~1jcILI.of ln.Waljj I N. 0. _ U\IVIIISITY OF1' \ICiiI(AN, TU"IsDAY, I11lIIIIY 1,, 1 :i. I PRl:ICE? lTi-;CENTS. The Gym. Fund. Glee club wiiill, for the first tinge, mit meti rweair the newC n d CI iit(o« t. l 10 feli of the Gyn^.e ee yeterday~, reports sne re- Tie faclit111s offered itbisthe motor1 1)0 (ft~t ivof the n 1111 iiih line a1011the Mi chig"an C.enitralswill 00 1)10iS ry i lrobtalty iiihence Ilalli) toattendi. l5 f - Oi of the 1it I Depa.rt- Cars1leave1court house 4:3o and 6:10 1 ~ ii has hbeenidone i 5 stl nii e-s IPnat 04 thePrfessil fde partmenils asin IC t f''ie "Mt C.trains leave Ann11 $343 5ir tedfiiC5i . . . Itad 1 a elsdfo thie G(tX l ab r;:. ' I,329f.7 sa lect0e lalt), retiuriii )cae ie 'p1 (0: 1 00 ali IiB.iFi. Cw ilt lie iire nert fth otfoi 'I' litil v 0 ,a d itere is a 511u 1 i-Ill humll- lIr 1".Da ouli I las, t .u .i t oln n (lf )1 'oi C rai,1.' . 14. sii- Let eC-I-r)'on11110 do)n11 1 -p\~si, Bl 11,Tn . . Gt I111111,see toe11ew gols and111gie thle ' R1ichmnd, F. 11). Green, '.boys a goosend 0)1off. icketsnmas- 14 Rihrso.be' ia)! from any rIlembiter (if the esrsSi~l tlrrlle clubs, andelseats reserredelietlter oil f i lliilkt, orane. Saturday nigiht or dlurin~g the wceek, Casfi ecPtshSne at llodge' 5 jeswetry store by tele- x1BatllardurnsttrtosC se, plh~o, free ttse of tile lphone to alrl'CieeverlDe Foe, Guliburt, Ypsi Nacilli;,been securedl. aitlsi I-lammnd, HlI ardiJ atme- --ri- Tn, R.'e COMMUNICATION. 11 lch ls eters, Rathbione, Uil-. As abotione-thlirdo(f tile titneihas ch ceRoss, Tressler,Travis, expires! inwhitcih to duliicate Mr. fhiler, Brand, Parker, ilygert, 'iWaterii. 's subtscrilptioin towvards tile a a Cleavelanel, 4iiseiniann, gymlnasiumi, it seemnisecessary thiat enr, Witehlead, McDonald, ite aluinii associations elf the large tkb(50lY) ( riffin. I" L. Mason, cities souiiildibe canvasseid. Detroit h1ihb111, ShermanlBarrI tarnion 15 the hilly city that has respionidedi to christisil CurtisIrrevellickGii- our catl, and it is douiibtless our 0own 1lI J i1nso , LsterILathiropfaiilt. IVoarhll c~raw, i1. T.Smith C hicago, Cleveland aindI Kansas Smit, ,.i-.SmliitI)Whitte- City altlihase ricih aluiiiiiassocia-; nure W\ilkinson, J.1R. AtteiiIBar-tions, that need oily toI le iap- Vlim 1 ll, lHurd, C.1H.'M1i11crproaclited in the right maimer. er'k0' Wright am! Sharpless. Ilike into coiisiideratioii Chicago;1 13 The fllowving nanteel persons gave woulit nItoct be a gooed schiemie to1 hit and less : it.CG. Alien, Cor- sendela .1101king- commtiittee there, (If 'i1 I C~ad , Grocliaii iH. 1T (illsor Iswo stuenets? flits conmtmit- Tlllr tetiteisy 4Robinson, Selte) lee tsswork swithi somie biusiiiess man lrit 5lian:WarIinecrItBissetteechti (f thiyllsamionig ichligan attiiiii. Ii' etlielt, hItt, tCookeCltick. Subscripitions woldeslice1)lymount dil , ischer, riiiiek C. W. f to somtehing if calleel for in thits 6~~~~~~~~~ ~ illeIligioIii anlner. Ace wethie largt ii oK ls Htt~~ iatclt, J. iHammilond, ves ily in erica, goinig to let this Aasl heeler Luten, C. 4F. Moore, excelleiit chance foragyiisitl k0lY,M . J. Miioee, McCliuioptlastipIttiroughs our fiigers? Nolt0110 l5Idan Rogers, R4osenarcans, Sit- it lo(f itifthttere is aiiy aiibiininil y, lieilcec, Sachtett, Sager, N. I1 the stitdenill boidi; and stiatre 11101 phi am5 5Wides, ' Wycitoff, Weare, its if we dio. I.S brwn Detlioil, Lehmais Slice! in Chicago there is an a!- Bro .umnus of Mtichiigain, a business maii Ypsllafltj Concert. of the city whio is swilling ani ldc -___ be glad to give a part of htis time O1le Saurday night, Feb. 7, the towards assisting us in oitr enter- fohean Banjo clubs will appear prise. re first time thts season in a It is rumored that one of the stu- $ h ar Concert of their own. The dents here said his father would 'act ssitth aini)comitiitle (tlt)aulthorize1! ini the patr. .n his offerdhiss iganliher.sin l'emlie aiproine111 busiless mnii te masytie tiesvervs polintediel51ryso511111 b1 those ini auithoIrity orv 15 the .Athltie.Associ- ation ?I see1no1besler swayIof 01 et- Imroi lltlsthwei lack ie iii l-~e and ithusiisii ' I, te iwoth. tionls. 1T0 thils I swill say, 11ha1 the eiid!of this semiester is iiear andi ex- aminationsis Oomle cases swill tie fin- 511011 befoire the thiirteeintht ef the in earniest iiitil the tiiddle of the followiii" week-;ibetwieenl these lates thiere is abouiit a sweek that tmay be spelt ill priifitable worik. Asidie fromi all this there is sot a professor or tutor ini the University, swhioswill not excuse ((le 111511fromitwoP5 or three recitations, if lie knosws the cause for swhichittie stiiieiitidesires such excuses. I foir oise, swill pled~ge niy tulle aol! service for onse sweek in Chlicago. Other cities carl le reachiedin iithe samle omanner, altthoiighi not quite so eailyt as Chicago. Whueiisoiiie hne ini authority takes such wiork tuponu imnself as to appoint commnittees of tis kind, theounou siill the Gy-l nasiumto le tile resitit of our work. Respectfully AC -M EM ionRn- TiiE A-coLETtC; Assei- CtATIIONi. Archaeoiogical Work at Delphi. The Amierican clauis to the right of carryinsg oii excav-atiions at D elphi hiase beena sithdiraswn hiyiDr. OWal- stin, uiiiltthe lFrench claimis hiase b heeii settleid. It is probsable thaI b3 CVING tI bxerienlce if College Mten Wo oli w 11d1!apprceciaite lill caeu s1ceru! 1. tiny of College Stu- (helts, haysiilg a large1ct1ps Of skilled Dtesignir s ill)!Jewelersspieially tralinedifor baiige and oilier jewsell wiork Im11110rtiii" asswe (ill, direetly fromi Pariis, Id n dlil 111 lomsterdiia 111 ii illOis aid ,itieieiIceoeus Stones. We areIIIiia Ipositioniltoiip1o- Swirls te g finett la s d5elled 11 Wrigh , Kay & Ca. I II ') 11ItE't ,I N hi VILt, Detrnt, MtohEan. Chas. brae]I er & @. 20 SOUTiHiS-rATsE:Si. "iTEDDY PILI31 Champion Light Weight Boxer OF PElNNSYLVANI1A. For particulars inquire at the store. Profesior Hobsion's ("LASS Or Bivad w@Fd Fxwpei, APPLY Al' '1115STORIE. UN IVERISITY OUTFITTERIS -FOil ALL- ATHIELETIC AD PTITG cGOOZs_ B]{SY1BIL, E12TQI9 FU'LL STOCK INN MAJICII. Cinlnastins Supplied at Whtole sale Prices. Call and E xamine. F '0T ir ,-N= OF GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING (=G(OS IN 1111)C1T1. 1A3.iLtTOi)R COATS AND PANTS. Agent for Ann Arbor Steam Laundry, quick delivsery and best work. q[5A$. $PELLC1R & q. L-MVERSITY OUTFITTERS. ANN ARBOR, - - MICHT. i I , i .' the govsernmenrlt swill granit thureconi- cessioii to the I-cench, hut it is Itohp- 011 thait the Siitaniisttlliermiit the Amuericanu Archuatologicat Associa- tion to proceedl witih excav-ationis on thte islandl of Leshbos. 'fie French Chianiber of Dleputies has appro- prciatedl500,000 francs for carrying on the excav-ations. It is very un- fortunate for the American Archaseo- logical society to be denied the privi- lege of excavating Delphi when it has complied with the requirements of the Greek government.