THE LU OF M. TDAILY% DIxN N ) LUlNCH ROOM, I$2 .98-- AT $2.98. m-$2,.98 48 SOUTH STATE STREET. _________ Fitst class board, $2..) pe week. Lunches at ll hturus. "A. II.Q Oy sters in eveery stele. line line of C onfections, ( t or etc. ________________________ NEW 1300K STORES, 0aoWmINTIiNci zIxEI-TIAr X titi iin-lansl zjit ents, nortli5os (ellis aoil75 slts . [, ev \rticle 1M' ' \l4\ 1)1stTi'I' NI ltit\(I; tilst5 o h m illS't as s. UNIVER1SITY TI ] _T-lAK, s T oN ~~G.H. WILD, AllBok utitlsetwint il tit hol. Stit etts NitOt1 het tiltPaIt. lilt- I;shran st h s i ve l tSt ii lof ttull ress sntit ls intthe m rt.tti ('itnlitttLine ofiSp t ing Goodis. ing I All Its Oreroties . ts11f ietVets lbe ha o Large teelsiOf Isatitais P lss. .A.WarrantedsILiiin 01IGod ft l d. ,No. 2 E.Washington St_,near Matin. G. H. yY JAMES M, STAFFORD, THE LARGEST STOCK, 31=sNi3sDP uoIO5Y' GREATEST VARIETY c LOWEST PRICES WMI. ARNOLD. WATCHMAKER AND JEWELR TAILOiR aIMiF6RTEiR, onLii ~ s inthi cty.L You will save 1moeyby buying ofus. GtO ali :lei4.; MAIN STalEET, a .5 eciaatrattin aid trepraring The best place to get a Soldl at 10 cents per gallon, deliveredto b any part of the city. IPICTU RES, FRAMES, 44 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. pEAN & CO. ART GooDS. l0eWestlla .5 Q2 QI FERDON LUMBER YARD, 1 L + U1160y THE CAMPUS. The Eitgineeetttg Society programt N autt iserittad dealer i1l Fritday evening, will nist commentce SAGINAW GANG SAWED LUMBER will Cior FiuthIandIDeot Sis. MADE TO ORDER the MIatlienatical Club wivle until 8:3o, ott account of IProf. 11111- _ ____ the followsinig progrmt Saturdlay evtet is lecture. J. HALLER LAES:nTYESng, Januiary 31:Eitvelopes, Ir. The tUniversity Chess (Clbsill a6 souties sos i.NT hutVret I~iebi~ luttol, loldI its first iteetilits its Ilobart Ie -i-rit a -lreai - liv. RliIrkley. "CIte mteeting wtill lie fguildi parlttrs, Satutrday, at . i r.o.M AR IN lieu1 eldtin oomitr17,at 7:30 P-Iill- Attchess iplaters itivitedl. ClothOaIsetsIN Metallic r, Winciell' s thirtd atndftoutrtht The ttopomore cattesltate strivedi A x. PoiOHEMUS, MViODERA tTE PRICES, etltrsti.EvtuA.ti o egietOLHtEteatMUSr.&lbo'. LJJ1\ It cc ~re n vluint e ienad r a 11oc abrs._jJantuary 30 attilFebtruary 6 resptv- IV. I. Hayes, 'go lit, was its townstle {R - ALSO 'IltS HACKS AND liAtGAGEI LI' 19 SOUTH MAIN ST.. iv ely, twill lie heldin teUnIiversity tall. yesterday. North Mats Street. Roomt for atll anti admttissittn free. Prtof. Carhiart's class int:Meeian- RINSEY & SEABoL'T, ANN AlO,. MI Thlie sadjturtetd Iteetligtf the ics, SoittdtlattdLight cotmttentcetl Rakers atideaitere iti FA10~- II.1g rcre rviin lua~eed __________________AthleticIBoard wsill bcehld tuAlhallthtleir reviewt yesterday. 6i sd85 . lashitagiaa St 1 T y v NitaI Iull, Sitliritt UitIa t zp '. Te We slcvan ut ilcd sill give a JOHN WOTZKE, B 11.'L D IG &IL U , We tndeteanthait corsetic kets socsitnthyeitarlors of the )Ietito. Ssterofittlti fo te ppeecLetue ae etdrtchrcSaturday evetning, Jan-tit. 511idSO SS3E O1 TS Y till sate :a1 the lbtotk sires, ntat nr r Reii tt 11.0>e.43sMaa Wholesale ncl ~~~~~~~~Retail Agent IholdiesIf ousthickettsicltetlui ',cattntei T uCHseS tiheitfor as mnys tf iiv esons toss v it) t -last fatl,tinscoinsidlera- To Sc HOOLe'~i a tickt all nigh dwilg thecours. tio of m rrage, lissrettirnedtoA E . R N toam i fth e br ccnnlt i u I~ud s I ,I t liletti if th y t elecs tedtt1 elltecatsin ofite fotbal veanss, cap dii IiL~I.I . ii taifr the cou sIsotife the tatttong ~yea, ITraintor hain t-- ar so. t eiih a l. *t C. W. liiiilelauh, Lav ' i tit rawt . CLEsGv-E- ' -i-s te.LE tti c skitlng yesterdty sprainetd itsis v eshman 't lcc tcltb its beenti H ll'OiSTE3' 1 sktee si adythtIle is coined itto strt t ale. IANN Almiol:,.11N11 1 ORTIlG his root.i3IjilY>asgove of the Fifty rde asic tyigfor the Uni- -N-soecas ioijue islbtvriyo icia ie-rmo.1,M N lntqitle stiseverely. M1r. Richtartisoit, 'S , xiii ak - AT Lc 'q1 GQCD B.1 losttotsUntiversity offers instruce- charge of M\r. Lamnt's classes sur- SPECIMENS AND CURIOSITIES Bate halilaitd Tennis Goodls tttn itt a ltrger tuniber of langitages lng his abseutce.OFALKNS [aSeiatthtan aniy other institution in Dartntoiuth sill lereafter atdutit SPECIMENS FOR STUDENTS rSecat.Antertca. sonten as splecial students. CepCletosaSeily -- ~~~The Beta Thtetes tave lately lpur- hDr. MacLachlan is unable to at- CtepCiciota eclY 010 AND 11liA N YARD 110WV, chased the Henry Wade Rogers' rent- tend Iis classes on account of ill- FmoSllnJewer andlNoheltMies G~ RIG AS dence, out State street. ness. kl always yin Stock.