',u1-FE t? ') w M. DAILV DINING f N1) LU N CH 0 ROO( lt~lo-( T"wM, $2.98xmwAT $2.w98. --$2.98 48 SOUTH STATE STREET._________ Lucesalbours. L ' 0 Fisttissbordrs* ini every stale. A " L J Y lirie line of (Confections, ("'gars, etc. NEW BOOK STORES, 00 )1N TI ZNVLE TIT o- FIFTEENI' & I 'ir- ii- Il nISiati ;5ceitc. girths5o cnts and 75 eli .. Ev.ryc:article ~' ~L~'~ji J ~ ,,Al '1AI)IS(il' NI' I I ; 1I' IS1~.1I.. UNIVERSITY 'F1Rx -iiocwsI, , , i = . o - - G.H. WILD VEIC .{ .I Doks, htssn I' 1"S.1Alt. INit". 7PA _ V- ) j;91 lYL 1- La re SMock of olttin l ('tis. .A Watrrantted 1-i 'tu tt Iel(Gnolld}eor 1.50.l.No. 2 E. Washington St ,near Stain. G. H ID JAMES M STAFFORD, TAILOR JM61FR The best place to get a flf; +Q Asos + 1l MADE TO ORDER LATEST STYLES It.21D MODERATE PRICES, 19 SOUTH MAIN ST.. ANN ARBOR, - - - M-iClI. Wholesale and Retail Agent JAIVES W. HRINE, COLLEGE + OIJIFIIILL,3 ,G4ATI5LCCJq GOOD$) , Blase Blall and Tentnis Goods a Specialty, 10 AND 11 HTARVARID ROSY, I1' - L1St~ AZ l5 D ± V ± ' -I__ IlU S1NESS JIjJ±JljUI' GREATEST VARIETY c LOWEST PRICES, Ott LAMPhhS, itt tisecity.75Ynitwill Sav n ciey b lltyi0 iiifius. Ouri tiEl) STARIt" OILE lis tn equal, bunwitt hut oidir, oi charring of wick atti gives a clear white lighit. Sol at 10I cetits per galloit, delivered tio attypitrt of the city. 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. ,pEAN & Go. THE CAMPUS. 73 tpolids is thie at erage weight of the litrst Ilart aril irev. :Messrs. lDay antI Alaylictt, '93 lits, sectSiundiay- iniIDecroit. IHarv aridreceivs cc$2',ooo liv thi iwill of the lair J. 11. Wolcitiett. C'larkint, of Iliustoit, is i 'at liin thei IHarvardl base hll1mtn tiryitig Ion iter ptositioni. il uliori'Wadle les recigteilfritom the commteittee solicitig tsubscerip- tionus Ioc thegymfuntuti. $0,oo0 w'as left by George lien' eriftitoiiis grandildaughter, wshichi, itde ttceretalit ciiitioiins, well Ifaill to the gceneral fititilof Harvarid. -ale needis inearly $40,000 in comi- plecte her finie gymn tasiumt, atnd a sy steiltii' tiattmpt is beitigtiandc to hav ith i ttl 'rg'ratuat c ratisetlii' amont.it i II liyi11, oi the tettitor'lawticlass tilot.o Sieclttres inihquitye iris- llii tiliiiewichi Iwtasito iake pliii newciI i t ttvirniitg, its ten change t IV i liesiltix, IF'bruiary-, lie libiraitry iiattats are im- fortutiatie. \er.Spenucer ltas tisore loot, .\lr. ('hunch lieslilt yet cc- cov ereil tromuthOe spraini lie receivetd while coastitig, attdl'Mr. Veysey is unwell. :Mr. 'leader is assisting for the lpreseti. .N. hE. Van 'Tyl, laiw '89,tde- fended Paul Hter in the Htiter- tehiato nurder trial at Leavenworth, Kansas, last week. After a hard foight trial I-liter wsa acqiuittedl too V'ail 'rl'1receivedimnty congratu- lations foir the abile mnnter ini welicli lie cnuctted theilefetise. At the last niecting iftthie Geo- loegcal Soicietly iMur. Rot 1gavec tntil- lustratedl litterottl'".\Moilern Vilets of the ('trail Builders."' Mr. Roth's litter seas interestitigatid instructive. lie sipoke of the vairinous slpecies of cortal, their habits, mtethodes of Ic- piositingtig lielimestone, eci. 'The iaper wsi t'trtliy of a larger auth- ettee. Ahout ntext Satiurdtay Mantager Ablbotswill isstue a tnotice to tile ef- fect thlat tntteni excepit those whlo havte gitell their namtuestoii the tap' taitn shall lie allotted the ptrivilege ofi pracicinlg ittthernkt. 'litis sec is itiade niecessareyliy the large tutu - icr of etetiidates, whio shotuldtini eeyiisittne bl ievt~tenirefieenie leer thotse stitit wisht t tot-actie simpu~ly fori'the sitniof it. All juiortis intieesteid11) a cltiss litti,tire recitiested ii toihandtheir tattles tosoiite ofthecomintitee, teltilihis ecompttiedi ittVantevsenter, hulnts, Vautluitvtgeii, Wood, Lyster, Cutletr, Bloten, Mel onatlid, I ellets- hack anth Curtis. Nosy is the tinie to slhotv class spiiriti if wee get a class hat, wec wanct every junior to wvear one, and, thereforelhope that all memtbers of '92 will confer with sonic menmber of the coomittee in regard to the matter. By order of committee. WM. ARNOLD, WATCHMAKER AND lIEWELE8 pc i n t 1.1ti I to Eis ratiringit clie M. W. BLAKE, PICTURES, I'RAMES, A$St ART G00tDS. 1t e'st nseiS... FERDON LUMBER YARD' SAGINAWOGANG SAWED LUMO" J. HALLER Repa tring t itpeci ilts 0. M.5!ARTIN, Cloth Caskets, Metlilc ANtl (')ItuIuN COFItiNS. J. A.POLHEMUS, AS'BS]AKA DRGAELNthittuttStreet. RINSEY & SEABOLT, Baukers and d uetaters ini "edt Groceries, ProvisionsFiour andrF 6 ands8sI.. Waushuingetn St.. ..-" JOHN WOTZKE, Muaker of Cite, LADIES' and (tENT']r!I' Reicint tug unit oneti. Vi S. Mit' ~ TERCHERS ARE INTRO __ TO Sc H OF -CEISt N.w°70.tflI55itRN ST. LCna9 I2 1. I'ttN STIIEET, AlNN ARBORul, 1itiC. SPECIMENS AND CURIOSITIES OF "ALLt.IS.itt SPECIMENS FOR STUDENT Cheap Collectiotus a SpecialtY' Famous Satin Spar anid other M1inerl and Shell Jewelry and NoVel' ties always in Stock.