'-,T-4E U nlP M. TD)A I LY DINING ANt) LUNCH ROOM,$29-AT$98-$28 48 SOUTH STATE STREET. irsit class board, ifti . 0 per week. Lunclies at all hours. Oysters ill every style. line line of Confections, Cig-ars, etc. NEW7C1 BOOK STORES, 6 South MPiq Street. y 44Sectj Stae Street, UNIVERSIT11'TE T-JBOOKS, j '=' 10INO=T == Me.c5 1-3 e Lw Bok, JIii.ANnIBOOKS, A1i1 IN~S,~ tlllliiok5usediniii it y ahlit. 4Studelis, Note Booaks ,1114 lass.Dr)aft- Coitplte eLine of Sportinig (Goods. log 1Instrumints. Large Stock tofioutain lens. A Warrautedl Fouintain Pen bGold)fatrx1.50. 00 ]STT1T J I=NG- FTFTr-EEIIY F011 in-itols it 23 citt, woirtih 5o cents sat (I . (ealts. I: ct'Articl ATI\ )ISt Of N 1)1 LI~t, TIS SAM.". JAMES M. STAFFORD, TAILOR 4IIP6RER. The best place to get a fIp2S ; + + -PAS&* 1 8J( MADE TO ORDER LATEST STYLES MODERATE PRICES, 19 SOUTH MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR, - - - MICHI. 26S. STATE ST., ANNAlmit~ t, )f ii., Wholesale and Retail Agent II.lIVA Ill), YALE41, I. oni' I COLLEGE + OUTFIITER, Blase B3all and Tennis Goods [a Specially. 010 AND 11 HARVARD ROW, THE LARGI GREATEST VARIETY On LAMPS, int this city. Yon will "lICED STA.R " OIL lias-no e charring of wick and gi Sold at 11) cents per gallon, deliverer 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. THE CAMPUS. 'there are at piresenit fifteen caiidi- dlates for the F-reshmnt base-hall leani. Mark Kellog, medic '9;, ban left college. lie will enter the Hlant- tioril medical school. Charles M4erkel, torinely a '92 Phlarniic, was iii lowni yesterday. Rev. O'Blrien, of Kalamazoo, is visiting his sister ;Miss O'Blrien, umedic '94. Prof. Vance, librariaii of the lawv library, was umiable to heot yester- day. He is soiie better to-day. Rev. J. T. Suniderland will speak oni 'Evidences of Immnortality'"' next Siinday morning, aiid in the evening ott '1A Suniday in the English Lake l-egiotn, at the hionie of \Vordswortt." Chiapel attendance is no longer comnputlsory at Colnutbia. This evening the Day) of Iray er air cot leges will lie ohserved by aj meeting ini the chaiiel at 7:30, con-i ldced by Ices. Aingell. All are in- vited.-',his is ustially oiie of the iiost iiiterestiiig mieetiiigs of the year- A " Violiin Club" has recently beets organized at Cornell. It coii- sists of a quartette at present, but a asontewhat larger nmenibership is thought of. Coombia College will not pslace a base-ball leans in the field this year. Class in college songs, Saturday, from g to ro. Go and hear the new Gym. song. G. H. WILD, Is -.1 anriiilii ILari t'Sti of Fill Dltiis, itin-, ini thii iii litt ii All the latest shiades antitovelties inii roiiseriutgs sail Os euoattinigs. iFie Vesalacan lie hadolff No. 2 E. Washsington St, near Main. G. . EST STOCK, E-USIiTESS DIREC0TOR rd LOWIEST PRICES WMW.ARNOLD,WELER 1 save emnoney by bilying of tin Out ',i)S.AIN STRiETl. e Speciai attention pitid is repairintgWa equail, biirns woutntodor, or nt Jete-ciy. ives a eletartwttte light. M. W. BLAKE, =l to any part of the city. PICruTES, FRAMES, A74 p EAJ% & CO. ART GOODS. l0owest Hu FERDON LUMBER YARD. Thie Aadover foot-ball leant have Mtaufacit-rero ndtidiealerete0- received nminialtre gold footbialls as SAGINAW GANG SAWED LUM ' Cor. Foartht andDeottsn- - souaveisof their victoiry oner c1'x-JHLE Prof. Stanley will mteet the class 46 SOiTH eMAIts at. iii college songs nsext Saturday. All Reiring ateitstiectalty. 0. M. MARTIN, studets are cordially invited to Cloh EALERt IN conse anttl becomie abile to sing the Cloth Caskets, og fteodU fM N OMNCINS.tal Iivitations are out for the tiiar- J. A. POLHEMUS.5: , V_1ritige of D~r. Vt. I). Chiaffee, '88, to ALSO 'BiUS HACK ANt) BAGGtAtGE >Li Miss Bradford, of Quincy, Ill. Nothit steet. .- l)r. Cliaffee ivan formterly ant ansist- RINSEY & SEABOLT, ant urgen inthe nivesityliosi- akters andd eatler-s i ali sugeo is Iie nivrsty iosi-Groceries, Provisions,Flour and re tal, andi is nowv a very successful ib aidsE. Waitigon St- pshysicians and siurgcein at L~atorte, JOHN WOTZKE, tId. Makternof tine ~lle ottusileeOt satitln"ruesLADIES' and GENS' 5110~ Th' omiteeansanintrle Rpiring teatrlytine. ott S. slain S for the atthletic hoard atill consist of- ______- I,. A. Heniry, I:. G. Passett, andilF. TER CH ER S AE TRPC IIT'ibbals.IH. ft. -Pielil, ltrea. - 4 SCHOOL- EA At a mieetiiig of the executive com- - stittee of the sentior latv claiss, this - mot'rnuitg, the folloitaitg geiitlI cni V'rr. %.EW'#I'. a ", W.70. DEARBORN ST. ChalC wvere selectedas injutitges to deciude -' aipotthe iserits if the lirodutitiiss vy of the variotus cotntestatits fair the E LL ANA sMIT psinttionif clasliaoet: litofitFP N. 2 . 1 IIPON STlIJSJ5', Scott, IHoitJ-. .Laawrenice iii I Ir AN Al B. attetI S. A. Jontes. ~M N Q u i t e a i s u t m b e r o f t h e b o y s wa e r e s p o n t d i o - aig t e i k S Ir M~T E A D C U I S T E opeis for piractice yesterday after- SPCMN ADCUOITE noots. Thsediffculty wvas one against OF ALL KINDS. whicht Manager Abbott could not SPECIMENS FOR STUDENTS' have guarded an it wvas due to a Iis- Checap Collections a Specialty' untderstanding between the managers raIst of te rik thmseles. ereaterFamous Satin Spar and othier M1inF of te rnk temslve. Ilreater Shell Jewelry and Novelties no trouble ist anticipated. always in Stock-