c " I s S talaism in O ur Medical School. IVEIfI ITY OF MIChIIGAN, W\EDNESDAY, IFEBRUARY 4 S -I17CToot Ues . CENTS. : I31a i Gymnast Excelior. che~eer; a 1)01( sortie had been made,I Ilk t C-and "Sophonmores swere tmauting the a,, i ii" ii uiprsn gpomrctit U darin- heseiger. Itut for a moment ii ,'Y'liifIor the reiiiov'il teared(lin the Wrennn sp es ((I l te"esCe istethc ltrt 1cii ito oi(i crs rn itrr tiiid ke ra droce of psrairie ponies, ildtiy ui i' iti "et>i i en' clhai rying. "'hen lbegao andiitoii tlt yfew 'eearsiandii t waiittiof :1d.stiid ets. i iiilciiiitrciciiiiiieith Itat i 5tciiiiitt 5rmane tlyse- itJohu . ii titnat. IEs on.the i (tcdticunsri tti hiodaks dolfdithe flied( aide'itctf'nwrei"sedfiiiii r it tiinttn ke l'icrisi0'at Slde snsIo ifacult ° tgh 'Puta h ~ivriyfih a ucead ohn le ci t~ ~ 'civ liosit it lii ilon ieiii i tinleucisc r iiC)i i iWiiatinciiisekined i't a nll hirtns ''Io , Sldo eof the ilihoiii e litii er sii tanmiei~ ii Psn iis ts inlii i'iitly cr a nti'i for . T I eri i'eli nu Il dedtro t ltn otsitrc s iiriicd aptii i ' 1t itii't Soiiic 'a ii " t a tieW and llc. ( IIC1 .Yuth oftAlma '_ter-- ea~ltlicvecienspeituititetuin Wherr e al etfort, in wha(utevcer zine, w tl i (i doue rdit ito Ifootilll ti li Arcticeor equttor--a r htc i tlief~c iiilt r Tine body strentstto'sa ens ithe w ind, tPeins slvaia(rccri ts cdistinutishied (a, t, s the argiment ilet'r Culture'stwidt rach: ntttImoerishintg sef-his frello kitd, tttietieles by steial acts iii bravery. firsteI(eleeniiTahet iint a rt ofetssanthto teah. Again ant agtaite diii the crimson tlr )1 claimed tthat tte facitities Yates elm-emboeredCampuis-clssit' gre- rshn ctr tefn utli lPr~acticat okBteeorevey enestdcsilttytspirit's ftight. ilelete h out ilit stetsttsiworkestpeie eaee deeery.looked its ttiongtt they woiiiirout ed and IGreesmutistepegddroer thytat tite sector tmedics tHer toters crudite. tthe goat utterly, hat the titicky tian "5treceive as good prepara-IButI set sloeethe (Olytmpiangamsc, sdtisreti nirintg cktine wi rctcliork as tteyswoiitdt Is tthis clivschooiltie taughlts; itadratery..t.... Wte Ote.ollee.'he ti ike thinte, the troadcst Germatsns intti nvdrsa vey ttti tW n ht tavn lg two sectariatn schoots Gymnassias.sithy thoughit. teiuleil bttewort, vtttieeid gittiteie he tite h l hitt wt her.,,le ithi all opathiic andtIoteuo- (lie chttrchmtanstcrect is seot ty seest- be t t isa nedlssexpense to the Atbout Ben Adhtet's meek- thetv 'thtois atoflitainneuct a tt atrs thy fmeespak:The Comparative Study of Educa- tivas Yettio. isconflictcitinostpctvetional Systems. these ti toiafrn]t both scthootse If Ye .ed s ercueatisrosHnsdlewilt'venet'c Wvti chrtoots swere citnbitnedt,it sutess salbessenignatt thet's lveer ster, uifttesdate admituri'dtatsent- 1 5itl ete earl mae h Utiiversity o i nWihsieceuen o 9:trSa. ten, a very interestitng TIi h eesilUiestfo h etsho in tthe counttry Wherc thetce of knoedgt'te gree's; coarse of tectures on 1Tthe Cotmn- ilici dy if tine ttheory of ; Benev'eecshaltsbl tie1k grandid egee, parative Stutdy of Ertucation Sys- 5lcl at '. Healed sith the Goldcnstec. %r c ndit ivould also itnptrove teists." fciltles for 'ttcl ok hy grace-iptstteceplcs piercecthe throne of Tltie fottositigoutltinle will indh- 'l1t ien pracicaacek. (it hitsc l ease protsed is tit vote- tigeneroustmoidest mast! cate tine nature of ttte coarse. th these scinoots so ai to htave a (seedtlets, thty goilen rule all creeds repiace, ~ Rltoi ftn aita r YtsJoshuiae 5Waten] elton fth atoa ttIncrs itcotntnfr .------""i-"-- ' Goverstnent to Educationi intshie Is ztopathic andilalitpatlhic Girl Students In Battle. United States. stidentco. Tenth ie fomurthn yeer, EParty attemptts to foundr a nation- n'sk coul go to D~etroit aniti Smsithi College givis Ihave just hai l atuiniv'ersity; the coittont school; 1clf551 Inc~ course in the sectartien a tsoielcixerentce. It sias a stnow- unisversity antI a gricutlturat college s Sthecre.'thsere is a very liiiball ibattle isetwseetsthe "soj itts sand1tsdgat:th desitfdtf °Pali i htd.Iospital its IDetroiit.' 'fresltes attdtthe formter ivotsafter tS-6fttheituireau (f eclutcatiois; tile ai a c ]etinstruc ittinom (asirtdfih. The young((ties sintfc surseys anid societies ptet it sit4 l be tail. The samet Iwccc lyrsstediintt teir 'grim"sutits ronuized lbtycontgress; the military sn tli tecrse for the alloptatic Itnireccptrepuaredtfor aiseul~ar ad aval acadtemnies. 51Sl~kr~ii~i nlItutttil rak. Tthe State Sctiool Srstetols. '} elit5 ilubection to our lpresetTthe tfreismehad snarchied upon I Tesenlse inl which there is all ta"aistinat it etncouirages sec tint camptst i'lt a tdeterinitloti mennrtcan scheoot syst emt; commtion fi'rntl H oweveer ahgleitheret is wis the fort atiriflag if thiey cotud. features of thse state systemss; meark- forh rut i th agumnt se netost reckless sallied itl to ttte ed tdissimeilarities grointg out of ent ltlikelythtat the twovo ery siwalln. I tere they met a tier'- isniaiiso oa tsittos i'art oiWilt be joinedi, or tihat any fect volty of grapeshtot, frcomt whichthtie Mass., N.YV, Ala., MSicht., dice ounr medical coteriesewill be alt bat one tall, thandisonme brunette ansd Cal. school systetms exaneined. bon anay0otiter city than Ansn flincherd. Site threw halts ittside Utnrier thtis general dlivisiotn thte in- the fort at thnree of the largest sopies, fivence of England, Framnce, and ""e " +-~'--' with utnerring ains. One htit a set Germany upon scitools of the SUntted gi I.0, nth iousatnd dottavs asa of danzting wehite teethm, another Stales witl be constdeved. A, gvrinothe getneral fund of weould htave pierced thte heart had tt ItI. Time Educatiotnal Systems h ret Provtdtng .they raise one been a bullet, bat before tine thtird of France, Germany, 'and Eng- ettand fifty thtousand move, had taken effect there was a soph land. AVI'tNG'tie exerience of Coillege I 'Mteitn oktow crdl app(Ireciaete lit cruilscruItinlyof (allege Stu- tl(Oits.iihiaving'a liacgectrps of siited D)esignlers iandl iJewelers speccialty trined for tarditgte '11d1 ot1erjewe'led wotkt Imporit il1 t i e tiodirectly fromeP1isL no dAs iiliilut terdam'(hIt tur. Diamondulis adIthu (ier prteeiouts Stoes.AV aril a iiI liiuitiotot ttpro- hucet' e in' tiitst llrts mi jewelleid In u fail~ctudi n ilthu i cilit'5. Wright, Kay & Co. IIPOTR'fjiS, J.1 SWIl.IItIS AN I'FtVCrli INtlJ.1 ' LEiSS. Detroit, Mich 2an. Chap. Speller & . 201 Stit'ett STArE ST. "TEPLY LILLAIT3" Champion Light Weight Boxer (?]{ PENNSYiS'ANIA. For piarticutars ineqtuire at the stare. Professor Hobson's CLASS civ APPLtY AT TStitlTOREt. UNIVERSITY OUTFITTERS -Oe AIL- ATIIELE IG ANIDSPORTING B7{SE BJI iL, DEp1'IS CUL STOClK.IN M 5.11011 Gyaptittsiumis Siuplidat Wh iole- sate SPrices. Gait andIEametine. GENTLEMEN'S FURISHtING GiOtODS IN TE'ITYl 0c. t..ttiuATuteotis COATS AND PANTS. Agent fat An Arbor Steam Landry, quick detivery astd hest wvork. q53A$. $PCLLC1 & qO. UNtVERS5ITY OUTFITTERIS. ANN ARBOR, - - MICIL