T-iF U;(n17M. TDAILY", DINN IAND LUNCH ROOM, $298. AT $23983 p$2.98 48 SOUTH STATE STREET. First class board, $2,50i per week. Lunches at all hours. Oysters inl every style. Fine line of (onifections, C igir-, etc. A.sIL. 1PQBLC', ao NTT.TTUNG- FTFTE.E2N tour-in-Ilandls at c (ents, ot 5 etsalt etsA~ r li S T A P_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6 SuhM rl Stret.45 Si A lulf'tt State lS tils StI, L ~~rl il i xS, nnt 00Ss ~G. .WILD, 6I sI af oe .rthilo> ,~~ All h os il usedil il ei ii , iols. s ietN t ib e io lil- Is slimiiiitr the lIi, -tti o Oi ' I i Lull Iii o5 '-itin"i ll heZii ii iii t ttllc~lt,, -oteI~os ad I'ul. D-af- .11Alt the tteot oheb ocsiu~ lc m itill iiIrli u t he Comiipltte Line if Siti Iti l t d. igk;I ltril liliito t iercoit il b jim t iicni e Ic o Large tock of Funiituli(fens. A Wa'trranted 'liiitt ii et fGlidliiii t.No. 2 E. WashoingtonStnear Main. C . Ii J '~ JAMES M. STAFFORD, TAILOR ~IMTORER. The best place to get a MADE TO ORDER LATEST STYLES MODERATE PRICES. 19 SOUTH MAIN ST.. ANN ARBO0R, - - - MICHt. 26tS. Sos-eu ST., A-, ARiOR, MI.. Wholesale and Retail Agent INAY uMRINE IatIE VaI0 1 1 Y a llI' I A' '"J'L* t"" ito iW.B 1XE , A I0 LJ1qT GO Blase Ball anid 'Tennis Goodls a Specialty. 10i ANI 11 StAtIVAID ROW, THE LARGEST STOCK, U 1 T7,SS DT7ECTU- z GREATEST VARIETY V.LWSTPIE OIn LAMNPS, in this city. You swill save money by buying of us. Our "RED) STAR" OIL has'no equal, burns wvithioiut odor, or charring of wick and gives a clear white light. Sold at 10 cmnts pier gallon, delivereid to any part of the city. 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. pE;LN & co. I THE CAMPUS. C.t- Waters, late'92 is able to be out after to weeks' confinement to his roons with bronchitis. IIT -A. lPiersoll, lInc'gi ,isrcoos c- ing froiiiaii attaick of thei"grippie.' Miss Jennie A. Crosby, lit '94, left for D~etroit last nihlt. 'T'he .Adelpli Literary Society will elect officers this evening. D~r. 'Tieotdore Nelson 'of Saginaw, has just been electetd presidlent of Kalaniazoo College, to succeed D~r. Willcox, who, by Isls very arbitrary anth unjust ruliiig in the liazing af- fair, last wiiiter, caiiseid iearly every studeiit to lease. With D~r. Nelson, the Bloardl of Trustees feel confideiit that they caii revive the iiistitution. Rev-.(Gelston's subject fur Sundlay cieeiiiii is "A 'T'ruie'Methiodlof ReaisoiniifoyrlDoubters."' ROOMi2I1 wis entirely f1lleilthis ilo~in y stiiteiits whii ie t to siiigicollege songs. Thli iWtraniCy iiiiasiuiiiw'ssusng lie :Misses lHagermiaii aiiilAla- Ii iieyijV lits, -ill sipeinilSuinday ini llirniiniham. nie freshmnan foot-ball teaiiihatd their picetures takeii to-day. Sonic sophioniores are anxious to knosw if they will have a baniner phloto- graphiled. 'The '93 lit base-ball associatioin will pirobably be reorganizcd next week. Dhillani, the boxer aiidswrestler, will lie here shout 'February iotli, also MIr. H obson is forming a class iii bariiaidsworid exercise. iiarticiilars about these classes can lie obitaineid of Chas. Sheller, State street. l oot-ball has been piroib~itedl at the Carlisle Indian school as a "fienedish"' gamie. I. 111. Keniiedy seas chitsen fromi the Pharmacy depiartmsent as D irec- tor of the A. A. this afternooni. A very exciting suowv hall contest totok place at Prinicetoii, 'Tuesday afternoon, betwveen the siiophoiore and freshman classes. Over 250 nien took hart and the s~oiiomoces finally drove the freshmen troni the camipuis. The Detroit High School Alumni Association Exercises. r Yesterday aftertioitanid esveuig the 'slumniiofiithe IDetroit HIighi Sictool held thiei r aiinital reuioitn. Thli exercises iii the afternoiinicoi- sisteid of a literary anid miutsical pro- graim, anid iii ihe es-cli g a reiceition~ wsas givit in the Light Infantry Armory. 'Ihe lproceedls fromi the entertaiiiiieiit go towvards thie estab- lislimnit of a schsolarship in the D~etroit Hlighi School, by wvhichi each year the most wvorthsy student in the Senior class is sent to the to niversity. Tshe University Glee and Banjo Club piarticipated in the exercises. About thirty High School Alumni from the U. of Ms. attended the reception. WATCHMAKER RAND JEWLE9 st SMAIN STRIEET, sV55is Stiveitiitteiitioii iaid ito repaitig M. W . BLAKE, P~ICTURES, FRAME S, ART GOODS. 105Westium FERDON LUMBER YARD' Manufoctsreri-of aiiiieaeir inl SAGINAW GANG SAWED LUM J" HALLER ~um0m-TTz" 17Z, 0. M. MARTIN, Cloth Caskets, ea ANtiCOO)N N oFiNS.- J. A. POLHEMyUS Nioriislth.Ma'iStreet. I TRINSEY & SEABOLT. Bakiiersiandvideasiiimis Groceries, ProvisionsFliour andlU ti iiniii8iE.5'iiihingtonti St. JOHN WOTZKE, j Maker of finc I.AD1IES' and (SENTrS'40 TERACHE R SARE I NTRODC I To ScHKOL0tl XLL ND NINIT 2 1". HUORBORN STRET :ANN Xii iii ( Ii. 0"h} L INE SPECIMENS AND CURIOSITIES OFv ALL KINDS. SPECIMENS FOR STUDENT' Chieap Collections a Specialty' Famous Satin Spar and other Miner's Shell Jewelry and NOVelti(I always in Stock.