'lyl U 5b'M AILY
DI\IJNG P 1 LUNCH R OOM, $298.-m AT $2.98. $29
48 SOUTH STATE STREET. --_________
First;rclas board, n6.h0per aweeK.
Lonihes at all hours.
Oysters ini every style. _________________________
Fine line of Confections, Cigars etc. _______________________
lu u is Iasid- i z2 cnts sWorth o cn( t101 11 5ce t-. I iii rtil6
:T' \ )1I \l "N1'1)1 RI~to 'IlS -I
Mcicnit us, afoS, BLiANK BOO ir.1X. FINDS, - U ' r I
All lob- -ised oill ity 0. .iuieits Note lookol iPdDrf ssla ikteIuilott. ifF11Dos liii5Intem ict
Ie at ,rc u k of (su rit in I -is. 11 W rra nted Io iii;itauii ln (G old ) 'l ii l 't N o , 2 E. W ashingto n St .,n ear M ain. G . H . J M S 'W ILDR , H A G E T S O K E S O S S D R C O
P Onfl~(i LAMPS, in this tcit. You will sve mioiey by buyitig f us. Our ntn~ z ur rnw~e
1f1IULw11PULU . EZ~) SAll' OILlas no equal, biris witliiiut iilir, or au( MAIN Sy_ pi 1~r
charring of wick and gives a clear white light. M. W. BLAKE.
'The best place to get a Sol at 1(0 cents per gallon, delivereid to any part of the cit. rXCTruxr S FAMErS, ArpSt
44 SOUTH MAIN ST. P EAN & CO. ARiT Goos. itoSwest ll',0
Ib C TE AMUS Bseal i bomngatConel. MaulrureofanIdalril T'here is alredly a large nnber of SAGINAW GANG SAWED LUME
Coii 11O i thad Dhi-pu Sts
rADE TO ORDER hrI. MLacllao has gone to Can- canidiates, abot 35, ini daily lprac- -
ada for hi health, ie. Ifarry Taylor is their coach, JHLE
LAET TLE. I. Cole, of Charlotte, is the et inothiiig can keep teni up swheii 4' oT NAI T
LAET TLE ust of Messrs. Greein aiiilHooker, they imet the U. of M. teaii. 0i- aSi--ii
e 4 fits.. M. MARTIN,
'T ll.Ihere is cinsidlerabe talk of DEALI lt N
I. V. Friedmsai, li, '94, has been uinother gymIi. fiiisilentertaiiimeit, Cloth Caskets, Metail'
coifiiied to his rooni fr the la1 rAgiDenOiMMhON( r ml lIa --
MOEfesw-days oiiaccount of illness. olr ~ iiil ,~~slllid-J. A. POLHEM US.
MVODERATE PRICES, ai lbjitlacmaid .L I-v te,
'Theteital college lias raiseilte yII fw peiatis.
bafsspecialties. A.0 s-teAI IAOO .iN
10 SOUTH MAIN ST.. rieogoifris2rntton I). C. It.Ldsards, of South NsiMii-nei
cents. RNE SAOT
It is saidl that Stagg as cr Lytd ons, Msieh., is takiig a graduate ISY&SAOT
AN itliR,- MC I.anoter ro Pesden Hrpr oioirirn iithi eital tepartnsent. Groceries, Provision sFIour and Fee
AN il i, - - M bCecanomferphyr icii reeito rlster o Ha-rry Jeswett, s-Io created a sen- _ iiii5 ahiis ~
U1 -, a atiion at the last spring gaiies of JOH N WOTZKE.
l iiriyo Ci g.the UC.of 51, ly pushing Os-cu Mulct of nd uenz js e-s
.SSiA i ,..As ai diii '] The ba se all nsums of ValeAIIS'aqt.ETS
in the iooyird cash, andilby reak eiaieu inus- ussron. s-i. Main
l' ON Y riinceton andi Williaims siill plaiiii the hop, step and jumiip record, l~
flir 'iris-XaorksP,,i.Xjinilt will srttlr iii Deroit. He -is a TEAIC H E 3~ER N i
ghle@ n1i iT Ihr orehestra anid soloists haire ir ToeriiSteCHO.XOL 0- RC
I INA ARBRIibeni securedl fr the unest thora IleIlsee ft~ gu er
l Inion oncert. IPractiuce sell Ibeg -ui i iirieei uIiZs h t
y1iIhslei eeielu iiienslurC ieago for jSoo00o imore NCO ltSCtRNST
to xpe uufr bildings. The sope
II VI XI)II Z Xly1,1,I1 . 51 A. f Iivu srsits authourities thatithe f u tiihie univ ersity has bseiins iiiuh Ii A1? RIDL
NJ)it N.15:i - i1. aluiiiii assoiai~tioins f Chicaiguo, enlarged aid the eiiiosviniient iii- 7
COLLAGE + O~IFILTEL, Kaius C ity' Ness York anil lenvser ceasedl tu such uii exeit that it is i .lteO -lEi
unitomet Ibefore lng. The mieet- noe ilievedl that Chicago men suloAN Nii.
S RYZNG inugs of most of these assoiciatioins rmalize the miagifiicence Of fur Ipro- ANRB, I71
us-will le at banquies, at suichl coi- ject are siliig to aed a half-miillioni~IL}I~
-Nsitleralle einthiusiasmi may besex- ililars to the $400000o alreadly con SEIMN NDCROSTE
SAT51.CCI G00D$ ~~peeled, as us-s-l as liberal coitribu- tributed.SEIESADCROII
hoase Blall anid Teisnis CGsods ions to the gymu. fund. - - ..- iOF AiL iKINDS.
A fifthl editioin of Prof. Kelsey's An additional two-hours elective SPECIMENS FOR STUDENTS
a Specialty. in sinpes G u ermns will e givens the next-
Ca c' Gllc ar s n res.semester on Lessing'us"I-Hamburg- Cheap Collectiois a Specially.
- This is one of the most polular lue lDramaturgic." The hours will FaosSai pr n ter if
it ~d)It I~lX~tlt 11W, atn txt-ook evr ssud, 2,00be arranged latr on with thic in. and Shell Jewelryad Novl
C23 MR~IDGS M, S copies hlaving already lies-n sold. structor. MAX WyINKLE. ties always in Stock