'Z C(. of0 Tf. $ *1 PublishedtIk ily (Studitys exceed)rduitnrO he Clieekenat',by THE H. o M, INDEPENDENT ASOGIATION. Sul~sriptiee Jprice $ 2,50)per ye'ar, iiivral i a ale.Sigle eopi es 3cet. i)[I 'lie i oAfntAebertors. THE U. OF Oberlin's New President. At the annal Dueet)i 4 of the trustees of the Oberlin Col lege, William (Gay 101 antinie 1115b'Ilted i iresident. iPresident iitlliltinle ,vas Dorn at XW aslittlorl, 1i,., lec'. IS(21i. Ile tgra)i ateil frolm Marietta ('01- mtnilbr (If thb sltffof the ( )io v lo ;ia ~l e n e rf- r N(:N- atrayainterrupltedi his stutdies theto1jo(in (lthirst (,%mericati Ptii M. DAILY.x GREAT $TATIOPC1RY ALE# WE WILL 1FOIR THE NEXT FOURL WEEKS It (tffer ire (((n1s (f (tiler of all kindiis to lbe siilii he thlepouilid at re diiill raite's. irsy our Croll-I mp( ierial 1,111Cien1 a1 23 (cents poundllol. 1n1i Paper, 'Tlhesis, and lTypeweriter iPaper It (Greatlilarg 7aiiis. 1 elolpes Il((to tll papales --- --at greatly reduttceli rates. &T O;OCC EDITORS. estincbexplolrationlitarti, a itt icih (2. 0.GI tels. 'lit,2Maag igill 2 itr he sin t thecarb 57lbFom0874 11..NI. tte-te., '(i. Assit.ManagngEde itor. toes 5(111, .~t 1 1 b. ('slolni:Eio r 1. the I lilbe1C ws I (II1(11111(1 niltural . 0. 10llAAD'1, 0 Bus 1tine anae. ito yanlc tt (Ierlin o l-i sTHE 8ESTc- Sete en tl(Il eacers. Boal5rdlstwit Funished P. R. CLEARY, President. BARGA INS' tCie' . 1"' 100 I i lle f alsai I St .at1 lI'\' ''tilt)'Strecet. BU3ZlLCIG15 & JOLLY. "The, 1101010 Falts Rante- : CENTRAL STANDARD TIML,. - 1 5 rleltt ptedi c lass f(lilt 11,11 iii'in shI (7reek a (11 clIeeegiesis. Tlis thti 'ItSIork was dividd 1and lie' n'wat dtill')tilrs iitile \thti c Assoc5))iaitionl. :sincel 1884' he has Wtillni lne (It It was15till'Rugg) .Ass)1witliIiionwich11the editirof the ititliotini a SalcI'l ((eel) slal by d1)tile'\thiitiilss o-aiticI's tii its paes t Ic it S iliiito hih lai til' ilr f u l;; ; Clic t' er c c li r'c a t cr i l- pat~eIlls arisen ove r the mtiter, and11(1 D. L. DOWD'S HEALTH EXERCISER. *71 ~ ~For Bratn-Worker:& Seetaryple: B1UtlIl11 )1 itl ile's (l'R SINESS LOCALS. A lteo vcid Acincc ie tarrlt"eli at sa~tisfll)tile)'to both1)211 'tJ~~ic.'1u iI zt n 111111 '94. ' Ii HootN r Aomejiiawisc11cillfic, V'Wiwlit 42 5. iopJCiJ('lelechel. a nd F 011 l~~l;\ 'i'.--:k (lf'SlraI) 5. S lim te oInl s d h o o P b i t n -+i. t--I -i i tllroomsbu I 1,5 w)ll i tiih ('lh ilo t i cll wa15 , i se of bah Ntet~ ih, ho70 wnt1rt West Deet. Mmndfoilru lloer tatls'ae thrlik em ,llnt j oh(ist .. \ lrott i t ii ct~ te 'tlt r ity15en s ll II uetofslr ac (let (1 - Itisl ttii , peI5tt('tI (ii (I III ', SIins rtr lilna hut 111n 1 (It I eess asias s h teafor olerk is on - eli's Ile eenlpaoo'a t I is '.a' itte . alr tan nwa en lke r.g, t'e ;o to'.I3a la'ttl o'oal o'. 111i(i ispoulrad il hvesffc lnt I;ts We111 tliP.i Os'tBiarbeshop.si, 11 cienihgrol o'ohs derlatreneuotifo trilt as p(eillisoaiklimle iat n il ill, lMiss Jrteloaioi SareIl 1d he ces a fa i tem orkiscosIcleveiVcofahionflapsleaeems lie c~ene. lets forloailg boodl tte(yn IllGrndeOpera he ostlisotttt.lf .(;e aidtle-sllollorIale, (111her voi eveas fttnd.J raynfsFearyntteshilheroovefloputae N.12 W. It"ii IM- Grand Opera House, ONE Nolir '1(NLY'. Thursday Eve., Feb. 5th, 1891, J1ARBEh AIND)IERt Great Comedy Company. Ii. 1'. .&0. A. ('Odeogao. Ala2t Toledo, Ann Arbor and Not Michigan RaiWay. s Tooe Table going iotto efetal, DMa1i13' Gintg Nortih. STATIONlS. ing Ex 1).1,x1). [.111 15;zp I v Ab'Mi '100 [ rt 010111.. i" ' .... 43,; i ..TLEDOJi l 253'. 4 ,,,Monro Ju t , 1 I it07 7 .NN A101,0i101 1'1' 5 a ..... Icland ....it 1 5 ...... illObi - e ~akl)+. 10 ill I (1~J' }ail t r 1 .... Oar } ,oa 11 ,n' ...S t. oubiS Ao. .. 9.3b.. n4M ...Ast lan.. 4 7 II . . .. ~ n o . I ' 74f ... 35l il... (Foailois...:i y43 g1j": H. CW. AHE. A S 0oe221rs.... i 0.5. P 1ot GEDti... > . .1.IA L W . Locst i a e 3