TT-TEULT n *PM.T)A IL Y S ~ T I 2Q ~t , B a 1_c t loor_ r ol -N ) U C O O , 4IN 4% DINIG ~LUNH ROM,$2x98ww AT $2.98. -w$2x98 48 SOUTH STATE STREET. F'irst clas oard n-, $2-W:)per week. Oysters in everyv styIe. 11int lane of ( ollfectill 110 ( ts ctc NEW BOOK STORES, A. L.PQ0B L C'$, CQOIN[TITYFJI=NC- F=FT E DtA- < - T A P _f foulin-I1111(lt at 25 (cns ot I I So11e11s 2111 5 (101110. I1.1}0=0 t I >1 :1 )ISCU NT I)__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __\1,E UNIVERSIT"- TENT-BOOK-i -.H ID (nl~iietl 1110 it j-iti11 t~l n. I 1101 11111 1TllII iIg.11 111N t* 111,-1 00. 1 041 it , 1f JAE'IDoS SAFF, ok, THE LARGEST STOCK.I. I11tiss PIEOTOA TAILORIIMF6RTER, The best place to get a FI~S ± +J2AS%+ 501 TO ORDE A LATEST STYLES Unn'UD n I mV DFT Tr L c G. EATEST VA"" IETY c LOWEST PRICES charring of wick and given a cliear wihite light. S0111 at 10 cents iher gllon, deliveredI to lily part of tile city. 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. PEAN & co. THE CAMPUS. 111he 1Maxw1ell lb Iset litntl 11-41 in Prof. ThlomplsoIn's room. 11112e talk on ''Tile St. Clair 1110- 11e1"' iy Prof. Chlas. E. Greenle at Unity (1l111 1a101evenling wan tery intebrettin1g, beintg illusttratedli tithl 111e2paper2 by lProf. Rolfe 1o11 11s :Messrs. Williartz andli Xade 1have2 resigned from tile committee which hlas iln charge tile canvassing for tile ?Messrs. iFarrandi and i rallteiI h~ave1 malle final 11111 definite arrang'e- mlen~ts to tettie tile champlIitonshllilli lighit tweigh~t sparrintg. 1T1e2vic toir trill receive til edal2121offered in 1589 21111 thich 1lian ev1ter blen IVttlSI1 AtP 1 hf 1C2)011.1. -nlrll11 0 19 SOUTH MAIN ST.. ANN ARBOR, - - - MICLH. BERJIEBII &JUIAY) lil S. STATE ST., AsNs ARBOR~, Miwo., '-Z== OSTIT Wholesale and Retail Agent JilES W. MINE, I1 II X iii, F LE, r. 1o1Al. COLLEGE + OJIFIITEL, S1=OI7=TI'TG A\D 4- AT1jL CCJq GOOD Banse Bali and Tennis Goods a Specialty. 10 AND it ILARVAIID 11OW, atwardled. The contlest twill take wvars full (It ilterest to) nll studlents place at the iPsi U ilouse, April 2)tlI. of1 tile clannes. int Saturday nmorning there nt-re abolut tw~enty-fitve 11011practicinig in1 freshmlnen Greek 1on1 Tlursdlay. uo h lo ftern toc - 111)01etrleichorr(Ifltle reetkata011n1, 1110morpwniciorht. bmet balllesideos a nunmber ol thiers w1aitingl Ii) I~llrl~t Iliilt.for thleir turnst.This nweek aind 11001 11112etOcciden2t, 01f11112 Univiersity the 1numberhwho tuilr~n (lut 011011 lan of Califoirlia, la nttlt lettert to tile tnill liesonmewh-lat diiishtied owting ioalill elll~~t ll ili collt tonl theiifact11h11 exanlilationIs are in foreigln coun~tries "requellstin~g an1ulpon us of IHart--irds(insIlay in givn f inst twe1.11-fottr yountlg ladli ies fXpsi- ald its-ery iuIterestile an dcn 11 lducltedl by Prof. F.1.f 8111112 (f 11112freshmleln-will getles, ie l onciert tllnight 11101xtweek Ito get 11111of tilt-Iltill the 1110 1 lclu ill lie nssistedl n- 51in. bei ioft e nt temlester. Wle ya, o Cicg, saidI 11 D r. XXinclilell1 11a1kinldly constetedIle tte lest 111ez0 o op1111 ill the after 1110 examinanltions. It trill of sevenl l nmiers conltainling sixteceI treat of tile relation of science1W 11 re- selectioin frons nei ll kownllc011- ligiolt, withl an explianationt of 1ifs oserstn. Thte Sapphotlsclub tats1a lutionl as cembodied in iDarwinismt. good repultatioOn and twith "Mrs. IVY- Thte date of 1110 lecture trill be an- man's 11e1p will, no doulbt, gin-c a noun~ced later. very enjoyable conceert. Tile ad- IDr. Wincilil was unable to attend! mission is: parquet 5o cts., gallery his classes yesterday on accounst of 25 cts. Thse trains of A. A. & Y. illness. R. R. accomsmodate nicely. WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER: 15; MAIN STREEslT, Watces N. W . BLAKE, r4 viciCutUREs, FRAMES, ART GOOD8. I10 west 14911 FERDON LUMBER YARD, Manulfacturcer of lIt ildlealerlin SAGINAW GANG SAWED LUMPE CorI. F11rtIllandl Depot SII. J. HALLER 46 i lolITII MAIN isr. Rtepain itenlleiaItly. 0. M.tMARTIN, D)1ALtER IN 'L Cloth Caskets, 1YtetaJ1 ANDli COMMtON COI S-5 J. A.POLHEMUS, RINSEY & SEABOLT, Groceries, ProvisionsFlour and E' 1; and SE. Wasing~tnlSt- JOHN WOTZKE, Maker o ne1111 I,ADIES' ad (4ENTrS' > Rtepairinlg 1101113' 11done. 4llS. 511i11 5 TERCHERS iARE INTQIiR N1 N70. OERFBORN S T. c~ L. IIJ *STEdT 0iF,}< MINEM SPECIMENS AND CURIOSITIES IF ALL RINDS.~ SPECIMENS FOR STUDENTS' Chseap Collections a Specialty. Famous Satin Spar anld other yinel and Shell Jewelry and Novel' ties always in Stock.