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February 04, 1891 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1891-02-04

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^" " f/'Rz., Dc ? thixr examnple max' bax'x due 'nfu-
1 0 Stiuxxt'ritxxuxx xxiiik x~xxxxl(l
he 'started atmng ~the Ic(itizensx a,
P i shediiti ailyS l tys e x x (xix eiv tedixx durinig o 7e.
the 'ollire e arxx, by .
THE U. oM. INDEPENDE2NT ASSOCIATION. ittlan x'-lother tittan the Irs
cut thelIii xitnre .\xxiiiit iii 0 111
itxixi't',Ox xx~' xxx'tixi' to 1) c ' ti"Cx'l fortheli ' tcl-p ie theyi
S ehil s itePotx'x. ie ww ix x'ix'xxi 'eexixt
etii xi ii tit 'clok. uii ~ ipti , xiitay xiit(' (n. .1cnt ~" lc )1"i' itt
blocktit . xix " li i' s xix. c'S Iwi th xx ttt'', xx' xx ix t ixit1 titit 1( r Is (
. .fiti' fiixx.
hxxI iiiiixxtilIxgii i iutx. 1' (xix pxx tix'x i onxiii to
te t tihi Edixiii or. A"xx i ii xiiiiii s- xii" titi' aslxxiirllg t e a t h t h
THE 'U. of IM. DAILY, thei.amnxt lithey xxiaiihoied for it
Ann Aribori, Mich. te xxxigo tl a i olIi
EDITORS.xxx itt1 to iiti tutu e fx'eerxxextra itite-
xv . I;. (it"I ,' U1 '', Altiixgie Ixtitixis ii i rrxx.xii xi
ii therxii xs tlt hexir pogrmalreails'un
1. i. fItx~ " ~t,II Aisxt. x Mxx51 xxxx'x' xx xEiditttite
Ji v x'txx. '02 xlsi, A iaititic iiii.
It. lx. i x
I'c. i ctx~x txi. ' si itt ii iix's yxd xii
Offrtf' etonx fpae lxi lxi r xxi xiikindis to hle xsiiilxv ~thxe pouind a i
OtMill rte. r rixexwnI mpxxier'iailiLineni at 25 cexits he
poud. ~on Paer, iliesis, xxxiiil)viextriter Palter xit
xx-a Brgn. hut elixiex lxxo match lxiiltxpapersx
at-eaxtl v rexdutexlrates.
TATc- =CW'UZ7 7, " -
A\D hTn
"Te.faaaFalls Route.
'lxxix lortis i ciiri t (4x i l-
litl atco xi xh i '1d o
iemtdy lxxinyfals ht n' efon
tixxit telii rar.xxx y xliii rant
ofgth e xlifti-itix x mar x
lxx' ts Thlii exi tititi oo ta
xxxvxxx lxxAiii ltiti. x xix l txx.as tr cl -
ixtu iii'arx litllxandixitiit t it alxx ki
twyfomteedsohe tlls
'iiT'hen teit is xx i mi l i ck r
mostrx'ut.Thixmay ihoevex b
thexx ultxoitxlicxxixasi xli Ilxar txh.
fort ofat'. Itmxxiii xx. 'I txxsiitoxtix
hope th atixex bfr xi xliiitotis. ter
'ileenixrxxfx'xxxxrx hxxwi blxx teeslxx
weitil xtnxilxl intixo ithe y
tol nots freceivewrgema'rnksnxxpm,
ftheiril rvicex),t yaenyof theniro
aer aeto ive ierallytndothillpatno
doubt doa. I lbeaitois essil
thattheystdontsor at onegs ta
t11 1kx i xxxixlix thxx i l th t lhe
li. 'l itiori'mi,' i i itt' I tile'te' r-i 1
Xenl. ii. ta ti kx xx'xx fr hat.-lxxixr
xxxi x'e(xxt xxketIit tix )fthx e l I )oli
tri nO\(dl SESS LOCALSn ow.
CliSI..A[xcwe, S7Q77.
Sexxixx tet ia'' xxix i. i f lod ith1rrr~
P. R. CLEARY, President.
4 I W x ti xx xxii
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t i't xt x 11iiandi tiixi 11s x1xiiiti t cidfo ll.iri
xiii' etxix itt l i 't ' V s'' js
G l i e lxx'x'xxx'ill 11 M t,.1 1 1oi
it'il xiii liiiandxierlxx t xxxx x xii 1 oxihi.x'xt O i'xit xcx
N\"Isllturll' 1))lsilt(,Xix1'1 Xxixr 11.11I
I 1 tiiix gxxxxx x'sxxixx x 1.xi
. 0.1 N0 ( xixx'ixgl, I x i 410O ' i i lx !i
B"i'ths'l10cxiiatxxxP. li'BxaliieGradSOpra.Huse
(.x i i tt ii xilNonlg qfix terast iitret-eui ill itl'
dixcingas hexiskil thea hvehalThrsayEe.lFb.5h,181
Ifixxyt ofEserybixi xuyetalks of that.
turenog r aio s onmlys atold lioollG a d O e a H u ,
enhusiaisthe'svee the eretroanNDHE
fraien blaeeya.es,"a ae hdhtrayCoedyCompany.1891
chumanshcs te in'earligt.'mnAN E
x. P. A C xxi xo A ii
Toledo, Ann Arbor and INeh
Michigan Railway. x
'TxieTabxle going Slxirtoefet, SlaidO
Ginug Norix. STATxIOxiS. Gingiiait xi
6. 4" 2I 01. gyp,
Mxxx. CxI r a.dSxxixdnrd 'lxiii ('rt" )1
i Pt x. I Axi. t ixti [A r 'ni 15
3 30!xxt; ii ......'lOLEDOii...... 1.
4 ii02 i6 40 Monroexxixx ' Ixixixi' 0
.. i1 6 7 ....Dn deei.....1
4 5, 7 2 . l~tixxxxi'....' xx x
xx 7lx Wi.A NN..R.ii jxx910,.......
6 i)2 i5 5511 x... How ill . 1
.. . , ix'i ii 9 ...40 ixxx I.
..i... i S .D.10 n xt ,....
xxxii'11 .30 .....Itihaxca........ 1)
'.lxii 3512 ix ..... Atixa... x4 xP 513
7 C.I1 it13 .1..ixlest . x . ; ' 0$
9 2xxx''''' 351...x adit a.1. ixxii.... '0'' i b5
1 4j!i .... xGxz . . el"' axxi ..I" ° 1035
Sagisiaw DiviSfio15'
GingNtiih SxAINoS. Oix
8 I 6, f
Pass Pass. Pi - xxxxx
P . ....xAuH.Li.]t fAr. A. 251
5 071...xx7' 49 .AnnaArborn. i1 "''
q l47 li... 1q 07 ...hi x. 8 l0
H. W. ASHLEY. A. I. PIAe '
8uaerintendent. (}esrae'.
(lEO. H. HA.ZLEWOOD. Local .A.OiI'

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