TS'HE tU OP17M. FDAILYI D If INNG N1) LUNCH O O m, $ l9wAT $2.980 wpm$2.98 48 SOUTH STATE STREET. Firat class board, $2.504)per sweek. L1l41li4 hS at all Hus oysters ill 4ever4y stelI. 1Niuneline of (Coilfecti) us, ( .. u(etc NEW BOOK STORE S, A. L. flOBLC'$. CCOIN T IN7"C FIFTEEN2J A 1" il-il- IMI(I41 at 2 (cent, worth 50 cuts 0(1 75 nt 1 4444 \ :rtilet Xl' 111101 I' Il lit 111>75 t'NIlIRSTY l'l"T.IOOLS s ~G. H. WILD, 1U)INIV415 IL.I44::44 Ite,,- 1at t E4X14111I'-11l00 14 1)ISI ('041et l o15 elilits44 1 1 lug ( llte44444t4,. 11417 44- 1 nd P444a . 04 4'rs4;14444rtheI.iln t shie.; oCF111 e ss quit4444 1)n't14.ma1ket1 Ear> tark441 144441 444 Peia. A V arailtet l'4441444i4 14440014 144401 '44!.No. 2 E. Washington St ,near NMain.G.H I1' JAMES M, STAFFORD, TAILOR R F6.R The best place to get a FIgs ; + Q IAs&'J+X01& MADE TO ORDER LATEST STYLES MODERATE PRICES, 19 SOUTH MAIN ST.. THDE LARGEST STOCK, GREATEST VARIETY',', LOWEST PRICES Oil LAMPIIS, ill th4iscity. You will save money by bu1yin4g of us. Our LI ED STAR ' OILlas no equoal, bulrns without odo0r, or charring of wick alnd gives a clear white light. Sold at 10) cents iher galloni, delivered to any part of tihe city. 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. DEAN & ca. ANN ARBSOR,- M ICRI. 26 S. ST11AT TA .114 44, MICH., Wholesale and Retail Agent JAMES W.IIRINE, Ilt VA Il), 1': 1t.1 o l. 421 COLLEGE + OUTIFIIIER, Biase Stall and Tcnnis Goods [a Specially. 10 AND 11 HLARVARID ROW, THE CAMPUS. Oween, tile sp~rintIer, is learnlin~g10 box. A 5kt141g rin~k tias been114bu44111at Vassar. The Kapa141 al apj ammluas give a party to-ightl. An~dove~rpailld Od4 s$25 fbr coachling the elevenr last 1f111. 11141junlior lts sell 1b042examined4c ill Blacktonlc, Saturday andll :Mon- daly. 'The V. At4. C. A. Ihas establishled an id 1141elartzllent for inidigenlt Cur- 14411 studen11ts. ''ie Sunday 1morning S. C. .. Illcetilg still bt cdc ted141 b441ly 1111 .Mission 4lanid. l) islcs Stewart and4 Cook, of Y14s1- 1l14111 are the guests of M)1iss N. Pa4rke.r, 9-141t h~r 51111(11(11 siltl771441 his 114ird 141444144 loluio int)i4 41110411 44(rail) Ial 4111144veni4n44 All1 1j11ior 1m1dics are r~ eqesedI 14) attend41 114 base-ball1 11e1411n4g neca Saturday15 lmorn~ing The HarIvar11411acul1115stlladthirty- fouIr 1for, andllthrty-eighlt against 1114 1r0144)aellchlange to a three y ears course. lDr. 1". C. ticks returned last ev414141g froml Portlandl, Mainle. Ile will ta4ke1charge oflpart of 1141hework in Political Elcononmy. The rink will be opens Saturdlay at 9:30 for base-ball practice, hut will nlot be open in tile afternoon. Ht. T. ABBOTT. All plates in drawilng, course 0114, must lie presente14d at Romi4, for ex- amnlation, before 12 4'c lock Wcd- nlesdaly, Feb~ruary 414. Prof. J.It. D avis. 11'l41 Wesleyan guild41 will give a s4441111 at1 1441-M. E'. chulrchl pa1rlors Saturdaly es euing, at1si'liclirefreshl- 114015s ill tbe seesvelI.. An info~rml plrogrammlle haIs Ibeenl arraniged. It is requiestedl that tie college song books be brouhlt to the social. 'The Chlemical Society weill gle thle followeingllrogramle next Satur- day eveing, Januiary 34i: IPaper, 'Tie Life of Blerzelius, lby It. C. I otidlelllecll I paper 414o 141'Cla iles, lay G. S. Blarber. 'The meeting will be4 144114111 Room11A, Chemlical Lab- orat~ory, at 8 p. 441. 'Ihe .detphi Iprograim, lext Satur- 4111a41 eening;., 441111441 a14follow5s: F lte solo),2)1r. Pa.rsons~; Esay, :Miss Casrter; OIrati1on,1W. _1.'SnIul lu114114 solo4, Mr. Palrsonsl; lDebate. ''Ie- sol41d that, t1he1 114 1 411411:Sates should11 h~ave4 ecieat541ju4risdict1i14n11in1Be1r- iilg Sea.'' All., M)1r. Oxtaoby;5N eg.,, 2)1r. Chu4rchi. 111)4) .s4l1, 2)1r. l)oselx. At114th ecetin~g 441the Ladie11s '1114101 in1 11141parlors of 11141UCitarianl chulrchl Iext WXednlesday (Feb. 4)2)1 rs. Ptresideint Angell will read a paper upon11 'Life inl Chilla," 'ansd M)rs. Coon a paper 011011 'The Presenlt Status of thle 'Temperance Question: Is a Third Party Desirable?'' The ladies of thle city are invited. WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, Speilsattentio aid4441o55epir4inig 1eatchel and Jtewcelry- M. W . BLAKE,. PICTURES, FRAME.S, A ART GOODS. 14 West UrolSI' FERDON LUMBER YARD. Maniutacturer it andideale in4 SAGINAW GANG SAWED LUMBER Cor.e 1Fourth anepo~t S5.._- J- HALLER 444ilSOUTH4MAIN ST. Rlepairingaei a lty.11.______ 0. M.MIARTIN. DEALERl IN Cloth Caskets, MV~etallic ANOl('iMON COFF'IINS. ALSO '14'S HACK AND B1AGG0AGE Llr' North Main4 Street. RINSEY & SEABOLT, Bakers tad dilerrein Groceries, ProvisionsFlour andfed 04 an lE4. W5ashingtont St. JOHN WOTZKE, Makers)fSire 13 ]LADIES' acid ENTS' 1IS00 TERCHER~S ARE INTROU1 __ TO SCHOOL-C~ ANN A 1111(411RN S. L~ t 14. SPECIMENS AND CURIOSITIES O1-'ALL R1N0S. SPECIMENS FOR STUDENTS' Cheap Collections a Specially' Fambosa Satin Spar and ether Minjerals' Shell Jewelry and Novelties always in Stock.