l' itan i t 9191r 1c tl ui- dterth ahem awe ll9il 19'it thr(111111 or I19s liht.11In1 19119' 11111h1 ii 1111111 th11 main uildng, hereare910 1119r 11119a911111e imps tca tilerus Heoerit 1 Feltettelre.11 t'191 :119e1191'111 111t' 10p t t ho re cev USalinjeSStoCALS.e oc M. DAILY. C1CT TATLI1C1RY ,AbE WE WILL1011 THlE NEXT FOUIR WEEKS Fia (lffer ile' t1119'(f 111111r iof all Ikindsn to1 le 9s19old b tte 111u1n1 at red NI ill raties. 'Trv' ou1r C.rown'e imtperiatl 111ne11 191 25 ('191199 p11 1ound. 1hoed aper, 'Tc'sis, andTty''pe'writer ltaperat G reatt Bargains1. .Evelotes to itmaItc111 all1aers at ,1relt 'r1 'edcedratles. -T2 & OOC.j14T=C =C=T1' ANDTilE 'sTHE BESTEc- P. R. CLEARY, President. '4cnLca +yNe 0. L.I1W' EAT XEIE v a'11 il . 1119 MIc)HI GAN GNTI "The fftegara Falls RiotC CENTRAL STANDARD0 TZ11 9."5 I ^ '^ I c ccu vim ^r.1 1 h C y .^ - p --I.4' riig Ntl. ieeiee 6. ii3' ' d15'exe. eC). W . . tiG LttSi ftIC' H '.'... '. M ihigae Ra111 Yill' Tim ' 19219 go ing io ffet, l odl It. x . Mil (Iilt - 499 2j 41 1 Monr9e1119 i 1 .' '] 1 .......4g31 7uIh ...... ita ..... i 911 S l , -' (7 7 W.N I O '.II , IltV .t5. 25....e ......] eln s,IA !", e 6i .'32.. 57451 ...itHtwell e.'. 1 9 "' 35 9 ..... 0' lt ....Durandhie ....I 4 b 9 12j... I 1191......tthagic.... G 9G. 7It. DA 0U ..St. Loui.e..... 4 y9 '911 I teilI 1tII'l1 9I ii iltso pri iltei't 71 Faet St., W~est, '. Deteoit, lMich. F~iei'leave illihottil FI. A. 1'. 4, l l tr l tgl it b- ad eycetilil It iitgs (1twe ii pllrices. Stafforid'.11 9 NI itl t. 91T1 , _tl9i tafr hltvl a t f _~ r e Sltietil;ittg14 i i Itil any N stilt s 'N\().12NW. 1I19'.ION SI'. GXaettne Mattin, tBaeIy u Stae.It it Grand - 111'. slrcttrtlle n t ut. rs. ((lidGrnd Opera House, gloodls. iiee'are oitecltted"I goods.5 l u e no11IItlutmeltt't'.i ee ntt'i'ThursdayEv.Fb.5h18, olsuch.'ITie ce9y5het'.tstri 1191 ti E e., Fe. thn191 10i cts. VWuIst:c ilit '' t: 25 Setitlithil vec 19111 Arbtor J y (.'olntl t ooi d c t Ju so ':itae St. Blatlis 10c at P. (0. BatrbetrS111p11 Great Comedy Company.