lac . of , n. WlaIjj. VO 84 S. Ih f the Ann Arbor Street Railway. 1 On taror Electric Street trawys rentso01(. The lr- lan { n P. ( I" lover, of 01)si- cit. . 1' ,Motonof this Ito 'n tfl0htal shares. 1ey have chsdof Mesrs. Corliss and Mec sto15 ti,$93100o o ite 5isooon ttak ift road, or all bttt te 52,- 14sftock wich. was 11n otirc Ol r toit state it mtore accr- atly theyhave ptutchaset ,0i,ooo dpe and $1,000 stock et r- It 0 Ite treatry nissuet. to ruir r nf the road will e gien Orow lt t 05i is tioiel n n is havebhero aloat, ad 4t0?rer here to state that the Va aar fIfornation is frons inside Pitrs ad. correct. The amount lbi0ath road sas $84,00; of bo 5OW ' on constitutes the asnOi k on00the road. IBesides 44 iig utol cl a hosdsMessrs. Glover Morist 00y 24,00.''hY l tve iood of $3,000 to CP ls ad McLaughlin, to n itd before the fifth sofa August h ty the Packardl street route, to Iow0mr cars qual to tose Inics, two newv trailers, a new ta o bo11d and besides, within a year, 1h 0 oe or two additional ines. bo ns aree to pay the nmortgage lb1 d0 OOW 00 the road and to keep or i tandteqipments in as good isiasof the present time so long ar i y f h oods now ont the road t00e Thie ondlof fl'o oco Te a~l tesepoints. cDblty "nend as soon as the sale is thett d to nslake a cotract witt r nnArhor atnsi1psilanti road, hy IIl'reb Iare oth stockholders, be ttltcontnoscr ilb u wee t5(o ar i iers it s0 pilanti antI Ann Aror. ii conna the Packard street rote 00 plcii Itis swill proaly he yati tachitg anitelectric motor biO h ilatlipassenger ars, ts beln in as trailers. lba0 b.tter equipped electric road oueAnn0 Aror road can e Ois tasYwhre in the country. It 44Y 'r best electric wire in use on bas lb5d in the United States. It trs e quality of cars and its Otrae of the best quality of 84 il It has been well built 4ss Coriss and McLaughlin UNIVEMSITY OF MTICHIGA N, FRIDAY, JANU ARY: 8W, 1S91. PI'uCE, ToHtEE CENTS. dleserve the titanks of oitr citizenst The Glee Club. tYING thse expteriece of Colicg for tse excellent manster itt shicht Atv teaaiot r os t Mens who knsow atid appreciaste itey have etquipped it. ingmdefr h ri t lse e refutl scrsutinsy of College Stu- Tite Ypsilatli roatd is pr ofsovttinfrgleirl of ts(d sensts, hstvins a large corps of skilled prvn Cluh in Aptril. 1latater iRatmsay Desiglsers stsd Jeivelers shecially grea beefi toAtti Artor 'Foathas secusred te use tf thte trtsvate ttainsed for bastge asind otlter jewvelled it s asucessis how bythefa thotl car "Chicago,'' antI thebhos swoork. Imptlortinsg, as we do, directly tha drig heshot im i h s wilhe able to travel sitthicotifortIfsom Paris, Londtons anttlAmtsterdam heetn rtttnintg, it has alreaycat id(11 lg t~dut~ i ototis iawhtstttttdsostt h ter precius Ivit ot biganydNihtecn expeitses ant inlterest otl its hbtnds Sotnes. Wiarsteit apttsitiotopho10- forsix tttoths. lttr oterchants all ., . Ih lp tte lt its lssatljeswelletd testify to thleItetnefit it isltrttving itoilIocrtt otrlt rlooiItt ceyJag'tfolkotsshetor ~ i evtt tettogtal oflttil I- ers ty, gownitwhidle giving their coon ttslttttf t Itti idithidscouttry. heClu Nvsill hv cspc ttg a road to lDexter. Iilstostretaket textTIttestlastttttrnin.ti rlh ,Kay& Co tttt coite stosi', it certainly oillin a ebys santg tit a llttont illslast ltt.AtAro r'sWednesday evenittg. IMPOIITEIIS, .1EWELEtRS -a. te"le ad ano Club ~MANUJFACTUING JEWELEII;S. A New Hotel For Ann Arbor. left for D~etroit this mtornting to par- Thie 'Ann Arbor Courier,''in ticipate 1st the exercises of the I). D tr tM h on yesterday's edition, had a lost" II S. Alumtni Association. They article slhosing the necessity of a will sin' the "Yellosw attd Blue,'' Chap. 'Pellet & G. new hotel for Ann Arbor. It is 1pill- "Ann Arbor'' and "Carpe Dilen.'' 2 'The BnoCu ililornei7 OT TT T able but nevertheless true that there atoCusiilas edr 2bSiesSAESs is not a single first-class hotel in0 treestgsbers. yudrsod -11,Ta An ro.Almtost every c itiintgttrayytndisno ArshigArbo.hlfth esz tyf nnAr ltat the 1G1cc Club ivill sing at Ypsi Miciga ofltaf te izeof ntoAr-00Feb. 7. This, bigSaturday rqT T h m CTT1C bor Its a first-class hotelshsile see H kten i OiuK INT±u ±.ui hare not a single one. evening, it is hsoloed that a large A good htotel would pay swell here. nutnber of studetots oill aecomipany the boys, and iospire thtens by that SWEATER'S. BIOXING GLOVES, There are very many students soinissatwhcIteUof1.o- FOILS, St'OETING, GYMNASIUM college whtowoould gladly invite etuis hc h .o .cl AND A'1'HLETIC GOODS. , loge yell always brinsgs forths. Ar- their friends to visit thens,svere .iitSL GNS NA RO fact that Ano Arbtsr rangeotcots sellbe sae yIte 01 AETiN NNAtit tot for the fc htAn brhas rneet i b aeb h suh or otlacomoaton.Ypsi ansd Ann Arbor road so that O I Traveling mten usually leave e the triadasil aiiie il R GH IS N svrletatiswlbemdbytown the oontithey fitish thteir tbe Itridadmt pleailiiswl.R a 't& Df business its order to escape the in- behdtogio pi OSTON. conuveniences and unpleasantness of Havr'AtonmalEe- Attn Arbor hotel life. We wislh to dllon. A FULL LINEO OF clo mn h Cuir o tr- Hradig this msoveoteot for a nese hotel, Harsvard is sending lbhe second as- T~2 TIN S GOODS asid sve hope they will have the sop- trononsical expedition 1toIPeru to jin O-iLi.lilBE,)ON ANDOIl's 0 OicIf. port of every city anduth niversity the first whsichs sas sent out about a5 Chseviot Shsirt.s, 'Tensnss Trousters, ptaper. The necessity for a gotod year antd a lhalf ago. The party oill Coats and Blazers. hotel is felt by everyone, go to Areqitipa whlere the obserea- ------------_..tory is hocated. They exptect t oar- GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHIN~GS. A Good Programme. riyc about the last of Jantuary. They A C0OL0 SELECTION. The Yoting Ioth" scey wtitesll1 ho absent three years and will cope ssocetyof heFULL DRIESS SHIRtTS, TIES AND Blaptist church hove arranged the miake special prepoarations to obsierve 1ne ls ftesitohil vh oe GLOVES. LAT1EST1'IMt'ORTA- floitg 1orgrouss'ortiZs'soi ION IN'1TES AND SCAORFS. February 13,Lick Observattory and place intshle early sptritog of i1g3. 'a'loYlParrins tiqlue Gloves, English Calls, its Work, by P'rof. AV. AV. Cotsspbell. Thtpresesit oltject is to miake a latest. Woolen Underwear, ahl grades, Mtarchs27,anmong lhie'tosoumntts, toore extesosive stusty of the south- Specbi Newe Lilse of Unmbrelhas, all by b~s 'o.A.I.Sees erto stars, antd ftor this pturptose two hrices. by rs.Pro. A B.Steens JLABtORATORtY April 21, Oxford: University and new sistruments will be carried COATS AND PANTS Libraries, by Prof. V. M. Spalding dowit, one to~pltotogralh a msap and and . C Bais.the spectrums of the stars, the othoer A FULL STOCK. May 23, A Parody on the Court- to noeasure their bright ness.-.Mail geqistkforeAnnerbord hstmoLaundy, ship of Miles Standish. and Express,.uc eieyadbs ok June 12, Musicale : Strawberry Oto h e eri lgtSho PL C aunwh atedteUiestThe Pi Beta Phi's will receive this eight will attend their annual ban- SOUTH STATE STRIEET, evening. quet in Detroit to-night. ANN ARBOR, - - MICHI.